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thru 80 exc 5000 lb axle 11000 lb I beam 61 Ser 60 20 x 6 50 disc wheels 3 w 5000 lb axle 6 stud front left ...
thru 80 exc 5000 lb axle 11000 lb I beam 61 Ser 60 20 x 6 50 disc wheels w 5000 lb axle 6 stud front right ...
thru 80 exc 5000 1b axle 11000 lb I beam 4 cyc DIESEL 60 65 Ser 60 thru 80 exc 5000 lb axle 4 cyc DIESEL 61 Ser 60 20 x 6 50 disc wheels
necessary to use 1 3834583 bracket 6 896 SUPPORT SHAFT BRACKET Steering Idler 60 62 ALL w 5000 lb susp exc P S TILT arm w bushing ...
5000 lb susp exc TILT 60 61 ALL w 7000 lb susp exc TILT arm w bushing 3767177 1 11 55 60 62 Ser 40 arm forged ...
susp exc TILT 62 ALL w 7000 lb susp exc TILT 62 Ser 60 P S w 5000 lb susp exc TILT arm w bushing 3813215 1 11 55 60 62 ALL w 5000
5000 lb axle exc TDM w 212 74 20 X 1 3712568 1 10 63 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle TILT ...
GASKET strg knuckle to frt brake flange plate 3781778 2 5 002 64 65 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle 4 cyc GASKET strg knuckle to frt brake DIESEL flange plate ...
Beam left 2431371 1 134 00 63 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle 3864148 2 29 65 NOTE Use with two 3855212 bushings 63 66 Ser 60 80 w 7000 lb axle forged
Beam GASKET cap thk W 3 holes rubber 2319787 2 05 63 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle GASKET cap upper and lower 3818886 4 05 63 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 ...
deep 2237499 2 30 63 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle CAP pin 1l I D 3819320 2 05 63 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle ...
Beam exc TILT intermediate 56 O L 2388544 1 25 50 63 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle 52 O L 3843153 1 7 35 63 66 Ser 60 w 5000 lb axle
right upper 3769364 1 6 10 60 Ser 60 w 5000 lb susp 61 62 ALL w 5000 lb susp upper 3784797 2 37 95 60 62 ALL w 5000 lb susp ARM ASSY upper ...
susp ARM ASSY upper w ball stud 3773672 2 62 95 60 62 ALL w 5000 7000 9000 lb susp ARM ASSY lower 23 O L 3780689 4 27 85 62 TILT DIESEL ...
right 3845284 l 12 80 60 62 ALL w 5000 lb susp 3769189 2 17 50 60 62 ALL w 7000 lb susp 3757350 2 18 65 60 62 ALL w 9000 lb susp
locks 2 covers 2 gaskets 6 screws and 2 spacers 63 64 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle lst design std bronze bushings 3853990 2 11 40 63 64 Ser 50 60 w 5000 ...
axle lst design 010 O S bronze bushings 3853991 2 10 75 63 Ser 50 60 W 5000 lb axle 020 O S bronze bushings ...
axle 020 O S bronze bushings 3829972 1 21 50 64 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle 010 O S bronze bushings 3854009 1 7 70 64 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle
center of socket Q to end 3757564 1 5 20 60 62 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb susp exc inner 16 R H thd 5 ctr of I P S TILT socket ...
5000 lb susp 2nd design outer 16 L H thd 5 ctr of exc P S TILT socket to end 3778875 2 5 70 NO I E For lst design see 3783085 END UNIT ...
5000 lb susp exc TILT 60 62 ALL w 7000 lb susp 2nd design outer 6 16 L H thd exc TILT 5 ctr of socket to end 3778877 2 6 20 NOTE
axle exc TDM Dayton H8826 24408530 2 62 50 K 65 Ser 50 2nd design exc 5000 lb axle 4 cyc DIESEL 3874339 2 25 30 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle cast ...
DIESEL TILT 20 x 6 50 wheels 6 holes 3883349 2 23 90 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle 3883347 2 23 90 57 TDM w H D axle HUB ASSY left ...
5000 lb susp 1 IY H 125298 WA 7451124 2 8 87 65 66 Ser 50 exc TILT I Hyatt 225582 25520 7451661 2 7 05 60 66 ALL w 7000 lb axle Hyatt
5000 lb axle 2nd design exc SBC 4 cyc DIESEL 64 66 Ser 60 exc TILT LCF SBC w 261 W B 4 cyc DIESEL Q 64 66 Ser 60 TILT w 17000 lb axle ...
flat on O D 020 O S 63 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle 2 spd part ...
