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69 Pass Corvette 7804440 50 REINI ORCEI1r IENT lower hearing adapter 1 39 40 Pass
68 69 Ser 10 thru 30 w aux batt camper wiring 3815189 battery pos cable
54 62 All Corvette 5 Cyl 63 4 D 6 cyl 1st Ser 3708646 1
66 Ser 10 vv gov exc D D oil bath 3895445 2 75 BRACKET ASSY
61 65 All 8 eyl exc 396 409 66 67 Pass 8 eyl exe 396
67 69 G 20 vv Brake Booster 2336784 RING snap piston rod cup washer retaining
58 59 Pass 348 exc H L Cam 58 59 Corvette 62 68 Pass Corvette
62 Ser 10 thru 30 261 63 4 V D 261 3774589 336 65 cast
6 551 SHAFT KlT l IUT Steering Gear Hydraulic Valve 55 57 Pass 5682384 1
68 69 All Corvette 3951487 175 diverter valve to check valve pump outlet 5 Q
69 Ser 10 thru 30 Blazer exc D D 7805811 22 75 SHAFT Intermediate strg
63 68 Pass 3863251 5 00 GRILLE ASSY oefogging air outlet ttnpainted 1 69 Biscayne
63 67 Corvette vv C AC 3841090 1 89 CLAMP air selector to outlet 1
68 Pass 396 427 exc A T 68 69 Ser 10 20 396 68 69
67 Pass lI l I 1 vv P G 283 ext C A C 703389
59 Pass vv 2 spd 60 62 Pass 4906055 4 67 RELAY ASSY vv terminal
69 Pass Ser 10 20 vv I luncie HD 3 Spd 3915017 25 3 l
62 65 Pass Corvette 327 exc l l Per Sp H Per Pl 385004 8
69 Corvette w ll D Al Cyl and Case 427 3942416 1 50 tnlet 8
62 67 Ser 10 thru 30 vv Muncie 4 Spd 3875924 7 55 3rd and
68 69 Corvette vv H Per 427 8626083 64 85 VALVE ASSY oil control Note
55 57 Corvette 8 cyl 3714305 2 25 VALVE UNIT press reg 4 0 L
60 Pass 5716870 4 70 right front and rear A R 60 Pass 5716871 4
53 62 Pass 6 riyl exri 1955 w P G 53 56 Srvr 3 6
40 53 Comm vv 3 Spd exc H D 54 56 All Corvette vv 3
54 66 Ser 10 thru 30 vv 3 Spd H D 37 9334 23 20
66 Pass 396 427 exc A R 3883996 15 STUD upper L H 1 66
63 4 V D 6 cyl 1st Ser 8 38206 15 12 attach roles 1
68 69 D D exc Diesel 69 Ser 20 vv 133 W B exc D
66 68 Pass Corvette vv 3 Spd 327 exe HD 66 68 Pass vv Sagrnavv
57 63 Pass Corvette vv arner 4 Spd 65 68 Pass Corvette vv H D
69 Police 8 cyl 5574538 10 20 AC type PM 16 1 qt cap 1
66 Pass 6 cyl oxc Taxa Polarte 3885099 43 60 coaraplete 1 66 Pass vv
63 4 D 1st Ser 63 64 Pass exc T W SEAL ASSY upper shaft
68 69 All Corvette 8 cyl exc 396 427 3919807 45 SHIELD left front 1
65 67 Pass 68 69 Pass exc Taxr 3857444 20 SLEEVE strut hshg 9 I
63 Pass 409 3736035 15 BOLT inlet hex 3 g 16 X II JI 300IVl
67 68 Pass vv PG 396 V 3906740 60 throttle valve cont cross shaft V
i5 59 Ser 3 8 cyl 2nd Ser exc HT 37 Pass 8 cyl exc
57 Pass 8 cyl exe tlual 4 BC 57 Ser 3 8 cyl 58 62
67 68 Pass G 10 20 283 307 67 Ser 10 thrII 30 8 eyl
57 63 Pass Corvette vv 4 Spd 3743459 11 90 SLEEVE 1st speed 1 64
68 69 Ser 10 20 exc Platfrom i D D 6295629 6 45 WIRE ASSY
68 69 All 307 3747549 5 6 g 3747558 5 6 37475671 98 1 57 69
67 Ser 10 thru 30 w C A C 3141348 40 fitting and muffler 9
66 Ser 10 D D G 10 20 230 65 69 All 292 3857352 2100
STD 003 0 55 015 0 8 030 O S 41 49 All 50 53
69 Pass Corvette 427 exc Police Sp H Per H D 3958651 Note 17 Note
55 57 All Corvette vv 3 Spd exc H D 591620 3 20 starrir ie
62 66 Pass Corvette 327 exc Sp H Per Pl 67 Ser 10 thru 30
48 55 Comm Util vv 4 Spd Ist Ser 55 59 Ser 3 w 4
63 Spt Cpe RPO Z11 64 65 Pass w l l Per dual 4BC 409
68 69 Ser 10 20 exc A T 4 Spd D D 3745921 85 lamp
63 68 D 01194 230 64 69 Taxi Police 1230 250 12nrl design 65 68
68 Ser 10 thru 30 Gr1OA2O 68 Platform 68 69 Corvette Spt Cpe 3927360 05
Pass vvwSp I l Per 427 vv 391614 fIi 5 67 Corvettv A I 8 vv 4BC 327 427 exc H D vv 3906635 7 67 Corvette ...
