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TDM 478 65 66 ALL w I LD wiring 478 exc CONNECTOR dome lamp cable to body TDM TILT harness 2965981 1 11 66 Ser 60 TDM TILT ...
used as cab and inst cluster harness 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TDM stop lamp lead clip 2403759 1 10 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation 239 HDT REVISED
Clark 207007 2280105 l 65 56 59 TDM SLINGER pwr divider speedometer gear oil 3716238 1 1 15 60 66 TDM w Aux Trans 62 66 Ser 80 DIESEL w Spicer 5 SPD BUSHING drive ...
TDM DIESEL w 4 SPD Aux Trans NIPPLE drive 2343411 1 3 25 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL w Clark 5 SPD Aux Trans SPACER drive 21213090 1 1 25 4 351 GEAR ...
TDM 2nd design 63 65 Ser 80 TDM w 5 SPD 2nd design Spicer 46 35 84 3852300 1 75 50 3 4 3434 351 Chevrolet Motor HDI 400 General Motors Corporction REVISED MARCH
impeller and 1 seal 55 64 ALL exc DIESEL 65 ALL exc DIESEL 292 65 66 ALL 351 478 66 ALL 250 283 327 SEAL ...
351 65 Ser 60 80 478 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM 6401513 1 8 90 af l l 05 ll l48 Chovrolot Motor Mx HDT 150 Ganoral Motors Corporation REVISED
SPRING Storting Motor soo group 2 I08 fortoperod shift spring ...
DIESEL 65 ALL 351 478 exc H D Starter 66 ALL 351 solenoid w 1107575 1l14356 1 9 25 62 66 Ser 80 318 65 ALL w H D Starter 478 solenoid ...
TILT 351 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 BUZZER ASSY start warning 1116881 1 5 45 65 66 ALL w Engine alarm sys 478 BUZZER ASSY eng alarm 11169140 1 19 50 2 102 SWITCH
CLAMP vent hose 3798750 1 24 65 ALL 351 478 66 Ser 50 TILT 351 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 CLAMP vent breather to A CL hose ...
TILT exc DIESEL 65 66 D D 65 66 ALL 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 65 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 22 O L 3815936 I 1 89 Not required ...
351 478 exc TDM Air Equip 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 exc Air Equip CABLE ASSY 2982844 e 1 1 05 1966 I 762 I 800 186 Chevrolet Motor Division HDT General Motors Corporation REVISED MARCH
351 478 23944880 1 70 60 66 ALL RETAINER horn button 764427 1 19 60 66 ALL exc 478 65 66 ALL 478 exc TDM TILT 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 ADAPTER ...
TDM 212 NUT vibrator horn bracket 74 20 1965698 1 06 2 859 WIRE ASSY Horn 65 TILT 478 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 2455325 1 2 892 65 ALL 478 exc TDM TILT ...
351 exc TILT 66 ALL 478 exc TDM front 24749860 2 4 10 60 66 TILT GASKET lamp bracket 3781611 2 40 9 Z8 9 2 248 Chovrolot Motor HDI General Motors Corporation KEVISED MARCH
mounting 3828892 1 10 63 ALL exc TILT FFC TDM 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TDM TILT PLATE control switch connector 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 mounting 3828726 1 10 63 ALL PLATE switch ...
TDM DIESEL 64 66 ALL exc 351 478 65 66 TILT 351 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 w o integral spacer 3831338 1 20 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT TDM ...
351 478 exc TDM TILT 63 TILT 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 65 66 TILT 478 control 3829655 1 40 63 ALL exc TILT 64 66 ALL exc 351 478 65 66 TILT 351
BOLT yoke sq hd 24 x A cone TDM TILT point 2105048 1 25 62 65 Ser 60 w Spicer 5 SPD 212 exc TDM TILT 62 63 Ser 80 DIESEL w Spicer ...
stamped BCA5713 A 9418041 1 5 45 65 66 ALL 351 478 w bolt rel lever 24539760 A R 2 75 1 65 ALL 351 ...
351 exc TILT 65 ALL 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 66 ALL 478 lever needle bearing A O D x M I D 1913450 A R 85 O 796 OJ99 Chevrolet Motor
62 66 TILT DIESEL exc 478 STUD cover retainer 16 x 4 Z 2357151 2
retaining 66 DIESEL 212 351 478 Wagner FD 45029 3889713 1 4 656 66 Ser 60 80 exc DIESEL SPRING clutch main cyl Wagner 66 DIESEL 212 351 ...
351 478 65 66 ALL w Clark 5 SPD 159 54651460 1 13 25 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT 65 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 478 CYLINDER UNIT ...
351 478 BOOT cylinder neck dia 3 22 O L 5459191 1 90 ai 0 775 0 780 Chevrolet Motor Dixdzgg HDT 110 General Motors Corporation REVISED
351 exc TILT 65 Ser 60 w 62 amp gen 478 exc TDM TILT 65 Ser 80 w 62 amp gen 478 V exc TILT W G 24538370 I 6 50 65 Ser 50 351 ...
