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BUSHll11G 1SP ACER WAS1 ER Engine Clutch Pedal 76 81 ALL 444 44 4 15594358 ZZ 30 BUSHING 4 626 444 ...
SPFHNG PULL BK 44 4444 4 4 4 4 44 80 81 X 444 4 4 4 4 4 44 14009113 1 16 05 SPRING CLU PED RET 4 444 ...
EVER CLU FORK 44 44 4 4 78 80 A 4 444 4 4 4 4 5969466 12 12 25 RING 2 LP RECT SYS 4 4 44 0 854 CABLE GA SKET PlN SPACER
SCREW aux vac break 4 4 4 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 4 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 4 4 3 750 SCREW choke hsg to bowl ...
SCREW inter choke lever 4 4 3 730 SCREW pump lever 4 4 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 4 4 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop ...
444 SCREW solenoid attli 1 TM 4 4 4 T7 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 4 4 4 4 4 3 755 SCREW
SCREW aux vac break 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 3 750 SCREW choke hsg to bowl ...
SCREW inter choke lever 3 730 SCREW pump lever 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 1 444 SCREW solenoid stop I 3 444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
444 SCREW throttle stop 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach bottom 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach top 3 730 SCREW vent stack attach 3 820 SCREW vent valve
SCREW air horn short AR 7045442 7045442 7045442 7045442 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 17073788 17073788 17073788 17073788 3 750 SCREW choke ...
SCREW inter choke lever 3 730 SCREW pump lever 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket W 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 3 741 SCREW throttle ...
body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach M 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach bottom
SCREW aux vac break 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 scnew cam auacnir ig g 1I 17073788 3 750 SCREW choke hsg to bowl ...
SCREW inter choke lever 3 730 SCREW pump lever 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket i 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 17058060 3 444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 17063738 3 741 SCREW throttle bocly ...
444 SCREW throttle stop ee 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach We 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach bottom a 17071291 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach top 17066683 3 730 SCREW vent stack
horn short AR 7045442 7045442 7045442 7045442 17073293 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 3 767 ggmgyyl Cam attacttgttg t 17073788 17073788 17073788 17073788 3 750 SCREW ...
SCREW inter choke lever 3 730 SCREW pump lever 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
444 SCREW throttle stop 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach bottom 17071291 17071291 17071291 17071291 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach
SCREW aux vac break 4 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 4 44 4 17071386 NS 3 757 SCREW carn attaching 1 70271053 7027053 7027053 7027053 7027053 3 750 SCREW choke ...
SCREW inter choke lever 7019709 7019709 7019709 7019709 NS 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 17071386 17071386 NS 4 4 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17057 075 17057075 17057075 17057075 17057075 3 820 SCREW vent ...
SHAFT LEVER pump 1 17053815 17053815 17053815 17053815 17050230 3 440 SOLENOID UNIT W brkt 444 4 4 4 44 3 440 SOLENOID idle Stop 1 17052388 17052388 NS 17052388 NS 3 766 SPRING
SCREW aux vac break 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 757 SCREW cam attaching 1 A A A A A 3 750 SCREW choke ...
inter choke lever A A A at 3 730 SCREW pump lever A A A A 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket A A A A 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop ...
444 SCREW solenoid adi I A A 3 741 SCREW throttle bocly AR 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 3 444 SCREW throttle stop A A AA TT 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach
SCREW aux vac break 1 17071386 17071386 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 17071386 4 4 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 4 4 17073788 17073788 17073788 3 750 SCREW choke ...
SCREW pump lever 1 4 4 7045437 70 45437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 4 4 4 44 3 444 SCREW solenoid
SCREW air horn short AR 7006119 7006119 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 1 3 444 SCRIEW bracket attach 1 17071386 3 767 SCRIEW cam attaching I 7027063 7027063 3 750 SCREW choke ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 1311963 1311963 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid adli 1 1987 GENERAL NIOTORS SERVICE
shortl AR 7045442 7045442 7045442 7045442 7045442 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 1 W WWWW 3 444 SCREW bracket attach t 1 W WWWW 3 767 SCREW earn attaching ...
