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140 ENGINBASSEMBLY 0 738 RETAINER GASKET SEAL WASHER Camshaft lC n tl 71 74 H 140 4 3980267 I 2 95 SEAL camshaft also part of retainer and seal assy ...
140 331 122 1 85 WASHER camshaft sprocket 0 795 FORK ASSY Clutch Release 71 75 H 140 3994270 1 4 80 0 796 CAP STUD Clutch Fork Ball 71 74 H 140 ...
ball stud 71 75 H 140 3973138 1 85 STUD clutch fcrk ball 0 797 ABSORBER GROMMET Clutch Fork 71 75 H 140 3984273 1 33 included in fcrk easy 71 75 H 140
140 ENGIMEASSEMBLY 0 386 COVER A SY Cams a11 e H sm 1 J I 71 75 H 140 3994274 1 9 95 2 0 459 TAPPET ASSY SCREW Vntva ...
140 5232770 8 3 08 valve ad screw tip color plain 430 461 375 397 Note 1 1 NOTE 7 Useol selectively ss mouirod for a total al Q per veh with ...
with 5232770 72 to obtain ewapmbla va ve lash V 71 75 H 140 5232772 B 3 06 valve adj screw tip color copper 422 443 363 405 Note 3 NOTE Ik used selectively
Prim Schedufe for oppiiceb e prim e v U 0 105 CAP Crankohnfrkser Bearing 71 74 H 140 4 3953485 1 7 85 Nc 5 4 x 0 137 QOMPOUND UNIT SEAL ASSY Crankshaft Hear ...
Bearing am1 Qep 011 71 74 H 140 4 3897597 1 3 50 sealing reor mein bearing and cap vii Now I 4 NOTE is Concise of i eacm whe ollumanea je ci compound ...
ieem dine jar mir ng md anu instruchhn shea 1 71 75 H 140 444 3993468 1 51 SEAL ASSY crankshaft rear bearing and cap01 5 4 0 153 SHIM Crankshaft Main Bearing
140 EIIBWEAISEMBLY 0 559 DAMPER ASSY PULLEV A5S Crenkshaft Can 71 73 H 1BC 140 73 74 H 140 75 H C A C w 2BC 140 3977141 1 3 22 PULLEY ASIV ...
nulleys may be used in plane al singh groove pulleys 75 H C A C vv 1BC 140 354506 1 PULLEV ASSY crankshaft 0 552 SPACER Crankshaft Pulley ...
center 0 666 FLYWHEEL ASSY 71 75 H 140 exc A T 3967046 1 22 05 71 72 H w AJ 140 39914 02 1 22 05 7375 H w A T 140
SCREW ASSY SPACER S 1 Ul WASI iER Engine Mounting 71 72 H 140 4444 8981340 6 17 mgina mounting w rama 73 75 H 140 388501 6 17 engine mounting to frame ...
140 8840151 1 14 68 SPACER angina mounting assy to shock housing 1 1 390 71 74 H 140 0840758 R H 68 SPACER engine mounting any to shock housing ...
140 1870043 AM SPACER motor mount on shock absorber 71 7S ra 140
STUD PIN Accelerator Intermediate 71 75 H 140 rrr r 3997265 I 61 accel com lever 73 75 H w 25C 140 rrr 336959 1 39 PIN carb to accel control Iever ...
Intake Manifold in Group 3 265 71 72 H rrr 3973153 1 16 55 73 74 H 140 r 329695 1 28 05 74 H 122 343385 1 75 H w 25C 140 ...
PIPE Engine to Muffler Exhaust 71 73 H 325178 1 12 50 74 75 H 140 339028 1 12 50 74 75 H 122 339057 1 39 05 75 H 2BC w 180 UFC 140
GAUGE ASSY TUBE Oil Laval Con t 71 75 H 140 44 5273494 1 Z39 TUBE ASSY oil level gauge 4 75 HR 262 354388 1 TUBE ASSY oil level gauge V 1 531 PLUG ...