5000 lb axle exc 4 cyc DIESEL 66 Ser 50 60 4 cyc DIESEL exc TDM TILT 005 020 O S part of 3694970 3870822 A R 10 56 59 ALL w 7000 lb axle
5000 lb susp exc TILT 60 66 ALL w 7000 lb axle SEAL ball stud conn rod assy 65 Ser 50 TILT w 5000 lb axle ...
axle SEAL tie rod socket 3819717 2 15 65 66 Ser 50 60 TILT w 5000 lb axle exc 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 80 w 7000 lb axle exc 4 cyc DIESEL ...
5000 7000 lb susp RETAINER ball dust cover 3763493 2 25 60 62 ALL w 9000 lb susp RETAINER ball stud 3771335 2 30 60 62 ALL WASHER thrust
axle 58 59 Ser 6 63 Ser 50 w 5000 lb 2 SPD axle 63 Ser 60 w 5000 lb axle ...
axle 020 O S bronze 3853950 4 1 95 64 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle 1 st design std bronze 3853951 4 70 64 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle ...
design 1 O D x 1 Delrin 3855212 4 70 64 66 Ser 50 2nd design exc 5000 lb axle TILT 1 O D x 5 I D Delrin
axle front flange plate I4 20 x 3 3829960 4 35 63 Ser 50 w 5000 lb axle 63 Ser 60 w 5000 lb axle 1st design front flange plate ...
5000 lb axle 2nd design 65 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle front flange plate A l8 x 3 3841670 4 35 63 65 Ser 60 w 7000 lb axle ...
design exc 261 W B 65 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle front flange plate short A6 18 x 2 3841669 4 35 58 59 Ser 7 8 16000 lb axle
strg knuckle right forged 3766492 3766492 1 8 20 60 62 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb susp exc P S TILT strg knuckle left forged ...
5000 lb susp exc P S TILT strg knuckle right forged 3768962 3768962 1 8 20 60 62 Ser 60 P S w 5000 lb susp exc TILT V 60 62 Ser 60 thru ...
susp strg knuckle left forged 3778497 3778497 1 7 80 60 62 Ser 60 P S w 5000 lb susp exc TILT 60 62 Ser 60 thru 80 W 7000 lb susp strg knuckle right
susp Timken 26820 9414088 2 2 68 63 64 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle outer ...
5000 lb axle Hyatt 131224 Z 7450343 2 2 87 6 318 SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY Front Wheel Inner Bearing w Bulls 55 59 1 TON exc H D SBC w strg knuckle w innerlcone seat ...
knuckle having inner cone seat A 64 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle
UNIT outer left and right w sleeve 3783083 2 16 50 60 Ser 60 P S w 5000 lb susp lst design exc TILT 60 ALL w 7000 lb susp lst design END UNIT outer ...
TILT w sleeve 3783084 2 10 40 60 ALL w 5000 lb susp 1 st design exc P S TILT END UNIT outer w sleeve ...
SCREW Tie Rod End 55 59 1 TON exc SBC H D 63 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle
BRACKET ASSY BRACKET Steering Knuckle Control Arm 60 61 Ser 50 w 5000 lb susp lst V design 60 62 Ser 60 w 7000 lb susp 60 62 Ser 70 80 exc DIESEL upper ...
5000 lb susp 2nd design 62 DIESEL V upper w dia hole on top 3769190 4 7 95 60 62 Ser 40 VBRACKET left 3778809 1 6 90 60 62 Ser 40 BRACKET right ...
5000 lb axle 2 spd std 3854008 1 7 70 55 59 1 TON exc SBC H D 63 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle
TILT NUT idler lever attaching 60 62 Ser 60 5000 lb susp w P S exc TILT 60 62 Ser 60 w 7000 lb susp exc used to attach strg relay and tie rod TILT ...
support assy Z 14 x Beam axles 1 258779 A R 6 861 60 62 ALL w 5000 lb susp exc P S TILT PLUG arm support ...
5000 lb susp exc TILT 60 62 Ser 60 w 7000 lb susp exc TILT 60 62 Ser 70 80 exc TILT I Beam axles PLUG arm support 3765375 1 95 6 898 SEAL Steering
5000 lb axle exc 4 cyc DIESEL 63 66 Ser 60 w 5000 lb axle exc DIESEL TILT 63 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w 5000 lb axle exc TILT ...