SCREW pump lever 1 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 W W W W W 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 W W W W W 3 444 SCREW solenoid
Ishertl AR 17073293 17073293 7045442 7045442 7045442 3 755 SCREW aux vac break I 17071386 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach I 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 4 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket I 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 17053530 17053530 E E 3 444 SCREW solenoid
short AR 7 4544jlL 7045442 7045442 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 1 A A A 3 444 SCREW bracket attacrr 1 A A A 3 767 SICREI I I cam attaching i 1 iirinvavarar ...
inter choke eve 1 A A A 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket t 1 A A 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop ...
444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 A A A A A A A A to 1907 eelrrgertt rrioroes seevtce PArrr r IZIPERATIOIIS Ol DSMOBILE
SCREW aux vac break l 17071315 16 17071386 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071315 16 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching I 17073788 17073788 3 750 SCREW choke hsg to bowl ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 A 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 A 7 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop i 1 17063630 17063630 17063630 3 444 SCREW
SCREW aux vac break 1 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071388 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 3 750 SCREW choke hsg to bowl ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 M 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 17063630 17063630 17063630 3 444 SCREW solenoid
SCREW throttle lever to body 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 4 4 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
STAT COVER COIL 8 GASKET t 1 4 4444 3 761 STOP UNIT carb throttle 1 4 444 3 755 ACUUIVI BREAK 8i BRACKET choke side aux 1 l70605l8 ...
ASHER pump lever r 1 4 4 4 4 17058548 3 444 WASHER tab locking I 4 4 4 7045479 7045479 3 755 VACUUIVI BREAK ASIVI primary
SCREW aux vac break 1 A A A A A 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 A A A A A 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 17073788 17073788 17073788 17073788 17073788 3 750 SCREW ...
SCREW pump Igvgr 1 70454 37 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 A A A A A 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 A A A 3 444 SCREW solenoid
SCREW air horn short AR 7045442 7045442 7045442 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 1 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 17073788 17073788 17073788 3 750 SCREW choke ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 1987 GENERAL MOTORS
SCREW air horn short AR 7045442 7045442 7045442 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 1 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 17073788 17058191 17058191 3 750 SCREW choke ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 W m 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 Mc 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid
horn short AR 704544 2 7045442 7045442 7045442 7045442 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 1 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 3 767 SCREW cam attaching ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 3 73 SCREVVV pump lgvgr 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid brarckel 11 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 4 3 444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 tear
SCREW aux vac break 1 4 4444 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 767 SCREW cam attaching l 17073788 17073788 17073788 17073788 17073788 3 750 SCREW choke ...
SCREW pump lever 1 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 TT 4 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 W7 4 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW solenoid
horn short AR 7045442 7045442 7045442 7045442 3 755 SCREW aux vac break l 1 4 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 17073788 17073788 17073788 17073788 3 750 SCREW ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 7045437 7045437 7045437 7045437 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop l 1 5 3 444 SCREW solenoid
OLDSMOBIILE 1979 ROCHESTER 4ElC Continued Qgmodel Refereifglor Application GROUlP DESCRIPTIOIN OTY 6 7 8 9 10 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam fast idle ...
SCREW idle stop 1 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 5 7 e 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063591 1 3 752 SEAL choke hsg to bowl ...
VALVE choke ll 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 3 444 WASHER tab locking I e e e W as 3 823 WASHER idle needle spring 1 810794 810794 810794 810794 19131 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS
ROCHESTER 4BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION ITV l6 17 18 19 20 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 4 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam fast ...
