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63 66 Ser 10 thru 30 13867829 5 70 JACKET ASSY tI ote 5 1
68 69 Pass vv PG 3864431 13 05 EXTENSION ASSY vv bushing 1 65 Pass
67 68 Pass Column Shift 5698649 1040 SUPPORT ASSY strg col 1 67 Pass Floor
68 69 Ser 10 20 exc A T 4 Spd D D 3745921 85 lamp
67 68 Ser 10 20 Fleetsitle 69 Pleetsitle Blazer 5959024 55 GASKET lens R H
68 Corvette 3935617 9 50 COVER ASSY inst panel lower strg column saddle 1 69
63 Pass w 4 Spd 3828652 50 SPRING control lever shaft ball V V 1
54 1 Tort vv 3 Spd H D 54 55 1 1 Torr vv 3
68 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv lVluncre 4 Spd 7451756 7 98 BEAFI lN
67 69 Ser 10 D D w P G 2nd design 68 69 Ser 10
68 Ser 10720 vv H D 3 Spd 396 3952178 1 35 2nd and 3rd
59 63 Corvette vv 4 Spd 3760092 3 30 HOUSING reverse release 1 61 62
69 Ser 10 thru 30 G 10 20 69 Blazer 1116695 4 34 SWITCH ASSY
66 68 Ser 10 vv O D 66 69 Pass vv Sagrnavv 4 Spd 66
68 69 Pass Retractable Headlamp Cover vv Spd Cruise Contro C A C vv P
63 65 Pass vv P G 409 3829016 1 65 Pass vv P G 8
69 Pass 3945524 80 KNOB dark green 1 69 Pass 3945525 80 KNOB dark saddle
67 68 Ser 10 20 4 D vv l ltrncre 4 Spd 59 4r VD
55 57 All Corvette vv 3 Spd exc H D 591620 3 20 starrir ie
10 267 RETAlNER ESCUTCHEON Instrument Panel Compartment Door Lock 40 52 Pass 58 62 Pass
66767 Pass 3V55 axle w 815 x 15 trres exc close ratio 3916103 314 50
67 68 Ser l0 thru 30 1st design exo 11 000 lh Sgl Spd Axle
48 53 Comm vv 3 Spd 49 52 Pass lexc PG 3699416 1 00 KNOB
67 Ser 30 D D w Brake Booster exc 11 000 lla Sgl Spd axle
68 Ser 10 Conv w l luncie 3 Spd 250 3924763 14 50 1 61
55 65 Pass 1 y TON vv 0 D 66 68 Pass Ser 10 Conv
63 Ser 20 63 Ser 30 lexc D D 64 66 Ser 10 64 65
68 69 Pass A T vv B S l 2390395 11 WASH IE ElF1 r
4 355 BEARING CONE CUP Transmission Main Drive Gear Ball 38 47 Comm Util vv
4 429 KEY N UT Transmission Countershaft Gear 38 55 Comm Util vv 4 Spd
51 Pass exc Conv 52 54 Pass I Ton exc Conv Prod P B H
66 Pass vv Muncie 4 Spd 283 327 1st design 69 Police Sta Wag vv
68 69 Sor 20 30 D D 8 cyl 69 Ser 20 4 D 8
66 68 Pass Corvette vv 3 Spd 327 exe HD 66 68 Pass vv Sagrnavv
60 Ser 10 20 vv 3 Spd ext H D D D V V 3766601
168 159 Ser 10 20 vv 115 127 VB exc 4 Spd T H 4
67 Conv lst design exc 4 Spd 396 427 3904031 6 35 vv 2 ohlong
59 60 Corvette vv PG 60 Pass 60 62 Ser 10 20 vv PG 61
56 62 Corverre 3728941 10 RETAINER ash rray spring sreel 2 63 64 Pass vv
63 Ser 10 4 VD 2nd Ser 64 69 Ser 10 64 69 G 10
63 Pass 5954159 3 58 PLATE switch w wiring 1 63 Ser 20 30 D
62 64 Pass 283 ext 0 D 64 Police Taxi 6 cyl 3837547 155 50
68 Ser 10 20 vv HAD 3 Spd A 3893612 6 55 SHAIFT ASSY vv
69 Pass vv T 7805265 14 95 TUBE ASSY strg column trans control lock 1
63 69 Ser 20 30 ll D vv Brake Booster 67 69 G 20 2359531
69 Pass Corvette w TW 7805159 50 WASHER strg column supt wave 1 69 Pass
56 59 Ser 3 w 3 Spd 60 67 Ser 20 30 D D w
68 Ser 10 20 4 D w 3 Spd 3817960 32 00 COUNTERGEAR UNIT countershaft
63 4 D 1st Ser 63 64 Pass exc T W SEAL ASSY upper shaft