TILT strg and third forged 3819021 3819021 1 18 45 63 66 Ser 50 60 W 5000 lb axle strg knuckle forged 3819023 3819023 1 8 35 63 65 Ser 80 w 9000 lb axle ...
axle strg and third forged 3825119 3825119 l 32 45 64 Ser 60 TILT w 5000 lb axle strg and third 3841583 1 17 00 65 66 Ser 50 60 TILT exc 4 cyc DIESEL
design 65 66 Ser 60 w P S 5000 lb axle exc TILT TDM SOCKET cyl ball stud 4 O L 2444048 A l 11 65 ANOTE 3842424 may be used in place ...
5000 lb axle exc P S I 65 66 Ser 50 4 cyc DIESEL 1 I D x 2 O D x thick 3828200 2 15 63 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle ...
ASSY LEVER ASSY Steering lcller 60 62 ALL w 5000 lb susp exc P S forged 3768935 3768935 1 8 25 60 62 Ser 60 P S w 5000 lb susp
TILT 4 cyc DIESEL right turn 3822276 1 7 20 63 66 Ser 60 80 w 5000 7000 lb axle exc TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w 5000 ...
axle exc TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w 5000 lb axle exc TILT HOSE ASSY right turn 3823544 1 6 75 63 64 Ser 60 DIESEL HOSE ASSY pump ...
TILT HOSE ASSY pump outlet 3823624 1 6 76 63 66 Ser 60 80 TILT w 5000 7000 lb axle HOSE ASSY left turn 3823891 1 12 80 63 66 Ser 60 80 TILT
axle 58 59 Ser 5 6 60 62 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle 60 62 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle SHOE UNIT w facing frt primary ...
axle 60 63 Ser 50 60 front primary and secondary no 64 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle color ident 3725024 1 9 10 65 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle front
Beam Timken HM 212047 457386 2 14 04 63 64 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle 2spd Hyatt C 114268 7451286 2 3 75 62 66 Ser 80 w 11000 lb axle BEARING Timken ...
5000 lb axle Hyatt 131244 Z 7450344 2 4 38 56 ALL w 7000 lb axle 57 Ser 5 6 D D 7 8 9 10 w 7000 lb axle ...
5000 lb axle 2 SPD 63 64 Ser 60 exc TILT 261 W B 7000 lb axle Hyatt 357A 3525 B 7451052 2 2 59 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL
reaction 8 x 2 z 3724627 1 70 60 62 Ser 50 60 5000 lb axle w cast wheels reaction ...
thru 80 exc TDM front cross strap 2 x 7 3763721 2 70 60 66 Ser 60 5000 lb axle w 22 5 x 6 75 or 20 x 6 50 disc wheels ...
wheels 65 66 Ser 50 w 5000 lb axle w 22 5 x S 25 exc air brakes reaction 3 x Q 4 3763754 1 2 75 60 66 Ser 60 7000 lb axle
00x20 12 ply 2240163 23746780 62 Ser 60 TILT 5000 ...
Dayton F 8572 63 66 Ser 60 5000 ...
Davtcn F 8755 A1 16B 66 ALL 5000
Shoe Guide 55 59 Ser 4 5 6 60 63 Ser 40 thru 60 w 5000 lb axle 65 66 Ser 50 65 66 Ser 60 exc 4 cyc DIESEL front ...
guide pin Z2 Timken 1829 N 222 2007398 16 05 60 66 ALL w Air Brake exc 5000 lb WASHER front guide pin Z 4 I D x axle A O D Wagner ...
Brake exc 5000 lb WASHER front pin spring I D x axle X O D Wagner FC 15915 2352879 8 05 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division 5 043 5 045 General Motors Corporation 533 HDT REVISED
50001b axle SEAL ASSY inner brg oil 3857716 2 1 00 63 64 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle 2 SPD 65 Ser 50 lst design exc 5000 lb axle SEAL ASSY inner ...
5000 lb axle SEAL ASSY inner brg oil 3874340 2 95 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL w 7000 lb axle SEAL ASSY inner bearing
thru 80 w 5000 7000 lb axle exc LCF TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL exc 7000 lb axle LCF TILT right front yl 63 66 Ser 50 60 COWL ...
left rear 3818808 1 3 60 63 66 Ser 50 thru 80 w 5000 7000 lb axle exc LCF TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL exc 7000 lb axle ...