SCREW idle stop 1 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 4 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 4 4 4 17063590 17063590 3 752 SEAL choke hsg to bowl ...
idle needle spring 1 4 4 4 4 4 1987 GENERAL morons SERVICE IPARTS OPERATIONS 4OLDSMOBILE 31 444 4 nav 1 ev za 1 zei c 3 000 GROUP
SCRE V aux vac break 1 l IS 17071386 17071386 NS 4 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071381 6 17071386 17071386 17071386 NS 3 767 SCREW cam attaching ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 44 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 4 17071386 4 4 4 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 17067076 3 820 SCREW vent valve ...
CLUSTER 44 4 4 44 17054520 3 832 WASHER pump lever 4 4 4 4 7019568 3 444 WASHER tab locking 4 4 4 4 44 NS 4 14 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS
0deI Referencei for lkEp11cat1c n GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 1 I2 13 14 15 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR A 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam 81 fast idle levers ...
SCREW idle stop 1 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 M 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 3 752 SEAL choke hsg to bowl ...
VALVE choke I 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 w 3 823 WASHER idle needle spring 1 810794 810794 810794 810794 810794 1 1QE 7 GEIIERAL Motorls SERVICE PARTS 0PERATIONS
horn short AR 17073293 7006119 7006119 7006119 7006119 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching ...
SCREW inter choke lever I NS 7019709 7019709 7019709 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 NS 3 741 SCREW IIWOTTIB b0dv AR 17063590 17067076 17067076 17067076 17067076 3 820 SCREW vent valve cover ...
WASHER pump lever 1 NS 7 019568 7019568 7019568 7019568 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 NS 17074555 Y tee GENERAL morons SERVICE PARTS oPERArIoNS OLDSMOBILE 31 REIV
horn short AR 7 61 Q 7006119 7006119 7006119 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREVV cam attaching ...
SCREW inter choke lever 7019709 7019709 7019709 3 444 SCREVV solenord bracket 17071386 3 741 SCREW throttle body r AR 17067076 17067076 17067076 17067076 3 820 SCREW vent valve cover ...
WASHER 90010 lever I 1 7019568 7019999 7019568 7019568 3 444 VVASHER tab locking 1 17074555 17074555 17074555 W 7 199 cerigrrrrr irroroas seavtciz PAI479 O1 ERA T IZONS Ol DSMOBILE 31 RIEV
SCREW aux vac break W NS W W W 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 17071386 17071386 NS 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching l 70270613 7027063 7027063 7027063 7027063 3 750 SCREW choke ...
SCREW inter choke lever W NS W W W 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket W NS W W W 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17067076 17067076 17067076 17067076 17067076 3 820 SCREW vent valve ...
WASHER pump lever 1 7019568 7019568 7019568 7019568 7019568 3 444 WASHER tab locking 11 17074555 17074555 17074555 17074555 17074555 W mer e N1 i lAL Moroas siirtvijcti PARTS OPERATIONS OLDSMOBILE 31 WW FTEV
SCREW aux vac break 3 A A 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 NS 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 7036222 7036222 7036222 7036222 NS 3 750 SCREW choke ...
stop 1 17073294 17073294 17073294 17073294 3 752 SCREW inter choke lever NS NS NS NS 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket A A A NS 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
WASHER pump lever 1 7019568 7019568 7019568 7019568 NS 3 444 NASHER tab locking 1 l IS A NS N3 A AA 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPIERATIONS OLDSMOBILE
CARBIURETION L183 OLDSMOBILE 1979 ROCHESTER 4IBC Continued Shee Model Referenge for Application GROUFI DESCRIPTION OTY 21 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam 81 fast idle levers ...
SCREW fast idle lever I 7036079 3 761 SCREW idle stop 1 3960392 3 444 SCREW throttle stop I 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 3 752 SEAL choke hsg to bovvl ...
