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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |

10 35 SERIES TRUCK VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Cont d TB ENGINE TVPE 1979 ENGINE 3 ENGNE TYPE AND DAQ ENGINE CODE DIBPLACEMHIT BARRELS RPO D 250 L6 2 LE3 L 350 V8 4 LSB I M 350 VB 2 LF5 R 400 V8 4 LF4 S 454 V8 4 LFB T 292 L8 1 L25 U 305 V8 2 LGS Z 350 5 7L V8 Diesel LFS 1900 ENGIIE DISPLACEMENT ENGINE CARI ENGINE CODE LITRES CU IN TYPE BARRELS RPO D 4 l 250 L6 2 LE3 G 5 0 305 V8 2 LGS L 5 7 350 V8 4 LS9 M 5 7 350 V8 4 LT9 P I 5 7 350 V8 2 LF5 Fl 6 6 400 V8 4 LF4 X 6 6 400 V8 4 LE4 S 7 4 454 V8 4 LF8 W 7 4 454 V8 4 LE8 T 4 8 292 L6 1 L25 Z 5 7 350 VB DIESEL LF9 SI I6 J BODY TYPE YEAR 2 Chassis Cowl FC Chassls Cut Away Van 9 1979 3 Chassln Cab A 1980 4 Pickup Hl Cube Van 5 Chevy Van Step Van 6 Suburban Sport Van 7 FC Motor Home Chassis 8 Blazer Jimmy I1 8 ASSEIBLYPLANT BUILD SEQUENCE NIJJBH A Lakewood C10 25 100327 327th unit produced B Baltimore CK I0 35 All models except P10 35 and F Flint CK10 25 oertain Flint models start J JanesviIIe CK10 35 with l00000 P10 35 Serles S St Louis CK 10 25 and some Flint models start 7 Lordstcwn 61035 with 300000 V GM Truck Pontiac Conventional Z Fremont CK i0 i5I 1 Oshawa CK10 35 3 Detroit PIMSI 4 GM Canada Scarborough G10 35 5 GM Canada London CK1035 I 0 GM Tmck Pontiac Vans only 8 Shreveport C10 25 ND TE All 10 35 Series Truck models have e portion ofthe I vehicle identification number stamped on the engine and transmission Thils ldentlhcerian number consist of the div s on numban model year assembly plant a dasignerlon and vehicle assembly sequence numban WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 52A V s REV 1 84