63 64 Corvette w P G 31821923 6 LEVER ASSY control shaft 1 65 66 Corvette
68 69 Corvette 4904307 05 WASHER drive gear shield and eceentrie shaft spacer ttl ay
68 Ser 10 20 4 V0 W l 1tintiie 3 Emi 3731920 15 ROLLER shifter
57 63 Pass Corvette vv 4 Spd 3743459 11 90 SLEEVE 1st speed 1 64
60 Impala Nomad w Warner 4 Spd 61 63 Pass Corvette w arner 4 Spd
ar 3 w 3 Spd 2nd Ser exr D D r Ton vv H T
67 G 20 vv Brake Booster 67 Ser 10 thru 30 exc 11 OOO II
64 Taxi V V V 3832028 1 18 upper bumper right V V V V
65 66 Corv et ee vv Tel VV 3863911 50 1 67 Pass wxc T
62 64 Pass vv HD Clutch 6 cyl 62 64 Taxi lst design 64 G
60 63 Ser 10 thru 30 vv 4 Spd 3813619 49 70 vv plugs least
40 54 Pass 1 y Ton 3723489 50 BOLT UNIT trunnion Note 1 1 NOTE
68 Ser 20 Sub vv AT 8 cyll exc 4 WD 372 6 l6 40
55 57 Pass exc Conv 58 Pass 3710791 50 BOLT equalizer adjusting BM 24 x
60 Pass w PG 3772361 1 15 CRAN K control rod bell 1 61 62
65 69 All Corvette 3711177 15 accel control rod swivel AR 56 59 All vv
65 Basczaync Bel Air exc 4 Spd Tvmrh 6408709 3 30 COVER ASSY instrument ciusmr
55 59 Ser 3 vv 4 Spd 2nrI Ser 60 67 Ser 10 thru 30
69 Ser 10 127 t B w T H 400 E 45 3 3 16
62 Corvette 1st desrgn exc F I vv H L Cent 565634 7 1 39
69 All vv Muncie H D 3 Spd 3958616 1 80 Note 30 1 NOTE
67 All vv Acc Air Cond 6 cyl TEE vent hose 67 69 Ser 10
67 Ser 20 D D 67 Ser 30 D D exc 11 000 lla axle
64 Impala S S 3843972 4 24 CHSHION ASSY seat separator compt door aqua white
i5 59 Ser 3 8 cyl 2nd Ser exc HT 37 Pass 8 cyl exc
63 64 Pass 3820683 1 25 pedal push 1 63 66 Ser 20 30 D
59 Zorvmm vv TH 400 3949085 1 30 BRACZKIETI control I0cI cable v v I
64 69 G 10 201exc gauges 65 D D 65 Pass 11 xo S S
68 AT vv B S 3922547 41 55 CONTROL ASSY w lever and hracket 1
57 63 Pass Corvette vv arner 4 Spd 68 69 G 10 20 vv V
64 69 G 10 exe 3 36 ratio 65 69 Pass vv 12 luolt cover
65 69 Sor 20 w Dana Axle 2403660 29 50 l 1 67 Sur 30
65 67 Corvette vi 4 Spd SVVIVEL czrntrol 3rd and 4th 65 67 Corvette vi
66 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv T l l exc 396 8619943 extension 1
68 69 Ser 10 thru 30 w aux batt camper wiring 3815189 battery pos cable
57 58 Pass exc elect vvrper 3682936 40 CONNECTOR windshield wiper marrifolcl 116 066 l
68 51 11 10 2011 H vv 2BC 1396 39361503 95 8C1L1 l Ol 1
62 64 Pass vv H D Clutch 6 cyl 64 G 10 6 cyl 64
54 55 2 Ton Ist Ser 3707830 9 70 REPAIR KIT front rear and inter
60 67 Ser 20 lrzxc 0 D ltial wnrgelsl 60 61 8e 30 vv srnrjire
65 69 Corvette 3862804 YD 20 BINDING carpet 1 ln recl 15 286 AR 65
64 69 G 10 3868778 10 005 1 67 69 G 20 3889546 10 005
65 67 Corvette exc Sp H Per F I 6412222 23 76 0 7000 RPM
63 67 Corvette 389457 EI 19 15 plastic Iarrlnate paint as required 1 63 64 Pass
59 Pass 4124441 15 PLUG rubber l3 A R 58 59 Pass w Air S
61 65 SM 10 D D 68 Ser 10 tlrru 30 D K 35 3I8f986
615 Pass 15451557 4 27 cluster wsg ghack 1 67 Corvette 15451862 3 1 12 speedo ant
68 Ser 10 20 Sub 396 ext A T 69 Pass vv ZZBC 327 350
40 48 Pass 48 55 All vv 3 Spd 591099 05 RETl1 l IIE Fl