TILT left step rear 3818809 1 3 25 63 66 Ser 50 thru 80 w 5000 7000 lb axle exc LCF TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL
wheel assy 57 59 ALL W Air Brake 2240163 60 66 ALL exc 5000 lb axle 1 TON rim side ...
clamp 20 x 6 5 use w wheel assy 3752024 and 3762380 3745898 60 66 ALL exc 5000 lb axle 1 TON rim clamp ...
5000 lb axle 1 TON rim side 20 x 6 5 3695974 A R 6 60 58 63 TDM rim side 20x 7 00 use w 3762564 rim assy
axle w Air Brake cast wheels 60 62 Ser 60 thru 80 exc 5000 lb axle 63 66 Ser 80 w 9 11000 lb axle 66 Ser 50 60 w 17000 lb 2 SPD front ...
long 2378835 10 1 60 63 66 Ser 60 w 5000 lb axle exc SBC DIESEL 63 66 Ser 60 SBC 243 W B w 5000 lb axle front wheel
rear brake dust Wagner FC 31969 3772288 A R 10 10 63 65 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb alxe SHIELD frt brake dust ...
GASKET frt flange plate to strg knuckle 3781778 2 15 64 65 Ser 50 lst design exc 5000 lb GASKET steering knuckle to frt brake axle 4 cyc DIESEL flange plate ...
design exc TILT dust shield 3821610 2 15 65 Ser 50 2nd design exc 5000 lb axle 4 cyc DIESEL f 65 66 Ser 50 4 cyc DIESEL 2nd GASKET steering knuckle to frt brake
cast 3761139 3761139 2 15 35 60 62 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle cast 3766104 5 studs 3766104 2 25 30 63 65 Ser 50 60 w 5000 11 axle cast ...
studs 3832138 2 25 30 63 65 Ser 50 1st design exc 5000 lb axle 2 SPD 3890090 2 23 90 63 65 Ser 60 exc DIESEL TILT 6 studs
Disc 5 11 x 2 3846354 19 95 60 62 Ser 50 vv 5000 lb axle Disc 5 14 x 2 3770859 25 70 Cast or 60 66 ALL w 7000 lb axle Disc ...
axle Disc 10 15 x 3 3789918 58 50 60 62 ALL w 5000 lb axle Disc 6 15 x 2 3784239 22 50 62 ALL w 5000 lb axle Cast
ASSY REPAIR KIT BOOT CUP CUP ASSY PISTON ASSY Clutch Muin 60 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle exc H D Brake Booster Air Equip TILT 60 61 Ser 40 w Brake Booster dual ...
Brake Booster 61 62 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle exc Air Equip H D Brake Booster TILT 62 Ser 60 TILT 63 65 Ser 50 60 LCF TILT D D DIESEL exc Brake
5000 lb susp exc TILT 60 ALL w 7000 lb susp exc TILT 61 ALL w P S 1st design j exc TILT 9000 lb susp 61 Ser 60 w 7000 lb susp ...
axle exc TILT 4 cyc DIESEL forged 3822277 3822277 1 15 50 63 66 Ser 60 w 5000 lb axle P S exc TILT 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL forged
forged 3743569 3743569 1 6 50 60 61 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb susp lst design exc P S TILT forged 3768933 3768933 1 8 55 60 62 Ser 40 w stud ...
5000 lb susp 2nd design exc P S TILT forged 3768933 3786541 1 8 55 gr I9 6 850 6 859 Chevrolet Motor Diving HDT 778 General Motors Corporation REVISED NOVEMBER
length 3831898 1 149 00 63 Ser 50 exc 2 SPD axle 64 66 Ser 50 exc 5000 lb axle forged 3831894 3831894 1 99 50 64 Ser 60 TILT lst design ...
axle forged 3841576 3841576 1 107 50 63 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle forged 3852519 3 end length 3852520 l 113 00 63 66 Ser 60 TILT 2nd design
notch 3650740 2 20 56 59 Ser 5 6 63 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle front brake 6 A6 O D 6 notches 3723953 2 15 60 62 Ser 50 thru ...
DIESEL rear brake 12 O D Eaton 50433 3772954 2 30 63 66 Ser 50 60 W 5000 lb axle front brake oil deflector and dust shield
Fccing 55 59 Ser 4 5 6 60 62 Ser 40 60 64 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle front ...
