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685 12 50 4118452 15 000 13 00 4116636 10 057 2 25 4117596 10 351 24 50 4118299 14 685 ...
685 12 50 4118454 15 000 13 00 4116639 14 115 25 00 4117598 10 373 23 00 4118301 14 685 ...
Use 4132562 4118302 14 685 11 00 4118458 15 033 27 50 4116641 14 221 5 00 4117600 2 1 43 Use 4132603 4118303 14 685
Use 4103093 4103 77 6 14 798 85 00 4104621 1 5 033 35 00 4108693 14 685 10 50 4103349 2 1 43 Use 4103094 ...
685 10 50 4103350 12 934 2 75 4103779 14 798 85 00 4104623 l 5 1Zl33 30 00 4108695 14 685 ...
Zl35 13 50 4108696 14 685 10 50 4103354 12 940 25 00 4103781 14 7 I8 85 00 4104625 llfi 1 35 13 50 4108697 14 685
685 14 00 4133295 15 100 8 50 4133469 15 292 2 50 4132645 10 159 2 75 4133203 14 685 ...
685 14 00 0 4133297 15100 3 5g 4133471 15 306 5 75 4132728 12 940 35 00 4133205 14 685 ...
685 12 50 4133299 15100 225 4133473 15 306 7 50 4132770 12 045 85 4133207 14 685
685 3 75 4144115 10 351 29 53 4220102 10 584 10 4390019 10 033 11 1 4141952 15 027 1 g5 4144116 10 351 20 20 4220102 13 584 16 420g ...
Removed 4400312 10 685 5 4141985 15 030 1 15 4146649 13 450 22 50 4230003 12 237 20 4400312 10 685 ...
685 10 50 4129235 Z 1 43 Use 4130721 4125284 12 121 85 4125727 12 116 55 4126320 14 685 ...
685 10 50 4129237 2 1 43 Use 4130721 4125267 12 112 1 75 4125731 12 121 35 4126322 14 685 ...
Removed 4066507 11 1 42 Removed 1 4088704 3 1742 Removed 4071211 10 685 001 4072955 14 880 9 80 4066511 11 1 42 Rem0ved1 4069349 11 1 42 Removed 1 4071212 10 685 ...
685 G 751 4070759 10 052 1 45 1 4371307 B25 2 881 4073725 10 159 2 75 4066825 14 685 ...
685 6 75 0 4070763 10 650 11 00 4072015 14 685
4083153 EI 1 4 1100 7 00 4084790 14 137 1 00 ii 4082083 10 685 80 40833323 12 810 26 00 40831539 1 1 11 1100 7 00 4084791 10 994 1 15 4082083 10 685 ...
685 11 007 4083325 12 957 70 41083154 9 141 040 30 4084977 11 086 25 4082084 10 685 80 4083326 12 957 85 41083550 141 840 30 4084997 11 878 25 4082084 10 685 ...
685 9 4092b92 15 2 2 8 15 001 40931134 1 gg 4 gg 4101926 10 093 150 4092536 14 685 9 4092893 15 245 3 50 4ggg ...
122l E l5 vlZ1UU 4101928 10 052 1 00 7 4 E 12 4101929 4092539 14 685 7 5O Q 4092095 15 250 2 75 Ig 4101931 14 685 ...
4U92 03 703 75 4098694 125 1 3 1000 4101937 Q32 Ag 4092543 14 685 7 5 4092 04 N 7U 3 75 4098595 1215 3 IO 00 4101941 10 344 20 O 14 685
Removed 1 4081837 11 086 25 4076788 12 940 21 001 4078191 14 685 7 50 4078701 11 1 43 Removed 1 4081846 10 741 6 45 4076800 12 940 21 00 4078192 14 685 ...
Rem0v0d1 4081910 14 686 2 30 4078802 12 940 21 00 4078194 14 685 8 50 4070700 11 1 43 Removed ...
Removed 4081696 11 11g 5 0 15 4002050 10507 12 247 4078176 14 685 10 9U 4078634 4 41 Use 604007 4081897 11 119 6 0 1 4082056 10537 12081 4078177 14 685
685 55 592419 5 034 10 593065 5 531 6 05 593693 7 016 65 592036 4 826 20 592420 5 055 10 593066 5 420 7 50 593695 7 518 25 592037 4 685 ...
685 60 592435 4 678 02 593110 10 154 16 066 593705 7 443 25 05 592043 4 685 ...