140 3701538 A R 10 oil pump body oil press reg valve 1 609 VALVE GASKET PLUG SPRING Oil Pressure Regulator 71 75 H 140 8988701 1 51 oil pressure regulator ...
pressure reg 71 74 H 75 H 140 3870275 1 1 I GASKET oil pressure rsp valve plug 71 75 H 140 5255514 1 22 PLUG oil pressure regulator valve 4 71 75 H 140
140 4 7030885 1 diverter 4 75 H 1 BC w AJ 4 4 7043303 1 E G R 4 75 H 1812 exc AI 4 7043304 I E G R 3 675 HOSE CLIP ...
ASSY Air Injection Reactor 73 75 H 3943838 1 1 19 EGR va1ve 74 H w IBC 140 3984517 1 CLIP EGFI valve hose 75 H 140 8270023 A 26 EXTENSION air injector pipe ...
pipe 72 H 3942534 1 11 GASKET air mj diverter valve 73 75 H 140 329700 I 27 GASKET EGR valve 73 75 1 140 333978 2 1 1 GASKET EGR pipe
aide gear 44 4 5 517 SHAFT Differential Pininn 71 75 H 140 exc P Trac 3855511 1 1 75 6 dia r n0 Gear 44 74 H 122 exc P Trac ...
rinq gear 4 5 518 SCREW Pinion Shaft Leek 71 75 N 140 exc P Trac 3974957 1 22 6 dia ring gear 74 H 122 exc F Trac ...
Trac 393132 1 20 7 dia ring gear 6 526 GEAR Differential Pinien 71 75 H 140 exc P Trac 3974949 2 4 95 Ii dia ring gear 74 H 122 exc P Trac
TERMINAL UNIT BOLT Generator 71 74 H 140 44 1848900 1 1 37 battery ...
Group 2 277 71 H exc P S 4 4 3977191 1 2 49 71 75 H 140 w P 5 4 3983421 1 1481 front 44 4 4 71 75 H 140 ...
rear 4 4 444 4 44 72 75 H 140
body mtg 3 402 0APT ER ASSY AIR CLEANER ASSY SILENCER ASSY Carburetor II 72 75 H 140 w 2EIC exc HR 8284325 1 7 30 a cl and silencer 75 HF1 140 ...
CLEANER ASSY 73 75 H 140 w 2BC 8487888 1 9 97 AIR CLEANER ASSY 74 H 122 6487979 1 AIR CLEANER ASSY 75 HR 262 8994417 1 AIR CLEANER ASSY ...
140 8481351 1 8 35 SILENCER ASSY 3 403 GASKET SCREW STUD Air Cleaner and Silencer to Carburetor i 71 72 H 3 73 74 H w IBC 3570102 I 17 air cleaner to carburetor
140 1870661 Z 33 2 390 PLATE Distributor Weight Hold Down 71 74 H 140 1954548 1 61 2 393 BRACKET CONDENSER CAPACITOR Distributor ...
generator capacitor 71 74 H 140 1944118 1 dlstrlbutor condenser 71 74 H 140 1928111 1 1 51 CONDENSER distributor 75 H 1876154 1 2 33 CAPACITOR dist 2 400 LEAD Distributor Terminal ...
140 1954583 1 50 2 401 GROMMET Distributor Terminal 71 74 H 140 1954584 1 2 408 SOLENOID ASSY BOLT BRACKET CLAMP HARNESS ASSY VALVE ASSY Dist Spark Advance Trans Electric Control
140 4 7035149 1 3 25 74 H w 2BC 140 44 8280705 1 3 33 3 818 TUBE ASSY Carburetor Idle ...
