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imcrmz Cont 1 1949 50 Styleline Deluxe Four Door Sedan 65 1955 58 V 8 Engine Crankshaft Camshaft and Oil Pan 1950 Front End 66 Typical 4 127 1951 Front ...
Cylinder lEZ ngri ne Rear Mounting i 156 1952 Styleline Deluxe Four Door Sedan 72 1955 57 Passenger Engine Hear Mounting 157 1952 Rear End vv v 73 1955 57 Passenger Engine Front Mounting ...
Front End 4 74 1958 Engine Mountings 4 158 1953 Two Ten Four Door Sedan i 75 1955 57 Clutch Pedal Linkage t 4 183 1953 Bel Air Sport Coupe V 76 1955 Passenger Clutch
Descriiptirnn page N FRCINT AXLE STEERlING Conti PKASSIEINGER CAR BODY Cont 1953 54 Power Steering Pump 639 1955 Bel Air 4 Door Sedan Interior 837 1955 57 Power Steering Pump and Reservoir ...
Passenger Steering Connecting Rod 662 1953 54 Passenger Instrument Panel 4 4 4 843 1955 Passenger Instrument Panel 844 rRAM E sH cK ABs R BER slPlRINc 1957 Passenger lnstrument Panel ...
1955 57 Pass Frame Frt Cross Member Ident 665 1959 Passenger Instrument Panel 846 1955 57 Pass Frame Frt Cross Member ldent 666 1953 55 Corvette lnstrument Panel 847 Spring U Bolt
1011D Lower R L 4 431601 1 4644959 1 4650856 7 4640845 55 4654245 46 1955 57 1011 11A Lower R L 7 4673015 56 17 4703806 57 4648575 76 1955 57 1011D Upper ...
1955 57 1011D Rear R L 4 431601 1 134530 1 4601364 11 4651420 11 4650828 4648155 56 1955 57 1019D Lower R L 2 431601 1 12 4640845 55 4654247 48 1955 ...
Rear R L 1 12 4673015 56 12 4703806 57 4648153 54 1955 57 1019D Upper R8tL 3 431601 1 134530 1 4601364 11 4651420 x 11 4650828 4649064 65 1955 57 1067D Lower
Lower R L 13 431601 4643353 1955 56 1011 11A 63F Lower R L 2 456848 18 4640845 12 1642024 4643353 1957 1011 63F Lower ...
1955 57 1011D Upper R L 2 456848 1 1 r 5 4643407 2 431601 4648122 23 1955 57 1011D Lower R L 3 431601 L r 4 2 456848 E4 456288 4647917 18 1955 ...
1019D Upper R L 2 431601 r 4 4643407 2 456848 4647200 01 1955 57 1019D Lower R L 4 431601 o 4 o 12 456848 2 4643034 4643355 1955 57 1019 62 Lower
Accelerator Control Linkage v 359 1958 Truck Hydramatic Transmission Linkage 432 1958 Corvette Accelerator Control Linkage 360 1955 57 Gearshift Control Parts r 4 433 el 1958 Passenger Four Barrel Carburetor Linkage ...
Passenger Gearshitt Control Parts 4 433 Cleaner 361 1955 57 Passenger Transmission Control Linkage 434 1958 Triple Two Barrel Carburetor Linkage and 1955 57 P G Transmission Carrier Assy 461 Air Cleaner 362 Valve Body ...
Pump 382 BRAKES TRANSMISSION Truck Parking Brake Controls Foot Operated 495 1939948 Pass SynChm Mesh Transmission Steering 1955 57 Passenger Brake Pedal Linkage 496 Column G mshih lg I 4 A v 387 Truck Parking
USAGE SCREW EIOLT NUT WASHER L0cKwAsHER cuP RETAINER Group 10 051 WINDSHIELD SIDE FINISH MOULDING 4648200 01 1955 57 1011D 19D 62DF R L 3 442610 A 4648756 57 1955 ...
