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GEAR Output 5th 941 39578 55 4 380 SYNCHRONIZER 5th Gr Incl 56 57 94249749 a 56 N S SLEEVE 5th Syn Part Of 55 I 57 N S HUB 5th Gr Clu Part
SYNCHRONIZER 3RD 4TH 83 89 J MR3 MK7 MY7 94249749 1 199 00 SYNCHRONIZER 5TH GEAR 84 J IST DES 94249624 1 203 00 SYNCHRONIZER 1ST 2ND W CODES
GEAR 3rd Input 2 0 MR3 55 4 380 SYNCHRONIZER 5th Gear 94249749 i MY7 W 3 83R 94139574 56 N S SLEEVE 5th Syn Part of 55 4 415 GEAR 3rd Input
GEAR 3rd Input 1 8 0 W 3 nc s 55 thru 58 94249749 83R 94149668 55 N S SLEEVE Syn 5th V 4 415 GEAR 3rd Input