TILT 62 amp gen 65 ser 60 TDM 478 Z 61l N F G 3815556 1 7 05 66 Ser 50 60 351 478 exc TILT TDM ...
351 66 Ser 60 CAB 478 exc Hyd Air Brake 56 V 24852450 1 2 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 58 F G 3891358 1 7 05 NOTE Belt unit consists of two matched
TILT DIESEL D D 65 Ser 60 TDM 478 HANGER outer 3765649 1 75 63 65 ALL exc LCF TILT DIESEL 65 Ser 60 TDM 478 HANGER inner assy ...
DIESEL 65 Ser 60 TDM 478 long hook end 18 X 3 3768771 1 25 NOTE Rework threaded end 60 66 ALL exc TILT DIESEL D D 65 Ser 60 TDM 478 long hook ...
351 exc TILT f 65 66 ALL 478 exc vLCF 66 ALL 351 exc TILT 66 Ser 60 TDM 212 23929660 2 60 66 ALL 159 212 exc TILT hook
without oil cooler 3155667 1 141 50 65 Ser 50 60 351 478 exc H D 478 TDM TILT 65 66 Ser 60 TDM ...
TDM TILT H D Cooling 30022150 1 113 50 65 Ser 50 60 351 478 exc TDM TILT 65 Ser 60 TDM 478 exc H D Eng H D Rad 65 Ser 80 TDM ...
TILT TDM 30061280 1 165 00 i 66 Ser 60 w H D Cooling I I D 478 exc TILT TDM 30061290 1 290 00 66 Ser 50 w H D Cooling 351
panel 2985636 A 1 22 70 64 66 ALL exc FFC TILT 478 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 instrument cluster 2985502 1 6 20 64 65 ALL exc FFC TILT DIESEL ...
DIESEL chassis 2988195 1 29 95 65 Ser 60 TDM 478 gen and forward lamp 29888780 1 15 50 65 66 TILT 212 351 exc jumper cable instrument panel ...
TILT jumper cable f 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 instrument panel 29889380 1 34 50 65 66 ALL Batt gauge w H D Wiring 351 478 exc TILT volt meter to body harness
351 478 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM oil gallery hole 24106240 5 05 65 ALL 351 478 cyl and case or hole cup type ...
pump inlet tube seal 5126492 l 1 26 65 66 ALL w Air Brake 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM ADAPTER oil pressure gauge pipe ...
TILT 212 351 CONNECTOR oil press gauge upper 74 20 x 4 27 125620 1 8 963 Q 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division l 53l General Motors Corporation 1 75 HDT REVISED
351 478 65 66 TILT 351 amber use w lamps stamped 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 DIETZ 3856498 2 1 15 64 66 ALL exc FFC 351 478 65 66 TILT 351 ...
351 478 GASKET lamp lens amber 5953584 2 40 64 66 ALL exc FFC 351 478 65 66 TILT 351 GASKET lamp lens amber use 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 w lamps stamped DIETZ ...
351 478 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 65 66 Ser 50 TILT 351 3873162 1 1 27 65 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 65 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM
filter 292 65 66 ALL 351 478 66 Ser 60 80 366 shell and stud to cover 42 O D 5573711 1 20 62 66 Ser 60 80 w 2 qt filter ...
filter 3821550 1 20 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT 65 ALL 478 exc TDM H D f Engine oil cooler 66 ALL 478 exc TDM by pass valve spring plug ...
cover nut gasket type OF 225 5574350 1 48 I966 Chevrolet Motor Division 189 1 837 I 844 General Motors Corporation HDT REVISED MAY 1 I966
TDM 478 exc H D Rad 65 66 Ser 60 478 exc H D Cooling TDM LCF TILT fiberglass 24861880 1 13 25 65 66 ALL 159 212 exc TILT ...
Cooling 478 exc LCF TDM TILT 65 Ser 60 TDM w H D Rad H D 478 24636200 1 21 50 65 Ser 80 TDM w H D Cooling 478 steel ...
Cooling 478 24636280 1 22 50 J 1966 1 276 I 277 168 Chevrolet Motor Division HDT General Motors Corporation REVISED MARCH
55 56 Ser 5 w H D Brake Booster SS 59 Ser 6 w H
Starter exc DIESEL 65 ALL 351 478 exc H D Starter 66 ALL 351 w 1107575 7591 1940385 1 4 00 65 ALL w H D Starter ...
design at top hole 16 x 3 3792380 1 6 609 65 ALL 351 478 exc H D Starter 66 TILT 351 through w 1107575 19609080 2 35 65 66 ALL 159 212 through ...
351 478 66 ALL 478 through w 1113659 18838650 2 75 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT through w 1107591 19653890 2 1 05 55 57 ALL 8 cyl exc TDM STUD special
sink 1100694 1 62 00 62 65 ALL 66 Ser 50 80 exc DIESEL 66 Ser 60 TDM TILT 366 62 amp A C DELCOTRON lst design Shaft ...
