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NOVA STA YAG 4543478 21 73 comb 780 turquoise RH 66 NOVA STA VVAG 4543479 273 comb 780 turquoise L H 66 NOVA STA AG 4543480 3 20 comb 717 fawn R H 66 NOVA
is2113 1 1 2 64 69 CHEVY CHEVEI LE CAIVIARO 3841173 1 40 rear 273 O L vv rr 18 j 4 ihusr 2 64 CHEVY CIIEVELLE 1st L1eSrgrri 65 COR AIR CHEVY CHEVELLE
bowl w 70262007 1 2 3r 7036200 r 1 2 67 ALL w Roch 4BC 7029983 w 7027200 172i7377O372OO 1 273 1 68 ALL w Roch 4BC 7034361 1 25 lNSEFlT float bowl w 70272107 1 1 1271377 O3721O7
Over 222 I BS I 151 234 BV 273 340 EM I Over 234 BW 341 408 EO I I I G31 I Over
trans to mtr drive 261 O L RH 64 66 CHEVELLE 4914095 LINK trans to motor drive 273 OL Note 1 R H NOTE 1 Used w depressed W S wiper motor and pump
Exhaust Manifold 62 69 CHEVY Cl IEVELLE CAMARO exc 8 cyl 3788485 19 A 1 3 273 CLAMP Exhaust Manifold 60 69 CORVAIR FC 6255784 45 6 62 69 CHEVY CHEVELLE CAMARO
Distributor Heater air 9 786 Escutcheun Air cond control 9 279 Cushion Front seat back 11 273 Diatributcr Ignition 2 361 Escutchecn Back window reveal Cushman Ream Sear back Ql 623 Dxsmhumr valve Shock absorber
Clip Door inside locking rod 10 565 Clip Transmission Dil cooler Clamp Exhaust manifold 3 602 3 273 Clip Door rnldg attaching 12 118 frt H Pll 9 4 r 14128 Clamp Exhaust
Piilwl DOO lwdv lock prllar 16 520 Nur 1 le 4t r md my cond 9 273 Nut Trans moummg 4 085 p l Dem l E lh SO7 Nut Healer control lever shaft
less retention drmple A R Not required In this group See group 1 150 1555492 O1 2 273 WRENCH Spark Plug 60 66 ALL 3708444 ea 13 46 hex 4 7 length