685 45 592439 5 001 5 20 593111 10 154 2 017 593712 7 843 05 592049 4 685
Removed 4047 43C1 371 42 Removed 405E1121E1 11 2158 2 301 I 4058780 14 685 5 50 4046795 3 1 42 Removed 1 40474131 3 1 42 Removed 40521131 1171 42 Removed ...
Removed 4046803 14 685 5 00 1 4047434 11 71 42 Removed 1 4059153 111 1 596 2 25 4058788 15 070 2 00 4048804 14 685 6 00 4047448 3 fl 42 Removed ...
685 6 00 1 4047449 2 1 43 Removed 4 405916 S 121 1 44 Removed 4 4058796 271 43 Removed 4046806 14 685 6 001 4047460 11 1 42 Removed 40513170 271 44 Removed
685 1 25 4102219 12 075 75 4102357 12 246 1 85 4103147 12 941 3150 4102007 10 685 ...
685 80 4102221 12 075 35 4102359 12 216 10 4103149 12 941 10 00 4102009 10 685 ...
685 80 4102223 10 456 1 35 4102362 12 184 1 50 4103153 12 941 3 50 9 4102011 10 685
should protude M1 bejyo r1 1 ends 40754 34 10 701 L r 38100949 4 402463 10 685 R 1929 30 Jobs 8850 90 30559 1 v f 37 38 ObS371OO919 ...
685 L 1929 30 Jobs 8850 90 30559 381005 l 3812O l 1 J2607 10 685 L 1931 32 Jobs 315591 69 132559 69 4073060 10 380 Screw chmmel 1937 12 02605 10 685 ...
l9rr 3 51209 1g numlber 4097118 or screws port number 178751 8 977 must be 4070793 10 685 Less cum R S 1i 1 1 n steel doors 1936 Jobs
guide Rubber w strip should ptciude beyond ends 4065625 9 1O 1936 L 361001 11 4402463 10 685 1ogs O S 36120i 1i 1 4402462 10 685 ...
Iobs 371001 11 4402507 10 685 11 1931 32 101111 31551 32551 371201 11 381001 11 381201 11 2 4402607 10 685 L 1932 Job 32551 4073957 4 15 1937 38 Jobs ...
Jobs 391009 19 351001 11 3512 1 4 939 Job 391027 4063502 10 685 Less c m R 4091377 4 15 1939 Iobs 391017 1217 192499 3 1OO1 1 1b 32 4g911
685 80 4111328 14 465 3 25 4111796 15 035 10 00 4114225 10 650 9 50 4114462 10 685 ...
685 80 4111330 14 470 20 4111798 14 998 20 00 5 4114230 10 708 12 118 4114464 10 685 ...
685 70 4111332 14 4s7 15 4111800 14 998 20 00 4114302 10 707 2 25 4114466 111535 7 4111335 2 1 43 Us04117s4s
Removed 1 4041734 10 027 M25 1 2 1 44 Removed 15 4045123 10 685 00 12261311 122169 2001 4041736 2 1143 R mOv Bd1 fggfggg 261 Removedl 4045124 10 685 ...
Removed 4038585 10 685 60 4043535 11 42 Removed 4044939 50 4048422 2 1 43 Removed ...
Romovod 4044984 11 1 42 Removed 4045409 3142 R9 5d 5 4038610 10 685 6U1 4044099 10 150 4 75 4044985 3 1 42 Removed 4040491 2 1 43 Romovod
Removed 1 4061529 14 878 17 25 4062260 14 685 6 50 4059080 12 250 02 1 4059843 11 379 03 4061532 2 1 43 Removed 4062261 2 1 44 Removed ...
Removed 4062263 14 685 6 50 4059081 12 250 12 247 1 4059849 2 1743 Removed 4061598 2 1 44 Removed 4062264 3 1 42 Removed ...
Removed 4059959 12 491 2 1010 4062032 14 685 6 75 1 4062385 12 496 3 45 4059541 2 1 44 Removed 4059967 10 260 85 4062033 11 1 42 Removed
685 ...
685 ...
685 ...
685 12 5U 4134967 13 1352 2 00 4139842 14 8JU 1 75 4141488 14535 2 D y 4133883 14 685 ...
685 1200 O 41133895 14 75D l1 UU 4134971 14 1250 2 00 4139877 1l 8GU 1 25 4141473 14555 z 4ll339U8 10 203 2 75 4134972 1 1 iZ5U
Exch 85 475869 4 685 80 474749 16 231 16 240 475185 8 859 1 90 475545 5 004 90 475873 4 685 ...