DELCOTRON 1100750 1 62 00 z 66 ALL 351 478 2nd design 62 amp A C Shaft O D 1117754 1 f I966 Chevrolet Motor Division 2 274 2 275 6 ner Motors Corporation
351 478 exc TILT TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 right 4527980 l 2 50 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 left ...
TILT 2nd design exc 212 351 VALVE ASSY temp control 3149677 1 13 95 60 63 ALL 64 66 TILT exc 212 351 COVER ASSY control valve w gasket 3157165 1 90 NOTE ...
TILT Ser 60 DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 212 exc TILT TDM 65 66 TILT exc 212 351 GASKET control valve 3142694 1 15 9 990 FIRE EXTINGUISHER RECHARGE KIT 62 66 ALL fire
reinforcement 3827846 1 1 98 65 TILT 351 478 exc H D 65 ALL 1 I D 478 1st design 66 Ser SO 351 66 TDM 478 exc H D PULLEY ASSY ...
pulley 3 dia 3739294 1 2 60 65 ALL 351 478 exc TDM 66 TILT 351 HUB fan blade 24630580 1 46 75 55 66 ALL exc 348 409 DIESEL HUB pulley ...
ASSY fan 5135773 l 1 29 17 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division 131 I General Motors Corporation REVISED
351 exc TILT 65 66 ALL 478 exc TDM left 24395190 1 1 60 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT 65 66 ALL 478 exc TDM right 24395200 1 1 60 65 Ser 80 TDM ...
351 478 65 66 TILT 351 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 910786 l 9 60 65 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 65 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM ...
351 exc TILT 65 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 478 w dir sig L H 22340170 2 4 25 2 68l DOOR Tail and Stop Lamp
351 478 exc TILT TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 OUTLET btr def L H 24527150 1 1 35 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT TDM V 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 OUTLET ...
TILT SEAL heater to distributor duct 3771498 1 20 62 65 ALL exc FFC TILT 351 478 65 TDM 351 478 3813748 2 35 62 64 ALL exc TILT 64 66 ALL exc TILT ...
TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 ALL exc TILT 351 478 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 heater and defroster deluxe 3839760 1 3 75 64 66 ALL exc DIESEL TILT heater and defroster economy
TILT 351 478 w pipe 24603600 1 11 25 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 w pipe 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc LCF TDM TILT main cyl to slave lwr pipe ...
TILT 478 main cylinder to slave cyl from w pipe 24799750 1 6 35 Chelgxt Motor Division 0 80 O 785 General Motors Corporation lll HDI REVISED MARCH
351 exc TILT dual type 5467734 1 4 650 65 Ser 50 TILT 351 65 Ser 60 478 exc TDM dual type 1 dia cyl 54645100 1 4 650 65 Ser 80 TDM ...
TDM dual type 1 x 1 dia 5464540 O 1 4 650 66 Ser 60 w A O H B exc TDM 66 Ser 60 212 478 TDM exc Air Brake ...
TDM Wagner FF54834 24880200 1 4 650 65 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 65 66 Ser 60 80 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 CYLINDER UNIT 54651840 1 1 4 1 TNOTE Consists
HORN UNIT VALVE ASSY PLATE 55 65 ALL 66 ALL exc 351 478 66 TILT 351 66 TDM 478 vibrator low note stamped 9000513 9000513 1 7 20 55 56 ALL w Deluxe equip ...
TILT D D 351 478 212 H D A CL 66 Ser 50 60 351 478 exc TILT LCF 66 Ser 60 TDM 212 vibrator ...
351 478 exc TDM TILT 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 65 66 TILT w H D Wiring 478 1116920 1 2 47 63 66 ALL exc 351 478 65 66 TILT 351
351 478 exc TILT TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 defroster control 24544610 1 50 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 temp control ...
351 478 exc TILT TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 air inlet control 24624810 1 65 ALL ALL CABLE UNIT vent htr air cond cables il 3862203 T 1 9 70 TNOTE Unit consists ...
TILT 351 478 A 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 GUIDE air vent valve handle 3842640 2 35 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 GUIDE air vent valve
thru 80 w pos vent 8 cyl exc TDM 60 62 TDM 63 65 Ser 50 60 ALL 8 cyl 63 65 Ser 50 60 TILT exc 8 cyl 4 cyc DIESEL ...
slots 59 Ser 4 6 w L D 283 60 62 ALL 8 cyl exc pos vent TDM air breather type FBS 1552233 1 1 41 55 58 Ser 4 6 w pos vent ...
TILT 65 TILT 351 478 66 Ser 50 TILT 351 vv gasket on rocker arm cover 3835665 1 53 62 TILT 6 cyl exc closed vent pos vent 2 SA O D plain round
TDM TILT H D Cooling 2462750 1 2 65 65 Ser 50 60 351 478 exc TILT H D Cooling 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 exc H D Cooling 66 Ser 60 TDM ...
TILT 478 exc H D Cooling 65 66 TILT 351 24627610 1 3 05 65 66 ALL 159 3868403 1 2 15 V 65 ALL 212 exc TILT ...