1955 57 1064 R L 3 442610 4671716 17 1956 57 1039 39D R L 3 4 42610 4 4715015 16 1958 Bel Air Nomad R L 3 8 32x 4 1 1 Tap Group ...
Conv 1 4608657 1953 54 Spt Cpe 4 T 1 4654613 14 1955 57 Pass exc Spt Mdls R l 1 111633 4654615 16 1955 57 Spt Models exc Conv
PASS Recirculating Door Control Cable 30 25 1953 54 PASS Heater Temperatuzuaa Control Cable 37 33 1955 PASS Heater Control Valve Cable 38 34 1955 56 PASS w C A C Heater Defroster ...
Cable 17 15 1955 56 PASS w C A C Heater Terrnperatum Control Cable 24 22 1955 56 PASS w C A C Evaporator Control Cable 30 27 1955 56 PASS ...
Evaporator Outside Air Control Cable 30 27 1955 COMM UTIL 2nd Sor Heater Temperature Control Cable 40 37 1955 COMM UTIL 2nd Ser Heater Defroster Valve Cable 33 30 1955 COMM UTIL 2nd Ser Heater
Lower R L 2 121743 2 4563821 r 2 4628729 2 4563822 3759602 01 1955 1011 Rear Drag R L 3 4646559 r r 3 4648746 r 3759604 03 1955 1011 11A 37 63F Lower ...
1955 1011D 37D 67D Lower R L r 4 10 4646559 r 9 4647981 1 4628729 3759608 07 1955 1019D 62DF Lower ...
1955 1019 62F Lower R L 4 t t 7 4646559 4 4 r 16 4620432 1 4628729 3759612 11 1955 Conv Spt Cpe Drag
1069W R L 2 456288 2 4608219 12 4643034 4643397 98 1955 57 1019 Lower R L 2 456848 1 7 4640845 14 4643407 14 456288 4648164 65 1955 57 1019D Upper ...
1955 57 1019D Lower R L A 3 431601 1 12 456848 2 4643034 4648697 1955 57 1062 Upper ...
1955 57 1062 Lower
THROWOUT BEARING und Collar A sy Group 0 799 4545 55 555422 IEK 445 54 22 4 1955 57 COMM UTILITY 2nd Ser 6 cyl 909422 Bull ND CT 22 1 1955 57 COMM UTILITY ...
1Q6976 81 82 85 Drive E1 1d 908604 Bull ND 8604XlC 1 1955 58 1 W 1106981 6976 6985 Commutotor End 954685 Bull ND WC8503XlC 1 W 1955 ...
PASS 888 P s 5660233 8811 Q 1 195354 42455 45 5 5555525 IE K 4 1955 56 SBC 288 888 5670037 Bull s 1 3955 57 PASS 3738884 Bull I 1955 57 COMM UTIL
PASS 5 5 5555515 555 M 2 1555 55 5555 5595955 555 M 2 1955 58 c0MM 21151 55 5xelP 1 L Q 9l Roller Hy 10790 5 2 1955 ...
Roller Hy 10899 R 2 1955 58 UTILITY 2nd 551 1 5 1i 1 11l 12 Q1 g j30 Roller Hy 10983 R 2 1956 58 Ser 7 8 9 10 Roller ...
Roller Hy 10899 RX 1 1555 55 5555 1 552553 555 M 2 1955 58 COMM 2nd Ser excl lL1L Roller Hy 10790 Z 1 1955 58 D D LCF 2nd Ser 1M T Roller
models or 3736077 or 1957 8 models Mech tappet 5231315 is also required NOTE 1955 model initial installation requires conversion kit 3765002 or 3765004 as shown FITTED CYLINDER BLOCK Includes piston und xinqpgy usrnemlblies ...
mandatory to use 2 3748761 EEl gaslcets to seal water holes to prevent coolant leakage NOTE 1955 model initial installation requires conversion kit 3765002 or Z3 65004 as shown NOTE 1 Valve tappet compartment oil delivery ...
