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Removed 4 1 55 4073929 Removed 4 1 55 3836058 Use 3835659 1 1 56 3847396 Removed 4 1 55 4073975 Removed 4 1 55 3836140 Use 3723581 4 1 56 3847402 Removed
Support also see group 0 366 30 53 ALL CORV il 16 24 x 5ll and support 3835659 2 20 55 56 PASS 8 cyl w C A C 57 PASS
NOTE When used on models prior to 1954 four 455476 Bolts and two 3835659 Studs are required 0 356 PLUG Valve Rocker Shaft ALL ALL CORV 6 cyl O D cup shaped