ASSY Carburetor Idle Arr Compensator 73 H w 1BC 7035870 1 2 15 74 H w 1BC 140 7035867 1 3 30 73 H w IBC 7035070 1 44 COVER compensator ...
fast dle valve 73 H w IBC 7034030 2 20 SCREW compensator cover 74 H w 180 140 7020828 2 I0 SCREW carb choke volvo 74 H w 1BC 140 7041272 2 27 SCREW comp
PANEL BRACKET PAD Radiator Mounting lC n t 76 HH 140 exo l l D Red 356333 1 PANEL ASSY red support filler A A A 76 HR 140 ...
CAACA HD Red A 3982056 LAH 33 BRACKET radiator lower mtg AAA 71 76 HV 76 HR 140 exo HAD Red AA 982068 2 40 PAD radiator retainer ...
140 exo HAD Rad AA 982057 2 A0 PAD radiator retainer LAH A A 76 HR 262 76 HR 140 w H D RadA AA 8988604 1 43 PAD radiator upper retainer
SPACER restraint cable 5 420 SHAFT Axle 71 75 H 140 3974979 2 37 50 8 dia ring gear 14 H 122 345535 1 25 00 75 H 344170 2 7 die ring gear ...
ring gear 5 460 SHIM UNIT Pinion Shaft Bearing 71 15 H 140 U7850A H 20 pinion Ihaft bearing 021 026 S dia ring gear 71 75 H 140 29I7351A R 80 pinion that bearing ...
ring gear 71 75 H 140 3987352 A FI 80 pinion theft bearing 023 037 5 g dia ring gear 75 H 35l509A R 020 024 7 dia ring gear
Carburetor te Accelerator Lever 71 73 rl 336978 1 2 49 accel control 4 74 H 140 44 40844 1 2 49 accel control ...
carb to acc gout 133 7375 H w ZBC 140 44 4 338969 1 428 ROD carb to eccel cont lever 4 4 4 73 75 H w 2BC 140 ...
sccel control 4 4 74 75 H vv 18C 140 4 339917 1 28 ROD carb to accel cont lever 444 4 3 431 ROD ASSY Accelerator Pedal 71 H 4 397B12
140 exc A T 7047448 1 48 20 74 H IBC w AJ 140 ...
minor 73 H w 2BC 335148 I 24 95 REPAIR UNIT carb major 74 H w ZBC 140 exc A T 345848 1 14 25 REPAIR UNIT carb maior 74 H 260 w AT 140 ...
carb flange 71 72 H w 2BC 3958778 1 82 carb flange 73 75 H w 2BC 140 331181 2 77 carb air heat 71 75 H w IBC 331124 1 1 05 INSIJLATOR carb
140 345640 I 1 7I gab thrgm 4 11 74 H w 130 7010435 1 l0 SCREW carb pump rod lever attaching 73 74 H w 2BC 4 44 44 5269096 I 1 1 WASHER ...
return 73 H w 2BC 335132 I 33 carb throttle lever return primary 74 H w 2BC 140 345045 1 17 carb throttle lover return primary 3 788 CAM LEVER RETAINER SCREW SPRING Carburetor Feet ...
140 7048773 1 70 73 74 H w 2SC 74 H w 2BC 140 346639 I 1 60 LEVER carb fast rdle cern adj 73 74 H w ZBC 335146 1 33 LEVER carb idle
LEVER ASSY carb choke w link 74 H w IBC 140 7041238 1 1 45 LEVER ASSY w link carb choke 71 72 H w 2BC 7028239 1 78 LEVER AND COLLAR ASSY carb choke ...
auto choke 73 74 H w ZBC 835134 I 74 ROD carb choke 74 H w 1BC 140 7041173 1 70 ROD carb choke 75 H UBC w 3 Sed 140 ...
carb vac break link 73 H w 1BC 140 7040139 1 8 40 carb vac break link 74 H vv 1BC 140 17050210 1 8 40 carb vac brkt
PIPE dist drive hsg oil drain 44 2 367 CAP Distributor 71 74 H 140 ...