NOTE Required when installing 1955 V 8 partial engines and ititted b l ck in 1955 Pass Comm and Truck models having FOUR QUART OIL PAN rNOTE Required when installing 1956 V 8 partial engines
Chevrolet 4 3708164 3707971 1954 Pass exc Sta Wag Sdl Powerglide 4 3708164 3716749 1955 56 Nomad Nomad 2 3716995 3733212 1957 Pass 8 cyl exc Bel Air Chevrolet ...
Mdls only lNOTE Not used on Sta Wag Mdls Group 12 195 LOWER END GATE MOULDING 4658499 1955 57 1064 Side 5 4595034 4671779 1955 57 1064 Center 3 4595034 4717756 1958 Nomad Vertical Side ...
Pass exc Sta Wag Sdl 2 120361 2 3662988 370991 4 1955 Pass exc Sta Wag Sdl 1 3712372 5 3662988 4 446061 3709914 1955 Sta Wag exc Nomad 5 3697750 3722231 1956 Pass
Pass 4 120361 4 120391 3705033 1954 Pass t 2 fl2f 1361 S 120391 3709624 1955 Pass t 12 446061 t 13 E17 l237 2 3721309 1956 Pass 6 cyl 3 37299812 3722453 1956 Pass ...
HOOD ORNAM l1N l1 3705035 1953 54 Pass 5 2 120361 if 120351 3709685 1955 Pass 4 146061 3731752 1956 Pass 3 10781 4 3722456 1956 Pass ...
Corv Spear Type L R 3 3706596 3 112 0361 3759407 08 1955 Bel Air exc Nomad L 6 7 1i T11361 7 120391 7 120217 7 3719677 3759409 10 1955 Nomad
Description Page N0 Description page Nm PASSENGER CAR BODY Cont PASSENGER CAR BODY Cont 1955 150 Models Yardage Code 1 4 1216 1958 Bisccyne Brockwocd Yardage Code 1 1 1224 1955 Bel Air Models Yardage ...
Code oo 1 1217 1958 Delwy Ye m Yurduqe Code V 1 1 1225 1955 210 Models exc 1011A Yardage Code 1217 1956 Model 1011A Yardage Code 1 1218 COMMERCIAL BODY 1956 150 Models ...
Over Engine 1nterior 1253 1956 210 Models oxo 1011A Yardage Code 1 1 1219 1955 P e1B dy 1 1 1 1254 1957 210 MOd 1s xC 101 1A Yardage Code 1220 Conventional
Engine W D 1 5573977 Oil Filter Unit C an be transferred on 1956 57 Models Requiredimon 1955 lV odele 1956 MODELS llncludes 6000 8000 Series except as noted 2 ieu1r S rraras 1111r ume2 ...
Belt It will be necessary to use Crank shaft Pulley 3742991 instead of 3747479 on these Models 1955 MODELS 6000 SEZR1llElS Requires items A thru R plus the fcillowing ...
rcxzmzmru mrriomurmrrorrrr 1 Requires through Bolt and Nut tor attach Sltarter Motor at upper Bolilr hrole on 1955 and 1956 models 2 On 1955 models with Vacuum Windshield Wiper driill and tap 18 llnlet
Lower R L 2 121743 QE 4563821 r 2 4628729 12 4563822 3759602 01 1955 1019 Diag R L 4 3 4646559 3 4648746 3759508 07 1955 1019 62F Lower ...
1955 1019D 62DF Lower R L 1 133556 4 4644959 r 4 4647981 1 4648280 3759512 11 1955 1062 63F Diag
1955 57 1011 19 1211 19 Upper 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 11 1 11 1 111 1 1 1 111 8 4657731 11111 4646943 44 1955 ...
1955 57 1037 370 Upper 11111 1 111 11111 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 8 4657731 11 111 11 4648254 55 1955 57 1037 37D Lower
Roller Hy C 125298 WA 2 1954 58 SBC 2 TON 7450855 Roller Hy C12A5298WA A 25 1955 57 PASS M 9091klQ B 1L ND 909040 2 WA 1955 59 1 DN SSSSS ...
j9Si59 S1 E1i Z f 5 1 9E1 1191199 HY A1S1224 Z j 1955 PASS W i mW 90904LAlT BEA ND 909041 2 J95 57 PASS JT 32 A e99999 ...