VACUUM BREAK CONTROL 81 BRACKET choke side 1 7044435 3 751 VALVE choke I 7046904 3 444 WASHER tab locking 7 3 823 WASHER idle needle spring I 4 19117 oenenial morons seavitce PARTS 0P12eArt0Ns
SCREW aux vac break 1 44 4 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 NS 17071386 17071386 TT 4 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 7027063 7027063 7027063 7027063 7027063 3 750 SCREW ...
SCREW inter choke lever 1 4 4 7019709 7019709 7019709 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 4 4 NS 17071386 NS 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17067076 17067076 17057075 17057075 17057075 3 820 SCREI ...
WASHER pump lever 1 7019568 7019568 7019568 7019568 7019568 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 NS 17074555 17074555 17074555 NS 4 4 Q 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERA1 IONS OLDSMOBILE
BRACKET throttle return 4 4 4 7043617 4 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1l 4 4 4 4 4 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 4 4 4 4 4 3 768 BUSHING link fast ...
throttlle body I 4 4 4 4 3 403 GASKET connector to air horn 1 4 444 3 740 GASKET filter nut 1 7024281 7024281 7024281 7024281 7024281 3 820 GASKET idle compensator ...
LINK air valve 4 4444 3 755 LINK aux vac break 70450921 7045092 7045092 7045092 4 4444 444 c 1667 GENERAL MOTORS seavtce eilats OPERATIONS OI DSMOBILE 31 44 4444444 FIIEV
ROCHESTER 4BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION UTY 1 if 3 4 5 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 17071385 17071385 3 757 SCREW cam fast idle ...
SCREW idle stop I 39603921 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 3 752 SEAL choke hsg to bowl ...
VALVE choke 1 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 3 444 WASHER tab locking I 3 82 3 WASHER idle needle spring I 810794 810794 810794 810794 810794 1 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS OLDSMOBILE
SCREW air horn short AR 17073293 17073293 3 755 SCREW aux vac break AR 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam fast idle levers ...
I392 3 440 SCREW solenoid adjusting 1 17063738 3 440 SCREW solenoid stop 1 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 17063591 1 17063590 3 752 SEAL choke hsg to bowl ...
VALVE choke 1 7048904 7048904 3 820 VALVE idle air bleed I e 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 4 3 823 WASHER idle needle spring 1 W r GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE Pplrrrs OPEFIATIONS OLDSMOIBILE
SCREW aux vac break AR W 17071386 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam fast idle levers 3 750 SCREW choke hsg to bowl ...
SCREW solenoid adjusting 1 17063738 3 440 SCREW solenoid stop 1 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 4 W 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 3 752 SEAL choke ...
VALVE choke 1 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 3 820 VALVE idle air bleed 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 4 4 M 3 8123 WASHER idle needle spring 1 W e 1987 GENERAL
SCREW aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam 8i fast idle levers 3 750 SCREW ...
SCREW solenoid adjusting 1 17063738 17063738 3 440 SCREW solenoid stop 1 17063630 17063630 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 3 741 SCREW throttle body AFI 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 3 752 SEAL choke ...
choke 1 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 7048904 3 820 VALVE idle air bleed 1 17064032 17064032 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 7 3 823 WASHER idle needle spring 1 A 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE
SCREW inter choke lever 1 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid stop 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 l 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS
SCREW throttle lever to body 1 4 4 4 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach 1 4 4 4 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach bottom ...
idle needle spring 1 4 4 4 3 832 NASHER pump lever 1 4 4 4 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 7045479 7045479 7045479 3 730 SCREW KIT air horn
SCREW air horn short AR 17073293 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 1 3 444 SCREW bracket attach 1 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam attaching 1 3 750 SCREW choke hsg to bowl ...
stop I 3960392 3 752 SCREW inter choke lever 1 3 730 SCREW pump lever 1 3 444 SCREW solenoid bracket I 17444 SCREW solenoid stop I 3444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 o 1987 GENERAL
body AR 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 W 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 3960392 3960392 3960392 W W 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
WASHER pump lever 1 W W W W W 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 W W W W W to roar i 5n5eAt morons sizavtce PAl i rs or Ea TIONSWOLDSMOBILE 31 WWWWWWW
SCREW throttle body oo AR 17063500 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body l 1 4 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach 1 17071386 3 755 SCREW ...