351 478 exc TILT TDM 24907980 1 2 15 66 ALL 212 exc TILT 3898554 1 1 45 65 66 ALL 351 478 cyl head to front cover 24880280 2 1 25 60 62 TILT
trailer air brake 351 478 65 66 TILT 351 2 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 exc trailer air brake CLIP control switch wire 3829503 A R 05 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT ...
lamp 2985560 1 5 60 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TDM TILT WIRE ASSY dir sig control brg 24532230 1 1 90 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 WIRE ASSY dir sig control brg 245532 s ...
351 478 exc TDM TILT CONTROL ASSY 24525050 1 6 50 65 TDM 351 478 CONTROL ASSY 24525040 1 6 50 65 TILT 478 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 CONTROL ASSY 22525040 1 66 TILT
Spicer 5 SPD 212 exc TDM TILT SPACER bearing Spicer 30 37 23 3831680 1 4 95 65 66 ALL w 12 13 in clu 351 478 ROLLER lever needle 2334312 I 01 NOTE ...
Spicer 5 SPD 212 exc TILT TDM 1 O D x 2054 O L 3830776 1 6 85 62 Ser 80 DIESEL ...
collar yoke drive cross 3831222 A 1 4 50 ANOTE Not used with powermatic on TILT TDM and conventional cab chassis 63 64 Ser 80 8 SPD w Air Equip collar drive cross
TDM H D wiring lamp jumper feed 29889760 1 85 65 66 ALL 351 exc TH T 65 66 ALL 478 exc TDM J 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 FLASHER UNIT hazard ...
351 478 D D 65 66 LCF TDM TILT 351 478 LAMP UNIT marker amber 985977 1 3 70 66 Ser 50 60 351 478 LAMP UNIT marker ...
roof marker HARNESS ASSY marker and ident lamp 29889770 1 75 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TDM H D Wiring WIRE ASSY emerg disability switch 65 66 ALL w emerg air brake
VALVE usedw pump cast 3832182 3829433 1 37 65 66 ALL 351 478 VALVE relief 12473280 1 30 66 Ser 60 80 366 VALVE 3860377 1 42 66 ALL 318 VALVE reg and relief 5136093 l ...
TDM w Tach 478 w gear tach flex 24495040 1 13 50 65 ALL 351 478 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM oil pump drive ...
5195687 l 1 34 89 65 66 ALL 159 ROTOR ASSY 5195714 l 1 24 37 65 66 ALL 351 478 ROTOR ASSY w shaft 2480487 1 17 50 55 57 ALL 265 283 SLEEVE drive shaft
351 478 long A 12 x 5 2448983 o 10 50 65 66 ALL 351 478 short 94 12 x 1 24489730 12 30 66 ALL 366 long 4 O L raised cross ...
short 2 O L raised cross on top of head 3877669 8 30 65 66 ALL 351 478 PIN cyl head to block 23677030 2 10 66 ALL 366 PIN hollow dowel ...
351 PLUG core hole 555679 2 23 62 LCF DIESEL CONNECTOR ether cup brass I 4 x Y 3816776 1 5 40 65 ALL 351 478 exc TDM CONNECTOR cyl head 65 Ser 80 TDM
DIESEL 65 66 Ser SO 60 159 351 478 less ball stud 3765372 1 5 10 60 62 ALL 327 348 409 63 66 ALL 327 348 366 65 66 ALL 159 212 less ...
ball stud 3765371 1 8 50 I 65 Ser 80 478 exc TDM 24430320 1 10 45 I 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 23665370 1 7 75 62 64 Ser 60 w Clark ...
351 478 exc H D 478 socket hd M 20 thd l Q long 2054961 1 50 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division 0 787 0 796 General Motors Corporotion 1 13 HDT V REVISED MAY1
batt charge gauge 351 478 exc H D Wiring TILT 29828450 1 3 50 65 66 ALL 478 exc LCF TDM TILT H D Wiring ...
351 exc TILT eng and gen 29861400 l 15 00 65 66 Ser 60 w l l D wiring 478 exc TILT TDM LCF 65 Ser 80 w H D wiring 478 exc TILT TDM ...
TDM L TILT Trailer jumper cable 6289429 1 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division 237 Generol Motors Corporation REVISED MARCH
vent valve brass 18 A pipe thds 3715755 1 3 45 56 60 ALL 62 TDM 63 64 Ser 80 exc LCF DIESEL TEE vent valve pipe Z 18 int 60 61 TILT ...
TILT 62 Ser 80 w pos vent exc LCF vacuum control check valve to TDM manifold pipe 63 64 Ser 60 w P T 327 63 64 Ser 60 TILT ...
brake booster vacuum control check valve hose 64 Ser 80 exc LCF TDM DIESEL vent valve 3729398 1 2 00 56 Ser 8 w A O H B exc 2 SPD TEE ventilator valve
TDM ...
brace A 18 x 1 3819910 A R 4 648 66 ALL 351 exc TILT 66 ALL 478 exc TDM NUT gen to bracket Z 16 x 24804980 1 4 898 2 279 ARMATURE ROTOR ...