909Z25 Bull ND 909725 2 A l955 P V m4 1954 Ball ND 909541 42m 1 1955 57 TON w M w M 9097 D1 Ball NB90970l 2 25 57 PASS l www r91ll9
Reducing Bushing Heater Hose Fitting Adapter D 1 3725080 Clutch Pedal Lever Required only on 1955 and early 1956 Engines with Diaphragm Spring Clutch E Il 900018 Clutch Release Bearing Same as above 1955 MODELS ...
plus the following F 1 3837160 Special Bushing Temperature Gauge Cylinder Head Adapter GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1955 Model Rear Mountings must be reamed to 7A6 diameter and A6 14 Bolts used to install Engine
Rear Bead R L 8 4644959 7 4693336 1 4729371 Group 1Z 116C FENDER EMBLEM 3760006 05 1955 Pass 8 cyl Rear L R V 2 3712372 2 3707115 3760004 03 1956 Nomad ...
Rear L R V 2 3712372 2 3707115 3760007 1955 56 Bel Air L R 2 4635016 3760008 1957 Bel Air L R 2 4635016 3760009 1958 Impala Crossed Flags 3 4673626 3760010 1958 Nomad ...
Crossed Flags 2 4673626 FENDER ORNAMENT 3759500 1953 54 Bel Air L R 9 4615081 3760012 11 1955 1011D 19D 37 37D 67D Rear
1955 MODELS ITEM OUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Requires items A thru Q plus the following S 1 2968641 Ignition Wire Unit s4 For Buttress Type Plugs T 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge tt Engine Sending ...
Controlled Terminal on Junction Block GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Drill and tap 18 hole in Inlet Manifold for 1955 jobs with vacuum Windshield Wiper 2 On 1955 56 Models grind a lat on Starter Motor
1955 MODELS ITEM QUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Requires items A thru R plus the following U 1 2968641 Ignition Wire Unit I For Buttress Type Spark Plugs V 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge Unit Engine ...
errninal on Junction Block GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Drill and tap 18 hole in Inlet Manifold for 1955 jobs with vacuum type Windshield Wiper 2 On 1955 56 Models grind a I lat on Starting Motor
1069WD Lower R L 1 456288 1 121752 1 4605469 4648628 29 1955 56 1019D Lower R L 1 166291 4643150 1955 57 1019D Upper R L 1 4644959 1 4643486 4643177 1955
wnsuzia Locxwnsuzn cup RETAINER G oup12 l1ZB FRONT DOOR OUTEISI PANEL MOULDING C ml1 d 43759458 57 1955 Bel Air Lower Front ...
1955 1037D 67D Lower Rear R Il4 1 133556 1 4646559 r 4 1 4647981 1 4648278 4658513 14 1955 1064 Lower
will be necessary to install new levers 3845093 lst and reverse and 3 Z 08 667 on 1955 or 3728300 1 111 1956 2nd and 3rd or transfer old levers NOTE IV When replacing ...
1955 and early 1956 transmission h 1vi ng differently positioned control lever both the 11 1 and reverse 2nd and 3rd shifter shaft and plate assys or the trans cover assy will have ...
1El8Y WI1l have to be transferred 1 r rn the old trans NOTE VII When installing on 1955 model or 1956 models with 3 27 curle ratio the speedo driven gear and shaft assy
1955 MODELS ITEM QUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Requires items A thru R plus the following A U 1 2968641 Ignition Wire Unit t For Buttress Type Spark Plugs V 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge Unit ...
Controlled Terminal on Junction Block GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Drill and tap 18 hole in Inlet Manifold for 1955 iobs with vacuum type Windshield Wiper 2 On 1955 55 Models grind a Flat on Starting Motor
Ball ND 3205 1 1954 58 comm Hvy 06111 903307 ND 550x1A 1 1955 58 1 ALL exc O D hvy duty in trans case O D in wv WM 1 owgrdrive adaptor ...