VENTURI CLUSTER 1 3 823 VVASHER idle needle spring 1 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 t to 1087 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERA IONS Ol DSMOBII
SCREW throttle body t AR 17067076 17067076 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach 1 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach bottom ...
WASHER idle needle spring 1 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 7019568 7019568 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 17074555 Y 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS OLDSMOBILE 31 3 000 GROUP
body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 7 7 7 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
idle needle spring 1 7 7 7 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 TA 7 7 3 444 WASHER tab locking H 1 7045479 7 7045479 3 755 VACUUM BREAK ASM primary
SCREW throttle body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach 1 3 755 SCREW ...
WASHER idle needle spring 1 L 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 17053543 17053543 17053543 3 444 WASHER tab Iocklng 1 7045479 7045479 7045479 3 730 SCREW KIT air horn
throttle body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
VENTURI CLUSTER 1 3 823 WASHER idle needle spring 1 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 7045479 7045479 7045479 7045479 7045479 3 730 SCREW KIT air horn
SCREW throttle lever to body 1 W W W W W 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 W W W W W 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
needle spring 1 W WWWW 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 W W W W W 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 W W W W W WW WWW W W tear GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE
SCREW throttle lever to body I e W W W W 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
needle sprang I We W W 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 WWee W W W 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 7045479 7045479 W 7045479 7045479 3 755 VACUUM BREAK ASM primary
throttle body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
VENTURI CLUSTER 1 3 823 WASHER idle needle spring 1 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 7045479 7045479 7045479 7045479 7045479 3 806 ROD w spring metering
SCREW throttle body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 e 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach 1 3 755 SCREW ...
WASHER idle needle spring 1 We 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking I W he 7045479 7045479 7045479 3 730 SCREW KIT air horn
Piston Primary c 1 17051705 W W NS NS W IEEQEE E f I Q i3L 3 444 BRACKET Throttle Ret Sprilng 1 NS NS W NS NS W 3 444 BFIACKET Throttle
body 4 AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 A 3 444 SCREW throttle stop I 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
spring 1 A A A A 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 A A A A 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 70415479 7045479 7045479 7045479 3 806 ROD w spring metering
throttle body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
VENTURI CLUSTER 1 3 823 WASHER idle needle spring 1 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 7045479 7045479 7045479 7045479 3 755 VACUUM BREAK ASM primary
throttle body AR 17063590 20363125 17060653 17063590 17063590 3 454 SCREW throttle lever to body 1 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 1 17057276 17057276 3 755 SCREW vac brk attach ...
VENTURI CLUSTER 1 3 823 WASHER Idle needle spring 1 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 7045479 3 730 SCREW KIT air horn 1 17079743 17079743 3 838 PUMP
Manifold 4 4 3 275 PUMP Fuel Injection Pump 3 306 LOCKWASHER Carburetor Slow Idle 4 3 444 PUMP KIT Vacuum Pump 4 4 3 280 PUMP Vacuzum Pump ...