TDM P S 30 amp LCI part of 1105947 58 62 ALL 35 amp part of 1102173 2202 2268 1940161 1 20 12 55 57 ALL exc P S 40 amp part
TDM 4 cyc DIESEL w 34000 lb axle torgue divider output shaft 2381l0 D 1 28 60 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL U joint flange aux trans prop shaft ...
TDM w Aux Trans 63 65 Ser 80 TDM w 4 SPD Aux Trans exc LCF 4 cyc DIESEL YOKE ASSY prop shaft sleeve Spicer 63 64 Ser 80 TDM ...
TDM w 4 SPD Aux Trans 63 66 Ser 80 TDM w Aux Trans exc DIESEL 64 66 Ser 80 23000 lb axle exc TILT TDM 4 cyc DIESEL 64 66 Ser 80 TILT
351 478 cyl case core hole frt cover 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM core hole stud 1 dia 23796210 A R 15 65 66 ALL 351 478 cyl case oil hole ...
351 478 cyl case core hole dia 23695610 1 20 65 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 66 Ser 50 60 351 478 cyl bead core hole 555679 2 23 65 66 Ser 80 318 front ...
BAFFLE Cylinder Block 56 59 ALL 322 3 x 6 1343639 1 36 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division 79 Generul Motors Corporation REVISED
grille filler complete 3733662 1 1 287 58 59 ALL STRAINER grille 3744813 1 30 60 61 TDM 60 61 Ser 80 exc LCF 62 66 Ser 80 exc LCF TILT DIESEL ...
DIESEL SCREEN grille filler panel air cleaner 3771195 1 85 66 ALL 159 212 exc TILT TDM 66 ALL exc TILT D D DIESEL SCREEN UNIT insect 986613 1 1 43 62 63 LCF DIESEL ...
TDM 65 Ser 80 478 exc LCF TILT PLATE grille name 3794958 1 1 268 65 ALL 351 478 exc LCF TDM TILT GUARD UNIT grille 22340360 1 52 00 65 Ser 80 TDM
SCREW w szasket 1390566 1 50 62 DIESEL 63 66 Ser 60 212 exc TDM TILT 63 Ser 80 DIESEL w H D Comp P T 64 66 ALL 318 SCREW ...
SCREW Magnetic 14 20 X 1 3866916 1 I O0 65 66 ALL 351 478 PLUG Z 18 X 1546 2135921 1 25 wl ALL ALL w magnetic drain plug PLUG ...
5177773 l 1 05 65 66 ALL 351 478 5 I D x 1 O D 24675480 1 15 1 516 GAUGE Oil Level B A ij Type Dimensions Port No Usage Construction A B Number
TILT 351 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 986343 1 4 15 A 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT I 65 66 ALL 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM ...
351 exc TILT 65 ALL 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 HOUSING ASSY Casco 3771762 1 87 63 66 ALL HOUSING ASSY Casco 3794298 l 87 60 64 ALL 65 66 ALL 351 ...
deluxe equip 65 66 ALL exc 351 478 65 66 Ser 50 TILT 351 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 RETAINER lighter 3710839 1 15 60 62 TILT PLUG button inst panel
TILT 351 fuel return pipe 2447130 1 15 65 Ser 80 TDM 193 W B w heat treated frame 478 65 Ser 80 TDM w frame reinforcement stop tail and direction signal lamp ...
vacuum shift 478 exc LCF TDM TILT pipe 24432230 1 55 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT TDM market and identification lamp wiring A 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 harness thru cowl ...
351 exc TILT 65 66 ALL 478 exc LCF TDM frame reinf battery to starter cable thru frame side 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 exc heat rail for 1 dia hole and 6 panel treated
clutch 351 Borg Beck 1652 24550550 1 28 50 65 ALL w t in clutch 351 exc TILT 65 Ser 60 w 12 clutch 478 l exc TDM ...
clutch w HID Eng 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 13 in clutch w H D Eng 24525190 1 91 50 66 ALL w 12 in clutch 478 Long ...
351 65 66 Ser 50 159 exc S SPD 3 release holes 3837170 1 12 25 56 61 ALL 322 348 stamped 13E 3733637 1 20 65 I966 Chevrolet Motor Division
TDM DIESEL w 157 W B 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL 133 145 W B w 16000 lb axle H D 478 exc TILT 2 SPD 65 Ser 60 TDM DIESEL ...
axle 63 65 Ser 60 175 W B w P T exc LCF TDM DIESEL front support stamped EB 3788465 1 3 00 61 62 Ser 70 80 TILT ...
axle 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 50 TILT w 133 W B 351 front support stamped
TILT 64 65 LCF 318 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 86 ctr to ctr terminal holes 2982624 1 18 90 63 66 ALL w 61 amp 62 amp A C V gen exc TILT ...
TDM TILT 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 lst design 79 ctr to ctr terminal holes 29869980 1 11 75 65 66 ALL 351 478 2nd design exc LCF TDM TILT 65 Ser 80 TDM ...
hose 9 long 3737177 1 3 003 65 TILT 212 351 478 BRACKET positive cable clip at 66 TILT 212 351 starting motor 24540380 1 1 45 65 TILT 478 CLIP ASSY batt to start
DIESEL TILT 65 Ser 60 80 212 318 exc TILT 6400970 1 5 75 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT ...