1955 58 1 PASS W 1 o 954862 m ND 43206 1 1955 58 1 PASS M TON O D output shaft 954862 Ball ND 43206 1 jggg 1 PASS 511540 D 954997 Ball
1955 MODELS ITEM OUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Requires items A thru N plus the following P 1 2968641 Ignition Wire Unit t For Buttress Type Plugs Q 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge e Engine Sending ...
Connect Dash Unit to Ignition Slwitch or Switch Controlled Terminal on Jumper Block GENERAL INFORMATION 1 On 1955 models drill tap inlet manifold 18 thread to accommodate windshield wiper vacuum take off Z Replace ...
Jobs with optional equipment require transfer or replacement of Engine parts peculiar to such options 5 On 1955 56 Models grind a I 1at on Starting Motor at upper Bolt hole flange for clearance
1955 MODELS Cont ITEM QUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS TT 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge r 4 r r Engine Sending Unit TTTFQI51 1 ZTT p aE E TITT TT TTD gi NIT T TTTTT ...
Block NOTE 1 Requires through Bolt and Nut to attach Starter Motor at upper Bolt hole on 1955 and 1956 models Z Enlarge Rear Mounting to Clutch Housing holes to A6 diameter ...
service stock QUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS 1 3731399 Water Pump Pulley r Required new on 1955 56 T TTT TT iTTT37gTs3 iTT TTTTTri
Reducing Bushing Heater Hose Fitting Adapter D 1 3725080 Clutch Pedal Lever Required only on 1955 and early 1956 Engines with Diaphragm Spring Clutch E 1 900018 Clutch Release Bearing Same as above 1955 MODELS ...
plus the following F 1 3837160 Special Bushing Temperature Gauge Cylinder Head Adapter GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1955 Model Rear Mountings must be reamed to 7A6 diameter and A6 14 Bolts used to install Engine
1955 MODELS Requires items A thru T plus the following yy v 29686Al Ignition Wire Unit it ii For Buttress Type Plugs tnygyyyy TT3736Y162 TEiTrbu TAssy TTTTT iiii TTT ii 4 TTAiTs6T1i TF16TH ...
hole flange for clearance on 1958 Model Cylinder Z If a new Clutch Housing is used on 1955 Models enlarge Rear Mounting to Clutch Housing holes to 7 l6 diameter and use VAS 14 Bolts ...
such options 5 Direct Order Production Corvette Engine 3740743 can be used in place of 3740715 on 1955 57 Passenger Models by discarding Corvette Front Mounting Bracket Part requirements are same as for 3740715 except
1955 MODELS ITEM QUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Requires items A thru N plus the following P 1 2968641 Ignition Wire Unit i For Buttress Type Plugs Q 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge t44 i Engine ...
Connect Dash Unit to Ignition Switch or Switch Controlled Terminal on Jumper Block GENERAL INFORMATION 1 On 1955 models drill 84 tap inlet manifold 18 thread to accommodate windshield wiper vacuum take off 2 Replace ...
Jobs with optional equipment require transfer or replacement of Engine parts peculiar to such options 5 On 1955 56 Models grind a I lat on Starting Motor at upper Bolt hole flange for clearance
1955 MODELS ITEM QUANTITY PART NU DESCRIPTION REMARKS Requires items A thru Q plus the following E S 1 2968641 Ignition Wire Unit i t For Buttress Type Plugs T 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge ...
Junction Block GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Drill and tap 3 Q 18 hole in Inlet Manifold for 1955 jobs with vacuum Windshield Wiper 2 On 1955 56 Models grind a lat on Starter Motor at upper
PLATE 0RNAMENT UNIT LOUVER UNIT EMBLEM 3759599 1953 55 Corv L R 1 5 4635016 3759599 1955 Pass ...