685 55 47475 8 82 A5 475179 7 61913 10 475547 6 32213 25 475877 4 685
Removed 4025352 10 7215 25 4033896 10 5016 2O1 4035240 10 685 60 4017723 2 1 44 Removed 1 4025352 10 794 30 40335196 10 505 16 3401 1 4035249 10 685 ...
Removed 4024096 10 685 751 4027 751 10 344 18125 1 wj 4345 N 56 1 4035842 11 1 42 Removed ...
685 4 30 4030845 IU 479 1 05 I 1 e 1 1 4024102 10 701 1111571 1 4O3C 84 KM Removpd 40 14308 l 51 118 345 4035887 7 42 Removed
685 ...
685 ...
685 35 594751 1 1285 1 20 595073 1 265 1 15 594147 8 120 25 594468 4 685
2j688 5 hi 905309 5 447 12 701 914705 2 44 Removed 919327 2 685 ...
685 ...
685 6 50 4064883 10 8 4 5 2 50 4065169 11 934 1 15 4066434 14 685 ...
685 6 50 0 4064879 35 00 405 1581 11 075 2 30 411135 771 1 4 4 Removed 4066437 14 685
685 595694 10 Frt brake hose 1937 42 GC GD GE 3656633 05 Clip at axle hsg cover ...
Flushmg Declezie 1936 42 Al1 603827 1 42 94 AL AM 4 685 PIPE Ass Mm 11 s Hydraulic 1114116 603827 1 68 1941 603827 8 964 Tubing steel 1 25 coil ...
BRAKE PIPE DIAGRAM wc 4 681 4 685
685 10 686 10 685 SASH CHANNEL lE ront door glass llnweer 41089993 ElO Less cazm L 0TE When necessary use old channel ns guide ...
steel 1939 0bs 3910011 II 120 Il door gray 1936 0bS 361201 O9 11 19 327 10 685
metering md 1 3 7g 3 Latch plate Wheel shield 8 179 Hydraulic brake pipe assy 4 685 1 cm b Stepup www Y 3 g p 3 Lead Generator bnish ground ...
Quzier 706711 Lens Tail and stop lump 2 682 2 685 Indicator Distr octane selector 2 414 1 Qms cOun1 l s 1 1 t 4 429 Lever Brake cam adj 5 172 Inlet Controlled
685 FRONT mw IM HERE E 4 672 T 4 669 4 667 4 667 4 668 4 665 4 674 4 668 4 555 SCREW PISTON BODY Igglfflzg CUP cowem PISTON ...
685 ...
685 70 0 4090162 10 000 110 0051 303 73 104057 2 25 4091988 12941 9 00 4000007 10 005 70 4 4090182 10 000 11 044 4097474 17057 275 1 1U OO8U
685 1929 30 CC b 1 4400312 10 685 R L 1931 33 A11 NOTE Use old ch 1nn el os guide und cut new one to tit 16 160 BACK DOOR in Prime
From Sem Cushion P 14878 Gasket Brake centralizer 5 257 Front door glass lower sash channel 10 685 F r r h M 880 G Sk9l Cumshult lhfust Plule 0 534 Frt door ...
Slrcrlrler screen r l 3 782 Front door lower trim ad 14 685 Front s rin bum r s Us el C b r Venturi 3790 Front 1 panel
685 05 3672713 3654725 16 724 4 50 3655740 4 832 10 3656634 4 685
Coupe Pickup 2 715 00 754 00 Chuqig and Cab 3650 3845 685 00 719 00 5 Passenger Coupe 5 3025 3150 705 00 743 00 Platkb ...
TRLCKS The following data covers Chevrolet commercial vehicles and heavy Chassis 1 4 685 00 719 00 duty trucks for the 1941 Sellliig Seusohi Chassis
685 4133125 60 L comb No 131 8 4078189 8 00 H comb No 61 1937 1obs 371009 19 1942 Iobs 42101 1 19 IEE 127B 1 1 4078190 7 50 L comb ...
Iobs 401217 1517 27 679 14 685
Frnnl I Q Series l Q 32 x S O Rear ISH 274lU 2830 685 00 Cab 4 Fenders and Spare Rim Included The following data covers all Series Al Pus 1enge1 Cars and Series ...
Universal gpecial Sedan ti 35 x3 24 26 3 4 75xl9 111 7 26135 2755 5 685 00 1930 Universal 0upe ti 39x x3 213 3 4 75xl9
685 ...
685 4 666 scmsw 9 5 188 4 666 VALVE g SPRING 4 5 188 COVER ...