351 D D 66 Ser 50 exc 351 65 66 Ser 50 TH T 351 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 sending unit electric 1513321 l 3 01 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT ...
TDM sending unit electric 15134620 1 2 83 62 Ser 40 50 exc SBC FFC 261 tachometer ammeter oilpressure and temp gauge 62 Ser 60 261 exc P T SBC TILT
351 478 ss TILT 212 Yes 3 M 2 24550850 1 6 95 65 ALL w 62 amp 351 ...
Cond 230 250 exc 62 amp No 2 7 1 1958095 1 3 25 65 1 cF TDM w Acc Air cond ...
351 478 66 ALL exc 351 478 D D SBC FAN 11 b1ades 5 dia 3843346 1 89 I 2 274 Chovrolot Motor Diwdizzg HDT 206 General Motors Corporotion REVISED
TILT exc 351 478 CUSHION rad support upper mtg brkt 2W dia hole 65 66 TILT 478 rad support bracket insulator 65 66 TILT 351 rad support upper cushion ...
TILT DIESEL 63 65 Ser SO 60 DIESEL exc LCF 65 Ser 50 80 351 478 exc LCF TILT TDM 1st design 65 66 FFC CUSHION rad supt 8 long ...
DIESEL w H D Frame SPACER rad support assy 2391924 A R 1 25 I9 Chevrxt Motor Division I 270 Generol Motors Corporation 164A HDI REVISED MAY I 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division
63 64 LCF exc 62 amp DIESEL 65 66 LCF exc DIESEL PLATE regulator mounting
TILT 24232580 l 13 25 65 TILT 351 478 66 Ser 50 TILT 351 24387030 1 17 85 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 2376080 l 3 75 66 Ser 60 TILT ...
TILT lst design 4 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 exc I LD cooling lst design 65 Ser 80 w I I D Cooling 478 exc TILT TDM lst design SPACER blade ...
SPACER blade 2 O D x 2 thk 3814241 1 1 1 1 1966 Chovroiol Motor Division 133 1 Gonorol Motors Corporation REVISED
TDM 478 CABLE ASSY 2980998 1 4 35 65 ALL 351 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 66 ALL 351 478 exc TDM CABLE ASSY 29870890 1 3 95 66 Ser 50 TILT ...
TILT 66 Ser 60 exc TDM TILT DIESEL 327 366 H D Starter 66 Ser 60 TDM exc 62 amp H D Starter DIESEL 327 366 66 Ser 60 TDM ...
TILT DIESEL 56 ctr to ctr terminal holes 2981801 1 6 25 I966 Chevrolet Motor Division 221 Z341 2 General Motors Corporation REVISED MAY I I966
62 64 Ser 60 exc 261 62 66 Ser 80 65 66 Ser 60 exc
63 Ser 50 thru 80 ex c LCF TILT SBC FFC 65 66 Ser S0
DIESEL 63 65 LCF DIESEL w 8 SPD exc TDM 63 TILT DIESEL w 8 SPD lst design BRACKET ASSY support 3823657 2 5 35 NOTE Rework using old part as guide 63 66 TILT ...
TILT w 4 cyc DIESEL New Process 96227 3852826 1 63 70 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division 351 General Motors Corporation REVISED
hold down bolt 65 66 LCF exc 4 cyc DIESEL lower 3828328 2 65 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL CUSHION cab rr mtg lower 57729000 2 1 75 63 66 CAB exc TILT ...
351 478 exc LCF TDM CUSHION ASSY cab frt mtg bolt TILT upper 24688020 2 2 65 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL CUSHION ASSY cab rr mtg upper ...
TDM T1 LT 65 66 ALL 4 cyc DIESEL exc TILT TDM LCF CUSHION UNIT No 1 body mounting 3856869 A R 2 95 65 66 CAB exc LCF TDM TILT CUSHION UNIT
less cyl and keys 1116611 1 3 60 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT 65 66 ALL 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 SWITCH ASSY less cyl and keys ...
TILT DIESEL 63 DIESEL exc TILT 64 TDM DIESEL 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc LCF TDM TILT mounting 1946328 1 70 60 TILT mounting ...
DIESEL TILT 65 66 Ser 50 60 DIESEL exc 351 478 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 65 Ser 80 LCF 318 mounting
TILT TDM H D Wiring instr panel 29882810 l 35 50 65 66 ALL 351 lst design exc TILT instr panel 29882910 1 24 00 65 66 TILT 478 exc H D Wiring instr panel ...
wiring 478 exc TILT TDM fuel tank 29882820 1 85 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT front end extension 29857290 1 4 75 65 66 ALL 478 exc LCF TDM TILT H D Wiring front ...
