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BUSHING reducing in cyl block 18 int x LQ 4 ext used w electrical sending unit 3837160 1 40 24 56 58 ALL 8 cyl exc 4BC dual 4BC 348 PLUG temp gauge hole |
Release Bearing Same as above 1955 MODELS Requires items A thru E plus the following F 1 3837160 Special Bushing Temperature Gauge Cylinder Head Adapter GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1955 Model Rear Mountings must be reamed |
transferred from replaced Engine 1955 ZMOIIELS Requires items A thru F plus the following G 1 3837160 Special Bushing lfemp Gzuuge Cyl Head Adapter GENERAL INFORMATIIIJN 1 Ream Engine Rear Mountiimgs Ito M6 diameter |
Heater Hose Fitting Adapter 1955 MODELS Requires items A thru D plus the following I E 1 3837160 Reducing Bushing Temperature Gauge Cylinder Head Adapter GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Jobs with optional equipment require transfer |
Bushing Heater Hose Fitting Adapter 1955 MODEILS Requires items A thru C plus the following D 1 3837160 Special Bushing Temperature Gauge Cylinder Head Adapter GENERAL INEORIMATIOIIII 1 This Engiane can be used |
transferred from replaced Engine 1955 MODELS Requires items A thru F plus the following G 1 3837160 Special Bushing Temp Gauge Cyl Head Adapter GENERAL INI 0IIMA I I l 2N 1 Ream Engine Rear |
Bushing Heater Hose Fitting Adapter 1955 MODELS Requires items A thru D plus the following E 1 3837160 Reducing Bushing Temperature Gauge Cylinder Head Adapter GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Jobs with optional equipment require transfer |
Ieater Huse Fitting Adapter 1955 MODELS Requires items A thru C plus the following D 1 3837160 Special Bushing Ternperature Gauge Cylinder Head Adapter GENERAL INFO RMZATION 1 This Engine can be used on Diubl |
Release Bearing Same as above 1955 MODELS Requires items A thru E plus the following F 1 3837160 Special Bushing Temperature Gauge Cylinder Head Adapter GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1955 Model Rear Mountings must be reamed |