Cruise Control 4 4 4 3 885 I SCREW Carburetor Slow Idle 4 3 444 PIN Fuel Injection Distributor 4 4 13 340 SCREW Catalytic Converter 4 3 690 PIN Intake Exhaust Manifold
BRACKET choke 1 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 1 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 1 7045462 7045462 7045462 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle
BRACKET choke 1 A A 3 459 BRACKET throttle return r 1 A A A 3 444 BRACKET Sr WASHER solenoid 1 A A A 3 752 BUSHING link arr valve
BRACKET choke 1 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 1 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 1 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle
BRACKET choke 1 W W W 3 459 BRACKET throttle retrrrn 1 W W W 7043617 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 W W W 3 752 BUSHING link air valve
BRACKET choke 1 4 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 1 7043617 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 1 e 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle
choke 1 A A A A 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 1 A A A A 3 444 BRACKET 81 V ASHER solenoid t 1 A A A A 3 752 BUSHING link air valve
BRACKET choke 1 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 1 3 444 BRACKET 8t WASHER solenoid 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 1 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle
WIRE IDLE SPD CONT 3 444 BRACKIET LOCKWASHER SCREEW Carburetor Slow Idle 76 I I 231 7050425 I 5 55 BRACKET SOLENOID 77 A 260 W A T EXC AC 7043625 I 24 55 BRACKET
BRACKET choke 1 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 1 3 755 BRACKET vac break primary 1 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 7042818 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 1 3 768 BUSHING link fast
SPRING Power Piston Primary 1 NS NS NS 17051705 17051705 17051705 THROT EE BODY PAIRTS 3 444 BRACKET Throttle Ret Spr awd l0as hpot 1 NS NS NS a 3 726 GASKET Flange
iofir GENERAL Motoas SERVICE PARTSI OPEHArt0N 4oLi 2 M0BtLE431 44 444 44 REV 7 87 3 31 ICI 3 OOO GROUP
SCREW idle stop 1 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 4 4 4 4 4 3 741 SCREW throttle bodv AR 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 3 752 SEAL choke
BRACKET throttle return 1 NS NS 7043617 NS 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid NS 3 766 CAM fast idle 1 17059905 17059905 17059905 17059905 7044039 3 750 CHOKE HOUSING
BOWL ASM float 1 17055931 17065052 17065052 17055931 17055931 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 7042818 7042818 7042818 NS 7042818 3 766 CAM fast idle
BOWL ASM float 1 17055928 17055928 17055596 17065037 17055602 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 NS 7042818 17061045 17061045 NS 3 766 CAM fast idle
BOWL ASM float 1 17065051 17055598 17055598 17055596 17055928 3 459 BRACKET throttle return e 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid I 17061045 17061045 NS 17061045 NS 3 766 CAM fast idle
BOWL ASM float 1 17055931 17055931 17055931 17055928 17055611 3 459 BRACKET throttle return NS 3 444 BRACKET 81 WASHER solenoid 1 NS 7042818 NS 7042818 NS 3 766 CAM fast idle
BOWL ASM float 1 17055928 17065037 17065190 17065190 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 4 3 444 BRACKET 81 WASHER solenoid 1 7042818 17061045 17061045 3 766 CAM fast idle
SCREW air horn short AR 17073293 17073293 17073293 17073293 17073293 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 17071386 NS NS 3 767 SCREW cam fast
lever 7036079 7036079 7 036079 3 761 SCREW idle stop 1 39603392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3960392 3 444 SCREW throttle stop 3 741 SCREW throttle body AFI 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 17063590 3 752 SEAL
SCREW air horn short AR 17073293 17073293 17073293 17073293 17073293 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam fast
SCREW air horn short AR 17073293 17073293 3 755 SCREW aux vac break 17071386 3 444 SCREW bracket attach aux vac break AR 17071386 17071386 3 767 SCREW cam fast idle levers