Brake Booster 159 66 Ser 60 TDM DIESEL 66 Ser 60 212 exc TDM TILT Trailer jumper cable instrument panel 6290007 1 34 95 66 Ser 50 159 exc H D Brake Booster instrument panel
fork pull back spring 3771068 1 10 62 TILT 65 66 TILT 351 2398967 1 4 930 64 66 TILT exc 351 478 3842773 1 40 65 66 Ser 60 80 TILT ...
fork pull back spring 3865186 1 2 95 65 66 Ser 50 351 V 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 fork return spring 24547930 1 75 65 66 Ser 50 159 exc 5 SPD fork ...
TILT SUPPORT over center spring brkt 3763887 1 85 0 1966 I Chevrolet Motor Division Gonerol Motors Corporation 119 HDT REVISED MAY1
pressure gauge 351 478 exc TILT TDM I 65 66 Ser S0 w Tachometer 351 exc TILT 65 66 Ser 60 80 w Tachometer 478 exc TDM PIPE Gauge ...
Type S 2 2 qt cap 5572425 1 3 34 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division 187 I Gonercl Motors Corporuiion HDT REVISED
TILT 65 66 Ser 50 exc TILT DIESEL 65 66 TILT 351 478 O D x 5 free length gray finish 3655655 1 50 55 59 Ser 4 5 2nd design ...
finish 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 ped pull back 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 fork pull back 3653114 1 35 60 62 ALL exc TILT DIESEL ...
fork pull back 3834386 1 60 64 66 TILT exc 351 478 pedal pull back 3842772 1 50 65 66 ALL 351 478 fork pull back 24451410 1 40 60 61 Ser 60 TILT
TILT BOLT water pump pulley 511849 4 4 118 65 66 ALL 351 478 FLANGE water pump fan pulley 516100 1 90 LO64 BLADE ASSEMBLY SPACER SPACER ASSY BOLT BRACKET ...
TILT 64 65 Ser 50 60 w H D Rad exc 348 64 Ser 60 TDM w H D Rad 292 A 64 66 Ser 60 327 exc P T TILT ...
TILT 66 Ser 60 TDM SBC w H D Rad exc DIESEL FFC 20 dia 5 blades
fresh air c nnector into side of cover 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 CONNECTOR valve rocke 65 66 TILT 351 478 cover to A CL 2437360 A R 0 293 INOTE May be used ...
DIESEL 26 O L 7 holes 3873853 1 92 65 66 ALL 351 478 24636880 2 85 66 ALL 366 21 Au O L x 6 A6 wide 6 tabs ...
351 478 valve push ig O L 24624910 12 95 66 ALL 366 inlet 8 O L light gr en stripe 3860087 8 95 66 ALL 366 exhaust 9 Z 0 L whit stripe
nipple 65 TILT 327 348 409 therm by pass hsg 65 66 Ser 60 327 exc LCF TDM TILT by pass hose at water pump 3788949 1 3 00 62 65 LCF 318 ELBOW water ...
351 478 exc H D Eng 66 Ser 50 60 351 478 exc H D Eng TILT TDM ELBOW rad by pass 24688240 1 3 50 66 Ser 60 80 366 ELBOW therm by pass ...
TILT P T HOSE water by pass 3861926 1 90 9 l 1 073 1 097 Chevrolet Motor Diw6si HDT 148B General Motors Corporation i REVISED
Ident No 3857656 3862132 1 392 50 65 ALL 351 exc TILT 24648640 1 940 00 65 ALL 478 exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM ...
Ident No 3851859 3855987 1 163 50 65 66 ALL 351 ...
harmonic balancer on vehicles which do not have an existing balancer 19 0 033 78 Chevrolet Motor Divisigg HDT General Motors Corporation REVISED
TILT TDM SUPPORT frt cast 5100035 5100035 l I 1 17 96 62 64 Ser 60 212 exc TILT TDM SUPPORT frt trunnion mtg 5108972 lI 1 12 76 62 Ser 80 w I Beam axles ...
351 478 65 Ser 80 478 exc TDM 66 Ser 50 351 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 SUPPORT frt 24392810 l 3 80 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 SUPPORT ...
SPACER frt mtg 3799902 2 45 65 ALL 351 478 SPACER frt mtg 24395250 1 1 00 66 Ser 50 60 351 478 SPACER frt mtg 24945830 1 1 00 NOTE Contains
351 478 l 65 66 TILT 351 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 1991031 1 40 65 ALL 351 478 exc TDM TILT 65 Ser 80 TDM ...
stamped 1119000 1119000 I 1 13 00 55 57 Ser 4 5 7 8 TDM ...
BRACKET reg mtg and hom relay 3870588 1 1 65 sl 2 483 2 500 234 Chevrolet Motor Divlzzx HDT General Motors Corporation REVISED
TILT 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT LCF TDM 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 contains amber lens 897251 2 8 30 60 66 TILT 899419 T 2 6 15 TNOTE Amber lenses ...
TILT 66 TILT 351 478 BRACKET bezel upper 3769371 2 25 60 65 TILT 66 TILT 351 478 BRACKET bezel lower 3769372 2 15 61 TILT NUT bezel to rad grille header bar attach ...