140 1852772 1 7 15 74 H 122 1878477 1 2015 74 H 122 1878475 1 24 35 POLE PIECE w plate essy 74 H 122 1964945 1 4 18 RDTOR pole piece ...
weight base 2 381 CAM Distributor 71 72 H 1851224 1 7 25 78 74 H 140 1870882 1 7 25 w weight plete 2 382 ROTOR Distributor
shaft 71 72 H exc P 5 7813819 1 4 26 pitrnan shaft needle 73 75 H 140 exc P S 7309260 1 1 81 BUSBING strg gear Pitman shaft ...
bushing 8 race 6 806 SEAL Steering Geer i 71 75 H 140 exc P S 6898637 1 90 worm dust 74 H 122 exc P 5 7802180 1 1 07 shaft dust ...
Group 6 5181 71 73 H w P 5 7812147 1 8 25 side 71 75 H 140 exc P S 7809201 1 7 30 side
Fuel Filter 74 H 122 77 3892948 l 11 67672 7 7 7 7 7 75 H 140 7 343441 1 10 CLIP eng valve pipe black 7 7 7 3 163 SHIELD SLEEVE Fuel ...
BRACE inlet manif 7777 77 3 270 GASKET Intake Manifold to Engine 71 76 H 140 777 7 3977151 1 68 74 H 122 333903 1 68 3 275 BOLT PIPE STUD Alec Sea Groups ...
exhalist manifold lower ends 16 x 2 7 777 73 75 H 140 7 329699 2 728 anhallst manifold lower ends 7 7 7 74 H 122 7777 334047 15 728 exhaust manifold
link 2 170 COIL Ignition 71 74 H 140 rrrr 1115202 1 13 50 w 1 8 ohm wire stamped 202 12V 74 H 122 r4 1115207 78 H 140 1116544 I 2 171 WIRE ...
ASSY Ignition Coll 71 74 H 140 2986971 1 1 71 dist to coil high tension 2 183 BRACKET NUT SCREW Ignition Coll Mounting 71 74 H 1846736 1 70 75 H 140 ...
Injection 74 H 122 8914616 1 82 85 2 239 WIRE UNIT Spark Plug 71 74 H 140 8906932 1 7 74 74 H 122 8018895 1 21 22 2 240 WIRE ASSY Spark Plug
Side NOTE l Two w ra m between cenrer 2 270 PLUG Spark 71 74 H 140 6813324 4 1 80 type ...
140 5613578 4 AC R43TSX 75 HR 8 cyl 5813572 8 AC R44TX 2 274 FAN PULLEY Generetor NOTE ln same cases double groove pulleys may be used in place uf single gmava pulleys ...
pulley 71 74 H 140 1949355 1 3 20 PULLEY 74 H 1221 3844100 1 6 85 PULLEY 2 275 GENERATOR Less Pulley NOTE For Generator acceptable for exchange credl see Exchange Section
BRAKES REAR AXLE AND DRIVE 5 543 WASHER Differential Side Gear Thrust ep Q 71 75 H 140 exc F Trai 444 8287891 2 23 6 q dia ring gear ...
propeller tuba and trunnion V 73 75 H 140 7814793 1 49 95 propellantube and trunnion 74 H 1122 781 933 1 45 65 propellantube and trunnion r 75 HR Rotary ...
propeller tube and trunnlon r 5 545 FLANGE DEFLECTOR SLINGER WASHER Propeller Shaft Pinion 71 74 H 140 3997957 1 10 95 w defleczor Note 1 NOTE I Strap type Bmw ring
rear axle torque 75 HF Rotary 348503 I rear axle torque 75 H 140 w T H 350 356318 I rear axle torque 75 H 140 w 4 Spd 353915 1 BRACKET rear axle torque ...
140 w TH 350 348540 1 BRAGKEI rear axle torque erm 71 72 H 98640128 H 6 40 SUPPORT MOUNTING 71 72 H 96640131 H 6 40 SUPPORT MOUNTING 5 381 BUSHING ASSY Rear Axle ...
