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35ide Draft Powerglide 4200 RPM 4200 RPM Slngle Bane V V 1954 1955 1st series Corvette 6 cvl 3 9 16 345 1B 150 140 3 Side Draft Powerglide 4200 RPM 4200 RPM Single Barrel ...
1955 lznu series Corvette S cyl 3 3 4 I55 lil N0 35Ide Draft Powergllde 4200 RPM 4000 RPM Single Barrel Corvette B cyl 3 3 4 l95 180 4 Barrel Powergllde
plate must be relocated by I trensferrlng from left side of 1965 hood to rlght side of 1955 hood NOTE 3 Ifa hood support is needed order part
Cnnsists of bearing and cable asm spring end 0 r ng seal On models prlar to 1955 file off key I on nylon upper brg sleeve 89 79 Y 7805822 1 1 50 ADAPTER
FORK Clutch Release NOTE 1 When using on 1955 56 models i Is necessary ta use 3739045 Push Had 0 787 376 4588 Swivel 0 787 3738054 Fin 2 787 Cotter Pin and Spring
Identification is stamped on differential carrier alone with date oi manufacture Plant Plant Type Identification Type Identification 1955 58 3 paed or 4 speed w Mmnae arms 3 70 ratio 4 FJ 3 Speed
ACTUATOR CAP LEVER PEDAL PIN PIVOT PIVQT KIT 5 PLATE ROD SPRING SWITCH Headlamp Dimmer NOTE 1 1955 56 modal Initial Installation also requires connector