TILT DIESEL 62 66 ALL 159 212 exc TILT 65 66 ALL 351 478 exc TILT LCF 3787427 2 1 12 60 ALL exc TILT PANEL ASSY hood filler
TILT HEAD ASSY 3900907 1 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 HEAD ASSY tach 64123450 1 26 35 65 66 TILT 351 HEADASSY tach 1 64123590 1 34 40 65 66 TILT 212 HEAD ASSY ...
TILT exc DIESEL HARNESS ASSY wiring 2987001 1 5 45 64 ALL 8 cyl exc TILT TDM DIESEL l 65 66 ALL 8 cyl exc TILT WIRE ASSY ...
TDM 478 CABLE ASSY drive shaft 15364660 1 1 50 65 LCF 478 CABLE ASSY drive shaft 15690890 1 2 50 9 749 9 750 I e 1966 870 Chovrolot Motor Division
66 Ser 50 60 351 478 exc TILT TDM H D Cooling 3008716 O 1
slot 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 66 Ser 60 TDM 478 2nd design straight type 24688000 1 1 45 65 66 TILT 351 ARM adjusting 10 O L w 3 A slot 65 66 TILT ...
straight type 24540560 1 1 45 65 ALL 351 478 w 62 amp exc TILT ARM adjusting 24577500 1 3 10 66 ALL w 62 amp 351 478 exc TILT ARM adjusting ...
BRACKET condenser 1956279 1 20 al 2 317 2 3 9 Chevrolet Motor DBAZZ HDT 218 General Motors Corporation REVISED
clutch 351 w rivets Long Mfg C 86 S 16 24078970 1 10 50 65 66 ALL w 11 in clutch 351 w rivets Lipe Rollway ...
clutch 351 478 Lipe Rollway 120 19 116 1 dia 10 spline 88848450 1 35 50 66 Ser 60 w 12 in clutch 478 66 ALL w 12 in clutch 351 exc TILT Lipe Rollway ...
clutch 351 RIVET 2 O L x SA O D 14382330 34 04 65 Ser 50 60 w 12 in clutch 351 478 A Q 65 Ser 80 w 13 in clutch 478 RIVET
TACH 478 exc Ser 80 TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 CLUSTER ASSY right 56559980 1 80 00 65 66 ALL W H D Wiring 478 exc TACH TDM Air Equip CLUSTER ASSY ...
TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM w A O H B 478 CLUSTER ASSY left 56560050 1 97 50 65 Ser 80 TDM 478 exc A O H B 65 66 Ser 60 80 TDM ...
DIESEL 65 Ser 60 TDM 478 NUT cluster assy 9422836 A R 8 921 1966 Chovrolot Motor Division 867 9 743 91 G n r Motors Corporation REVISED MAY I I966
1 657 HOUSING GASKET CAP Oll Pump 56 59 ALL 322 w screen 1167338 1
TILT 212 351 SHIELD ASSY rear splash 3814956 1 4 35 63 66 Ser 50 thru 80 exc LCF TILT DIESEL 63 64 Ser 60 DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 TDM ...
TDM TILT SHIELD ASSY L H splash 3819347 1 1 55 63 66 Ser 50 thru 80 exc LCF TILT DIESEL 63 64 Ser 60 DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 TDM ...
TDM TILT SHIELD ASSY R H splash 3819348 l 1 55 61 66 TILT 8 cyl SHIELD distributor splash 3786525 1 60 62 63 TILT DIESEL SHIELD left engine side splash
CUSHION ASSY frt mtg lower 3876337 2 1 65 62 64 Ser 60 212 exc TILT TDM RING frt trunnion mtg support cushion 5122409 l 1 3 85 0 029 BRACKET BRACKET ASSY BRACKET UNIT SUPPORT ...
351 478 rear mtg R H 2453424 1 8 50 af 0027 0029 76 Chevroloi Motor nag HDT General Motors Corporation REVISED MARCH l I966
TILT 351 478 6407465 1 20 50 65 66 ALL 351 exc TILT 56556440 1 20 50 65 66 Ser 60 478 exc TDM ...
headlight wires 65 66 Ser 60 478 16000 lb 2 SPD axle w Tech exc LCF TDM speedo shaft at dash 1 A O D x TILT ...
press gauge pipe 1 O D 4 hol s 3877832 A R 1966 l Chevrolet Motor Division 871 9 750 9 775 General Motors Corporation Hm REVISED
56 59 ALL 322 exc P T solid type 1172381 1 56 50 56 59
65 Ser 50 60 TILT 292 lst design 65 66 Ser 60 w P T
l 069 PUMP ASSEMBLY PUMP UNIT REPAIR UNIT Engine Coolant 59 Ser 6 261 60
55 56 Ser 5 w H D Brake Booster I 56 Ser 7 8 9
55 Ser 5 2nd design 56 61 ALL 62 ALL exc 235 283 63 66
63 66 Ser 50 60 w Cool Pack C Deluxe 8 cyl exc Air Equip
60 66 TILT exc P S 351 11 O L 5689444 1 14 30 60
F xxi if v E 65 66 Ser 50 351 exc TILT 65 66 Ser