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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |

IDENTIFICATION PLATES T7 Acombination Vehicle Identification and Rating Plate Is used 197934 Models will have the plate Illustrated below which on all I979 84 light duty trucks It is attached to the lefI hand will also include Camper Loading CG Data Tire Information door plllar on most models Step Van models have their and State Certlncatlon Coda for applicable models plates attached to the inside face cf the dash and tue panel VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION AND RATING PLATE SAMPLE I979 LIGHT TRUCK CADE VEHICLE WEIGHT IATIIIG EHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER PLATE ao A a n I cI fl 1 Iuvmlc mon O O A muufadvd wt MM Au wan IN nu mn inurl nvm nunI As manulactured VIIIOLI lD I I l A I l0If IID CAIIPII LOADING DA l A caimn icinmc cc can w li re appllcablo ws vw MII M 41 lnnamli can son nin wnrusoizn vans vsnlcu llll II 4 AIID ll I 0lMA l lDN DATA ivI l niissuntC O e ZT i swan cnamlcnamu Series IDSS LIGHT DUTY MODELS 10 35 SERIES TRUCK VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Effective with 1979 the CK and G tnicks will display the VIN numeric characters designating the vehicle division chassls plateon the instniment panel and expose the ROSETTE HEAD type engine series model model year assembly plant and mounting rivets In addition the truck VIN plate will be com assembly sequence number Future model years will require parable in design and attachment locanon to that of the seventeen 17 character VIN plates therefore all new VIN passenger models plates released by General Motors will accommodate seven teen 17 characters beqinning with models CK and G in I979 On P10 35 models the plate is attached to thefront ofthe dash However these models will still use thirteen 13 characters and toe panel to the left ofthe steering column preceeded by an asterisk The vehicle identihcation number consists of 13 alpha and 5 1980 CHEVROLET TRUCK IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION V I N PLATE DESIGN The I980 V I N plate has been lengthened to accommodate a documents i e inspection tickets seventeen 17 character V N for all vehicles except CK Truck Since only thlrteen 13 characters will be embossed All 1980 V I N plates will be provided with small GM on this plate through model year IS80 an asterisk will Logo s rolled or stamped in the plate The Logo s will be precede the Iirst character to define the extent ofthe number above and below me embossed thirteen 13 characters Thla and is to be used as a V l N limiter when used on a seven ia to provide an additional anti counterfeiting security lea teen I7 character V N plate Furthermore the asterisk I ture V is not part ol the V N and should not be recorded on any DIVISION CHASSIS ENGINE SERIES BODY YEAR ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY CODE TYPE CODE TYPE PLANT SEQUENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Explanation of the above codasan as follows I 4 lil Izl Isl SERIES DIVISION CHASSIS TYPE ENGINE TYPE CHEVROLET G M C 1 10 eries I5 C Chevrolet C 2 Wheel Drive See chart below 2 Z0 Series 25 T G M C Conventional 3 30 Series 30 K 4Wheel 4 10Series 15 G G Van With RPO P Forward Con F44 Pick trol Chassis UP Models V OMV WAREH0lJ ING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION l T TRUCI 52A REV 1 84 7