140 344173 1 7 dia ring gear 74 H 122 4 444 650515 I0 15 SCREW diff carriar cover 75 H 38498I 10 10 SCREW IB x sa diff carrier cover 7 dla ring gear
140 345801 1 18 20 71 74 H w IBC 7043856 1 1 40 BRACKET air cleerxer stud 71 74 H w IBC 7038912 3 31 SCREW carb air horn long ...
140 17050068 1 21 30 71 72 H w 2BC 7021528 1 35 INSERT carb main well 3 738 GASKET Carburetor Alr Horn ...
140 3980240 1 46 COVER 73 74 H w ZBC 335099 I 33 GASKET carb choke housing 73 H w 2BC 335140 1 3 79 HOUSING ASSY carb thermostat 74 H w ZBC 140
ENGlNE CLUTCH FUEL EXHAUST JTARBURETION A W a 1g7r 75 vm Engine From Mounting 140 Crm A 0 1P gn veg mer mak and Fuel Tank Swan A MP 1a11 1s Vega Basic Engine ...
Clutch 140 Crm IHF 1972 74 vm Fw Tanx me Fuel Tank svan 3 2P 1971 75 Ciunch 140 CID 4 0 5F 1971 Vega Fuel Meter and Pump Assy A S3 1971 75 Vega ...
197l 75 Vega Anealsrator Pedal Rod and Bracket A 3 15P 1971 75 140 C10 Fladiator Mountings Shrouds 197135 Vega 1BC Accelerator Cable Lever and Fan Hose and Components
steering gear edjusting plug lock 6 835 BEARING ASSY CUP RETAINER Steering Worm Thrust 71 75 H 140 exc P S 5673113 2 1 07 steerin ...
size code Il 6 850 GEAR ASSY Steering Gear Pitman Shaft 71 75 H 140 ...
78I5992 I 13 30 6 866 SEAL Pitman Shaft 71 75 H 140 exc P S 7809243 1 1 02 steering gear Pitman shaft grease
140 345061 1 45 15 3 003 NECK ASSY CLAMP CLIP HOSE RESTRICTOR Fuel Tenk Filler 71 73 H 3992924 1 1 07 74 HV I1 77l 339044 1 5 08 74 HV exc Coupel ...
FILTER UNIT WIRE ASSY Fuel Tank 71 73 H 6428757 1 17 70 tank unit 74 H 140 6426678 I 17 70 tank unit 74 H 122 6429744 I 22 68 tank unit ...
PUMP AND FILTER UNIT fuel in tank 71 73 H 74 75 H 140 3906335 1 3 33 WIRE ASSY fuel tank extension 74 H 122 8908349 1 15 65 WIRE ASSY fuel tank extension
rank and mar Tank strap 3 1F 1911 15 vega Basic Engine and clinch 140 C l A 0 2P 1972 74 vm Paar Tank and Fuel Tank Strap 3 21 1971 75 Clutch 140 ...
Coolant Puma and Oil System 140 CID 1 SP 1971 72 Vega 28C Accelerator Lauer and Bracket A 3 l lP 1971 75 Vega Hem Gen and Accessory Drive 197375 Vega 2BC Accelerator Lever ...
Bracket 3 18P 140 ClD 11111111 11 11 V s A 1 SP 1974 75 Vega Accelerator Pedal Rod 1 1 1111 3 19 1972 Vega Air Hoses and Dwerter Valve 1 111 3 2017 CHASSIS
GAUGE ASSY Coolant Temperature Dash Unit 71 74 G T 140 8489892 1 10 20 w resistor 74 H w gauges 122 6490875 1 10 75 w resistor 00 8 I 0I1 lD6I ...
heater unit 1 1 163 OUTLET GASKET Coolant Dude 71 75 I l 140 0270007 1 10 05 74 H 122 3841191 I 2 37 75 HR 252 366967 1 71 75 H 140
carb power oper rod 74 H w lBC 140 7042849 1 94 71 74 H w IBC 7042670 1 L15 LEVER carb pump actuaiang 71 72 H w ZBC 7006011 1 74 PISTON ASSY carb ...