Pass 327 exc A I 8 vv 3868864 3875964 6747 67 69 Corvett vv 3 2BC 3881434 10 front and re ear vv 3902353 1 65 66 Pass ...
Pass 396 exc Sp H Per SESPFIING puinp lever Holley 388 782 66 Pass 327 exc A I 8 66 Pass vv Sp I l Per 427 66 Corvett
46 55 1 I 5 Ton Ist Ser exc H D UJ UK VJ VK
64 66 Pass 5948824 1 38 RING right inner R 1 on flange 1 58
65 66 Pass Corvette vv PG exc 396 409427 66 Pass vv P G 327
63 Corvette 6400616 21 25 GAUGE ASSY less case face plate and lens 1 64
63 67 Corvette 63 66 Ser 10 thru 30 68 Ser 20 30 D D
5 518 SCREW PIN Pinion Shaft Lock 38 42 Pass Comm 46 69 Pass Corvette
68 Soi 10 thru 30 327 3914682 97 50 Note 3 1 68 Ser 10
55 65 Pass 1 y TON vv 0 D 66 68 Pass Ser 10 Conv
67 Ser 10 lexc l lurrcre 4 Spd 67 Ser 20 le l lutrcre 4
63 64 Ser 10 thru 30 292 exc pes vent H D A CL 65
66 69 Pass vv Saginaw 4 Spd 283 307 327 4 66 69 Pass Corvette
50 53 All 2161 502336 95 9 126 OL 1 38 49 A11 50 53
66 Pass vv A I R 6 cyl 66 Taxi 6 cyl exc Al R
53 All exc P G 3692517 25 consists of 2 008 shims AR 0 623
68 69 Pass vv C A C Auto Temp Control 3015720 5 75 HOUSING temp
65768 Sta ati 31389471 5 75 RAIL Iett frtirrt I 55758 Str Vat 3839473 5
69 Corvette vv C A C 3949929 2 20 TUBE ASSY receiver and dehydrator outlet
55 56 Pass w Air Flovv 3132945 1 50 heater 1 55 56 Pass vv
2 760 MOTOR ASSY and PARTS Concealed Headlamp Control Drive 63 67 C0r vett 5045374
55 56 All Corvetto 18 eyl 1a dtial 4BC 3711676 210 intal e1Note 2 V
56 Ser 3 3722426 8 45 valve to pump 36545 O L 1 55 57
67 68 Pass Corvette 427 69 Pass vv Sp H Peer 427 3865886 2 35
1 723 COVlER PL A l E Oil lPump 55 59 All Corvette 8 cyl
50 62 All Cowxette 16 cyl 1oxo 2161 31335505 15 SLEEVE rrrmke marrrfold to cyl
66 Pass G 10 exc S S Caprice vvire mag wheels 3875029 10 45 4
40 48 Pass 48 55 All vv 3 Spd 591099 05 RETl1 l IIE Fl
64 65 Pass vv P G 6 cyl exc Taxa P0 rce 64 66 Ser
62 Corvette text F 1 3749170 35 take ofl 13 288 1 50 54 Pass
62 64 Pass 283 ext 0 D 64 Police Taxi 6 cyl 3837547 155 50
69 Corvette 1350 exc H Per Sp H Per 69 Ser 10 thru 30 w
66 Pass Corvette 396 427 68 Ser 10 thru 30 w 2BC 396 3848282 15
55 59 Ser 3 18 eyl 3725080 1 05 LEVER 1 63 67 Ser 10
M Q f I Y AI d Q K Q L M N O P
60 66 D D exc 102 BV 67 Ser 20 30 D D exc 11000
64 65 Pass vv 3 Spd 6 cyl exc O D 64 65 G10 vv
67 68 Ser 10 thru 30 vv CA C HD Cooling 6 cyl 67 G
66 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8623842 9 60 0vv cltrieh w 16
69 All 6 cyl 3911010 1 25 front and intermediate A R 56 57 Pass
65 Pass vv AT 396 exc Sp I I Pcr primary vv 7025200 20 66
68 69 G 10 20 3016796 40 95 vv fittings VV 1 68 69 Ser
63 Pass w 4 Spd 3828652 50 SPRING control lever shaft ball V V 1
69 Ser 10 thru 30 G 10 20 69 Blazer 1116695 4 34 SWITCH ASSY
63 64 Ser 10 thru 30 292 3815847 1 00 HOSE vvater hy pass 1