Brake 60 61 Ser 70 80 exc Air Brake 62 65 Ser 60 thru 80 exc 5000 lb axle Air Brake 62 Ser 60 DIESEL w P S 66 Ser 60 front x A flat
axle w Air Brake disc wheels 60 66 ALL w Air Brake exc 5000 lb front lock U shape Wagner axle FC 4395 5 1785278 8 05 58 59 ALL 9000 lb axle ...
return springs 55 59 Ser 4 5 6 60 62 Ser 40 50 60 w 4 5000 lb axle 31 63 Ser 50 60 exc 261 W B TILT
pitman arm charcoal 5672219 1 86 40 60 61 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb susp exc P S TILT use w 3786541 pitman arm 60 61 ALL w 7000 lb susp ...
DIESEL TILT 65 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL P S w 5000 lb axle exc TDM TILT 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL
TILT w 9000 lb susp 3778315 1 122 50 60 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb susp lst design 60 62 Ser 60 w 7000 lb susp exc TILT W 283 327 DIESEL ...
susp exc TILT 3778335 1 122 50 60 62 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb susp 2nd design exc TILT w 283 r DIESEL lwr anchor plate w B holes
TILT TDM right step rear 3763664 I 3 25 63 66 Ser 50 thru 80 w 5000 7000 lb axle exc LCF TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL
DIESEL CLAMP rear wheels Gunite WP 267 3778640 A R 1 00 60 65 ALL exc 5000 lb axle 1 TON CLAMP 20 x 7 20 x 7 5 frt wheel
TILT 61 Ser 50 w 5675422 5673378 1 2 55 60 61 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb susp exc P S TILT 60 66 ALL w P S exc TILT
relay 3766485 1 7 50 60 62 ALL w 5000 lb susp exc P S TILT relay 3768923 1 12 95 60 62 ALL w 70001b susp exc P S TILT relay
axle TILT BRACKET front 3822141 2 95 63 Ser 60 80 exc 5000 lb axle TILT 64 Ser 60 w 7000 lb axle lst design exc TILT BRACKET front
5000 lb susp exc P S TILT 60 62 ALL w 70001b susp exc P S TILT 11 O L 5689445 1 14 30 1966 Chevrolet Meter Division 753 6519 General Meters Corporation REVISED MARCH
left 2446451 I 1 19 25 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w P S 5000 lb front axle exc TDM TILT LCF left
70001b axle TILT rear 3818219 2 10 50 63 65 Ser 60 80 exc 5000 lb axle TILT rear 3818317 2 17 35 63 TILT exc DIESEL H D frame 64 66 Ser 60 TILT
5000 lb axle front
drum to hub 3757999 16 20 60 66 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle exc 20 x 6 50 wheels w 6 studs 63 66 Ser 60 2 cyc DIESEL
bushing 5673587 1 23 30 60 62 ALL w 5000 7000 lb susp exc P S TILT vv bushing 2 I D pitman shaft hole 5689296 6BTl 37 50 GBNOTE When using 5689296 in place
axle SS 59 Ser 5 6 exc H D axle 63 65 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle front
TILT DIESEL 13 O L intermediate w yoke 2405518 1 11 75 60 62 ALL w 5000 Ib susp exc P S TILT 60 62 ALL w 7000 900011 susp
front adjusting screw 3707417 A R 31 60 66 ALL w Air exc 5000 lb axle front return Wagner FC 31922 3774253 2 55 60 65 ALL w Air Brake
cast wheels Timken A5 3736 P 94 2366667 1 30 15 60 62 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb axle front 3761226 2 9 10 60 62 Ser 60 w 7000 lb axle
axle 61 Ser 50 60 w 5000 lb frt axle exc SBC TILT H D Brake Booster CONNECTOR cylinder to cleaner hose 3771296 1 5 638 ALL ALL CONNECTOR check valve to carb hose check
axle 60 65 Ser 60 thru 80 exc 5000 lb axle 62 Ser 60 DIESEL w P S 65 Ser 60 w 17000 lb axle wheel cyl inlet connector
rear wheels z I D x M6 60 65 Ser 60 thru 80 exc 5000 lb axle 0 D 032 thk copper WAGNER 62 Ser 60 DIESEL
Engines Throttle Lever and Bearing part 7012420 is also required D NOTE When used on 5000 Model discard parts 3730662 Seal 3730663 Retainer and 3736528 Panel and replace with parts 3736526 Seal 3736525 Retainer
trucks are designated as 4A 4B or 4C models in this catalog only 1955 2nd Series 5000 trucks are designated as 5A 5B or 5C models in this catalog only 1955 2nd Series 6000 trucks