685 7 608 C y 5 398 7 118 d 662 A I 7 608 7 608 CHASSIS LAYOUT TRUCK
EPII I I I I P 0 685 k I I I ie CLUTCH HOUSING 0 Gum A II 6 S i J sI I I Y PUSH 0 695 mmml
4C73915 11 175 1 45 4074410 10 685
Rocker mat 15 290 l Slish ll 1 Frent dcloi Ql S 1c wei 10 685 l Screw Front seat hinge arm to sup 11 379 Rocker panel Door 12 934 r Sash channel Rear
Starting motor drive lever 2 108 stop lump iens bottom cmd upper 2 685 Support Driv r S Sem rem 16 589 1 smnmq motor drive shaft 2 081 stop lamp revel 2 452 Support
hinge to hinge pillar 10 453 Octane selector i 4 z Pad Front door lower trim 14 685 Nut Door hinge pillar facing to l Oil Penetrating driplesss 8 776 l Pad Front fender step
looord support 16 5421 Emir ish 12 045 Tail lamp lens 2 882 2 685 Toe pun cover Steering gear cover 12 585 YGY sh receiver 12 013 Tail lamp
strg gear hsg 6 824 Felt Front wheel bearing 6 326 oor lwr trim pad front 14 685 End Hand brake 5 095 Felt Valve push rod cover 0 452 Door lwr trim pad rear
Valve Shock absorber 7 346 mounting bracket 2 423 Trim pad assy Frt door lower 14 685 Valve grinding compound 8 784 Washer Distributor weight 2 391 Trim pad assy Rear door upper
Clamp and shoe Front seat adjuster 11 563 Clutch hsg to cyl block dowel 0 685 Contact Electrolock barrel 2 195 Clamp Rear license plate 2 718 Clutch hsg inspection hole cover 0 586 Contact
lower Bushing Shock absorber arm 7 377 C p v 1V 1 111111 0309 sash I 10 685 16 190 Bushing Strg knuckle supt lwr C i e S mb1Y Channel Rear door wind
Front body lock pillar 17 130 I Brake camshaft bearing shaft 5 142 Brake pipe assy 4 685 Bracket Front fender support 8 145 i Brake camshaft clamp 5 1 40 Brake pipe clip
3781i 83E 685
ESESEEZ EEE 3331 5335933 7 665 661 233302 i 3 51 333 2333 32 ii 5300869 4 685
685 ncwm 016166 l 0 lliihg 66 6yuna6 blbcli 839564 6 50 14 11 6661 0 D 13916611 1 836453 04 116 x 13 1949 42 A11 3 2 194041 1 1 AKAA 1gi KA6N1
Jobs 629 33 499 093 6 W 471193 10 L 1939 1obs 167 9 17 685 1BRA 1 H E I 1 0p corner 471 1941 10 R 1 939 110bs
Fleetlhile 85 fig AH BG BH 1 2 685 LENS Tail and stop 1an1p bottom and upper 927118 2 25 B 1941 42 Trunk Iobs exc 821649 10 1 wide 1929 All 1 Fleetline Sedan
685 54 75 156 economy 603899 21 1939 40 4 4 COE 1 engine 1935 use w curburetor ussy I 839512 32 Not economy
SPRING 1Z 1 11 4 1 SP Q 6 8 4685 1 G 4 4 685 4 686 x CC NNECT1FOR HOSE TC AXLE 1 6 CQZIEZZFWF 1 E 4 888 6 pm 4666 BOLT
685 PILOT Tire carrier wheel bracket 602587 2 90 1937 40 G H 1 Kc KD KE 476540 1 45 B FC W 5 25 X 17 tires 194142 Sedans
RIVET Q 2 447 SW TCH 1 2 691 1161 w 9 Q 9 1 2 685 LENS S 2 670 NUT 2 679 1AMP ASSY
NOTE Ii cam is not listed below refer to group 10 685 ior sash channel p g 3 1 as uc Om 11 J 4091960 1 25 ups at s1oos 51 oo back doors
685 803954 10 696 IOIOS4
Generator oil 2 308 escutcheon 11 589 Pin Brake shoe anchor 5 055 Pipe Hydraulic brake 4 685 Plate Gasoline gauge cover 3 111 Pin Brake shoe anchor link 5 067 Pipe
685 10 359433 7 1 42 Use 3661626 361179 5 018 5 357904 5 017 60 358674 2 679 2 15 359447 2 1 44 Removed
Removed 365685 4 664 0 004 367018 5 806 5 00 364701 14 685 3 25 365066 11 1 43 Removed