Pass L R 1 3698439 1 120375 1 120386 1 120380 7 3698436 3759429 30 1955 Pass L R 5 125591 5 3712411 3759431 32 1956 Pass
steering linkage I I I 3732305 1 22 15 1329 NO l E Required for early 1955 2 Lnd Ser models having double 1 aper cisueambly detail TNOTE On early 1955 2nd Ser having double
Block NOTE 1 Requires through Bolt and Nut to attach Starter Motor at upper Bolt hole on 1955 and 1956 models Z Enlarge Rear Mounting to Clutch Housing holes to VAS diameter ...
service stock QUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS 1 3731399 Water Pump Pulley 1l Required new on 1955 56 3 3333 333 333 33333333 7 353 li3 3333 3H n5 iQ3 g3i 3ZQy 33333333 33 333333 A 3q3i3i
Group 1Z 180 UPPER END GATE MOULDING 4648554 1955 57 1062F 62DF 63F Upper ...
1955 57 1062F 62DF 63F Lower 13 431601 1111 1 1111 1 11 1 1 1 11111111 11 1 11111111 1 13 4667442 1 1 111111 12 442610 l2 4643034 4721961 62 1958 Sta Wag Lower
1955 1011 11A 37 63 Lower R L 1 133556 r 1 4646559 11 4648279 r 11 4620432 3759456 55 1955 10110 Lower Rear R L 1 133556 1 4646559 11 4647981 11464827 8 REVISED JANUARY
CONV SPT CPE left comb 316 317 319 325 329 337 4209615 l 2 85 171 NOTE 1955 57 2 Dr Trim Assy not serviced separately Refer to ya rdag1e illustration group 15 500 NOTE ...
1955 57 2 Dr ar1 d 4 Dr models it is necessary to order Metal Panel Gp 11 358 and trim with yardage TIIIIMI ASSY Front Seat Side and Buck Side Panel 53 1069W right
muzzrm i 25 1 1 222222 i Lt E E 1955 BEL AIR MODELS Y A R1 A sE CODE ...
5555i5 555555 555555 55555555 555 55Z 5555555 5 5555 5 55 5 5 1955 210 MODELS EXC 1011A1 YARDAGE
thick 839367 1 6 10 12 54 47 52 ALL 253 58 PASS 6 cyl exc 1955 w P G 53 56 COMM 1 1 ON 6 cyl exc Dt D hvy duty ...
tio1 n on heavy duty truck or other operations where this condition 1nay be encountered GBNOTE 1955 and early 1956 jobs also require rocker arm 38371 75 and sprtng and damper assy
Suburban Carryall w Emi Gate 116 IP MT Sql 1954 and 1955 FIRST SERIES 841 3106 Suburban Carryall W P iD 116 IP Wi Sql 794 3104 Pickup ...
Stake Rack 161 W 2T Dbl 1952 026 3104 vackbp 116 KP 1 Dbl 1955 SECOND SERIES 028 3604 Pick up 125 XH 1 Dbl 174 3804 Piack
used only when 1957 front fenders are first used on 1955 56 models shown tWhen using on 1955 56 single unit bodies grind oft flange that interferes with body side panel 16 603 PANEL Front
TONE 500 Hvy Duty 1 9094545 0g1 ND 9545 2 1955 1 PASS 909541 0411 N1g1 4L 2 i 955551 K 1iN 909501 0411 ND 909 2 1956 fir PASS ...