WASHER pump lever 1 A A A A Y A 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 A A A YT A 1987 or NErTA1 vroroes sEr1vTcE PARTS oeEeATTolls oLosMoeTLE
BOWL ASM float 1 17065402 17065402 17065402 17065402 17065608 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle 3 755 BUSHING
WASHER idle needle spring 810794 810794 810794 810794 810794 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 T 1937 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS OLDSMOBILE 31 3 0OO GROUP
WASHER idle needle spring 810794 810794 810794 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking I e 7045479 3 730 SCREW KIT air horn 1 17079743 3 838 PUMP CUP KIT heavy
float 1 17065933 17065922 17065608 17065608 17065789 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 7043617 7043617 7043617 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle
WASHER idle needle spring 810794 810794 810794 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 1957 GENERAL morons SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS OLDSMOBILE 31 3 000 GROUP
ASHER pump lever 1 W W W W W 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 7045479 7045479 7045479 7045479 W 3 806 ROD w spring metering 1 17065665 17065665 17065665 17065665 W 3 730 SCREW
SCREW fast idle lever 1 7036079 7036079 3 761 SCREVV idle stop 1 39603922 3960392 3 444 SCRE V throttle stop NS 3 741 SCRE1 V throttle body 4 AR 17063590 17063590 3 752 SEAL
Slow Idle 3 440 ACTUATOR Exhaust Manifold I leal Control 3 640 BRACKET Carburetor Slow Idle 3 444 ADAPTER Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 BRACKET Catalytic Converter 3 690 ADAPTER Air Injection Reactor Pump
444 EE 443 9 ENGINQE apnau LV8 ILFT Lzv Lag LL 4 LM1 Lre Lg4 Lea 999 i i4E999 9999 9 999 99 7 EXC A C ALT C4wQ99 r gagem
Body LOCK Transmission Control Rod 4 042 Ornamentation B Body 8 132B LOCKWASHER Carburetor Slow Idle 3 444 MOLDING Front Fender and Body LOCKWASHER Starter Motor Drive End 2 083 Ornamentation C Body 8 132C
BRACKET Carburetor Slow Idle 3 440 BRACKET Rear Spring 7 535 BRACKET Carburetor Slow Idle 3 444 l BRACKET Rear Wheel Opening Panel 8 179 BRACKET Catalytic Converter 3 690 BRACKET Refrigerant Receiver
BRACKET choke 1 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 1 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 1 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle
WASHER Idle needle sprlng W W W 55 3 832 WASHER pump lever 1 W 3 444 WASHER tab locking 1 1045479 7045479 7045479 7045479 3 730 SCREW KIT air horn
BOWL ASM float 1 17065362 17065787 17065787 17066068 17065701 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 3 444 BRACKET WASHER solenoid 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle
BOWL ASM float 1 VITUEIGIDQ3 17066093 17066279 17066279 3 459 BRACKET throttle return M W 74 3 444 BRACKET 81 WASHER solenoid I ee M W 3 752 BUSHING link air valve
ASNI float 1 17065430 17065430 17065430 17065498 17065498 3 459 BRACKET throttle return spring 1 7043617 3 444 BRACKET 81 WASHER 1 3 766 CAIVI fast idle
BOWL ASM float 1 17066013 17065602 17065790 17065430 17065430 3 459 BRACKET throttle return spring 1 3 444 BRACKET WASHER 1 3 766 CAM fast idle 1 17056632 17056631 17061541 17061541 3 750 CHOKE HOUSING
BRACKET choke 1 4 1 3 459 BRACKET throttle return 4 1 3 444 BRACKET 8i WASHER solenoid t 1 3 752 BUSHING link air valve t 1 3 768 BUSHING link fast idle
BOWL ASM float I 17065430 17065430 17065734 17065430 17065430 3 459 BRACKET throttle return spring 1 3 444 BRACKET 81 WASHER 1 3 766 CAM fast idle
BOWL ASM float 1 17065734 3 459 BRACKET throttle return spring 1 3 444 BRACKET WASHER 1 3 766 CAM fast idle 1 17056632 3 750 CHOKE HOUSING KIT I 17055613 3 814 CLIP float
Carburetor Slow Idle 3 440 ROD KIT Steering Tie Inner 6 230 SCREW Carburetor Slow Idle 3 444 ROD KIT Steering Tie Rod outer 6 233 SCREW Catalytic Converter 3 690 ROD Luggage Compartment
BRACKET choke 1 4 4 4 3 459 BRACKET throttle return ll 4 4 3 444 BRACKET 8i WASHER solenoid 11 4 4 3 752 BUSHING link air valve 1I 4 4 3 768 BUSHING