BEARING Outer R ce Group 6 317 l 4 141 E1S5 TON 909501 Bdll ND 961 2 1955 AL PASS y 909641 0411 ND 909641 2 195557 PASS Hvy Duty Cup 457048 Roller Timken M12649
ABOVE MODELS ALI M NO 1 E COE discontinued after 1st Ser 1955 Production 1 LOW CAB FORWARD LCP start of 2nd Series 1955 P roducti n parlls included SI1 Unit Body
ktyi k 1 K rr L 1955 6 VOLT P f P A 3 3 A 3 I9S5 1956 HEAVY DUTY 11 TV 4 2 333 SUPPORT
with six 20 x hex hd bolts on a 3 diameter bolt circle TNOTE When installing on 1955 1956 2nd ser models it is necessary to also use 373476 king pin thrust bearing in conjunction
COMM UTIL 3701556 Rod must ulso be used NOTE On jobs prior to 1955 cut to 6 1 519 PIPE Oil NOTE Bulk copper tubing in coils listed in group 8 964 fittings in group
VVVV VVVVV Z E 2 zi k as 1955 GRILLE
M00r 1 11NG 12 929 V WASHER 0 002 ETF scm 1955 57 PASSENGER ENGIINE RIEEEAR MOUNTING 8 917 NUT 0 002 24 WASHER M AT x AJ S 0 027 CUSHION
VALVE 32 x 4 1 67 8 906 I RETAINER BOLT EIGHT CYLINDER 1955 58 OIL PUMPS L652 223 n Rswssv Novsmszn
Plugs Nut aud Clip gg TNOTE Rework Wiper to Dash Panel Brcu i l e t on 1955 Models 10 152 PLATE GROMNHIT SEAZE GASKET Windshitaselctl Wi p er Motor Mounting Ports 53 55 CORV
iii1i3 T 5 1 Imaam Requirerl new on 1955 56 Nloclels 70 1 i Fii0 iioliiiiigIK H E E iil ii Q i rH EiE TT I i z s T HE 1i 5Fiii1i1AiiiEHgiEi TiTiE
Switch Controlled II er1rninal on Junction ZB1 c1I GENERAL N tRMA I I0l i 1 On 1955 56 Models grind a I I at on Starting Motor at upper Bolt hurdle zrflasuge for clearance
2000w 5307021 7 345 shock Abs 9 S 53A 276S 609331 3 842 Lever Curb ggigibgzsl 62 1955 3710371 3 733 BI k 220OA 5352102 6 162 Absorber 12 245 3710363 3 735 Gusket 220OB
111g 4 4 4 44 4 4259274 1 35 10 21016 I NOTE Pcxrt numbers listed 102 1955 1 n0de1z1 include ti11cz s oven 4 1Cl1 11Z1 f windows 1 raswsavn FEBRUARY
CONV SUPPORT seclt hciclc r id i 0 g1 1ril1 e 4714845 1 4 55 273 NOTE 1955 Deck Front Panel is purl of Panel in Group 12 955 12 980 PAN PLATE SUPllE
1955 TWO TONE COLOR COMBINATIONS com gg gEi0oo1L LOWER noov WHEEL COLOR WHEEL st1111 1110 1 2 1 y 599 1011 19 62F 63F 1211 19 63F Sea lVlistGreen 25357950 Neptune Green 28157951 Neptune Green
Leather 1262 F 560 Gold Dotted Block Cloth 11200 exc Sta Wag 1Go1d Striped Imitation Leather Sdl 1955 567 Black Ivory Imitation Leather 101 IA 500 Light Grey Pattern Cloth
1262F R L 8 273446 1 1 21743 1 4635942 18 4637242 l 1 4633833 3759578 77 1955 571067 R L 1 450991 1 1 1 1 1 15 4654206 R H 4 4654206 L
DESCRIPTION III Ir 1949 50 73951 52 L1953 54I 1955 1956 1957 I 1958 MM MM I MMMMMMMMM M M MM M M MM M M 4594191 4603742 4683708 4683708 4711912 I 4711912 Motor Assembly
description and trim com bination number See Yardage Code pages 1215 1225 SPECIAL NOTE Embossed yardage on 1955 models not sold separately in assemblies only 55 1011 r B1 B2 C C2 frt seat back
comb 309 4208949 AR 11 05 yd 663 SPECIAL NOTE Embossed yardage ori 1955 models not sold sep u2 tely ir1 cissemblies only 55 1011 19 37 exc 11A 11D 19ll
PIECSLQJQJQQig g g f g 1955 1so Moms YARDAGE cone
INTERIOR TRIM CODES AND IMISCRIPTION 1955 56 Series 1200 und 1011A 1957 Series 1500 2100 exc 1011A A Hecdlining cnd Sunshcdes A Hecdlining cnd Sunshcdes Al Center pillcr Al Center Pillcr B Front cnd Recr
1062DF linoleum tciilgatc yellow 4684962 1 1955 1173 56 1062DF 57 1062 6317 linoleum tailgate copper 4684963 1 19 55 1173 56 1062DF linoleum tailgcite cream 4691039 1 19 55 1173 56 57 1064 linoleum
1019D 39D 62DF left comb 666 673 687 4260552 1 4 60 276 NOTE On oll 1955 57 2 Dr ond 4 Dr models it is neceiszsory to order Metol Ponel
MODEL REFERENCE CHART 1949 58 MODELS Continued CODE MODELS 1949 1950 51 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 DELRAY 1 121 1 141 1 149 1 171 1221 1241 1249 1271 YEOMAN
CHART 1949 1958 1VIOD IE 11 S Continued CODE ZMODEIILS1 1949 1 950 511 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 2 DOOIRS 1007 1007 1007 1011W 1011W
Accessories Catalog MODEL REFERENCE CHART 1949 1958 MODELS CODE MODELS A 1949 1950 51 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 FLEETLINE 1007 1007 1008 1008 1007 1207 1207 1208 1208 BEL AIR 1011WD 1011WD
PASS PIN use w recirculating heater 3141377 1 20 12 NOTE On 1955 models it is necessary to form loops in end of cable or use 1956 model cables 8 854 CORE CASE HOUSING DISTBIBUTOR
attaching ornamentation and mouldings must be drilled for all models iNO l E When using on 1955 56 Models also use 3737741 2 step panel moulding 16 600 GQNOTE Includes lwr panel 3738763 4 NOTE
tires thru 1955 lst Ser 7 779 TRACK ASSEMBLY Wheel Currier 41 50 TON 3658388 1 2 40 144 41 50 1 TON SGL UNIT
PASS END UNIT front outer extension R H 3742588 t 1 8 70 522 TNOTE On 1955 56 models inner brace is reversed to original assembly Drill bumper bracket holes per template supplied 7 010 MEMBER
right 6500 3742154 1 96 25 5775 NO l E See illustzrcttiorisf0ri 1enti1 i c 1ti0 of 1955 1956 cmd 1957 aside rneizubersu TNOTE On jobs equipped wit1t1 C11ll1E1 l1Z1Ct11ClIO IlS it will be necessary
Front Cross Member Unit 374lOO 4 cor be used on ny Frome using Side Memlmeis listed cIb0veI 1955 57 PASSENGER FRAME FRONT CROSS IMEMBER IDENTIFICATION nsviszc MARc
strg conn rod pitman arm rod seal cover and 2 rod seals TN OTE Required for early 1955 2nd Ser models having double taper assembly detail M INOTE Not used
Gear Housings tor 1942 46 COE are not serviced See Group No 6 508 j NOTE On 1955 8 cyl models it will be necessary to lengthen the lower transmission control slot using the removed
rear 12 20 I 1 Ihd 1gIIh 2351583 12 35 16 NOTE Not used on 1955 1 TON m I d els w 18 x 5 0 wheel equipment HUB BOLT CHART Part
CONV No 5A body 1 11 3715181 1 85 51 NOTE On 1955 models remove weld projection when usinq otitter we1c 1inq procedure in service mavnsro Novmazrz
models reverse position ot spring eye bolt spacer from inside to outside TNOTE When installing on 1955 56 jobs it will be necessary to use rear spring anchor Plate
UTILITY SPRING lock reur broke 3694524 4 07 4 15 NO I E Not used on 1955 57 D D w 7 50 17 or 7 00 18 tires
PASS w metallic linings KIT rear brake spring 3759943 1 3 10 186 TNOTE Not used on 1955 D D with 7 50 17 7 00 18 tires or 1956 D D with 14 brake
Consists of 1 each Anchor Pin Washer L Washer and Nut TNOTE Not used on 1955 D D w 7 50 17 7 00 18 tires or 1956 D D w duals 5 056 WASHER