33B08G 3 38 SCREW ASSY carb power valve oper rod iO81rh0rr1 3 875 SWITCH Carburetor 76 H 140 3986BB7 1 2 50 oil press 3 890 FILTER ASSY BRACKET Carburetor ...
fllwr V 3 900 PUMP Fuel V ix 74 H 122 342601 1 y 71 74 H 140 470680 1 15 12 PUMP AND FILTER UNIT fuel in tank M 3 901 BRACKET MOUNT ASSY
recovery tank 74 H 140 78 H 1801187 1 36 CAP recovery tank 72 H 140 338528 1 1 10 BRACKET 73 H 338577 I 1 04 BRACKET ASSY ...
RETAINER 72 73 H 74 H 122 883087 l 4 18 TANK 74 75 HV 140 338592 l 4 17 TANK 75 HR 349518 1 TANK 1 248 THERMOSTAT Radiator
SAGINAW 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION 4 003 TRANSMISSION ASSY I3 74 H 140 444 44 8281882 1 316 40 3 11 to 1 ratio A4444 75 H 140 346341 I w ext A44 AAA444
Crankcase Vent Con 74 H 122 A 334098 1 51 HOSE crankcasa van 75 H w IBC 140 AJ R w NB 2 364517 I TUBE pulsan cheek valve A 1 800 SWITCH ASSY ...
VALVE ASSY Oil Fihsr By Pass 71 75 H 140 5575418 l 1 57 LB66 CONNECTOR Oil FHt8l 71 75 H 3863870 1 61 1974 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAHON CHEVROLET
CLUTCH 140 CID 1 0 649 BEARING 3352487 2 0 666 FLYWHEEL ASSY 3967048 3 6 932 WASHER P 1 1 4 0 669 SOL 1 1 20 x I 839756 5 0 886 PLATE
VEGA ENGINE FRONT MOUNTING 140 CID 1 0 029 BRACKET LH 3997293 0 029 sncxzr 111 1 9 4 2991294 2 8 917 nur rm 20 3 0 002 scnsw Assv
VEGA BELTS Gan and Accessory Drive 140 CID 1 1 066 BELT 6 36 71 7 3927158 1066 een gw 36 72 731 3066191 2 1066 sew 5 11 71 721 390540 3 17066 BELT
vnzw all C 9 2 180 VIEW A 1971 74 VEGA SPARK PLUG WIRING AND COIL 140 CID 1 2 170 COIL 1115202 2 2 183 BRACKET 4 1846736 3 2 171 WIREASSY
VEGA SPARK CONTROL 140 1 2 4138 HARNESSASSY contrn spark 7 2 525 HAF1NESSAS Y eng ne 2 1 150 SW TCH zem 8 2 480 HARNESSA SY 1orwavdlamp 3 2 530 CONNECTOR enQinowirinQ
s0Ien0 d 4 2 102 CONTACT ASSY GROMMET Starting Motor Field Frame 75 H 140 4 1935645 1 10 71 75 H w 1108195 96 8523 1945827 1 03 GROMMET 4 2 104 COVER Solenoid
Powerglide T H 350 NB 2 4 CAK Manual Tnnsrnlesion NB 2 z CAL 140 C l D llhnual eu NBJ CAM Manual CAW TH 350 exc NB 2 CAR Manual CBB Manual
VEGA CARBURETOR FUEL PIPE 140 CID 1 34725 GASKET 4 331151 2 3726 INSULATOR4 331160 3 3 916 NUT 2 1 4 8 931 WASHER W A 3417 BRACKET 331162 5 964 PrPE
ENGINE CLUTCH 1971 75 VEGA BASIC ENGINE AND CLUTCH 140 CID I I 629 PISTDN ASSY 4 3992229 45 I 652 STUD 7I Inwar L 1 I 3992226 0 529 PISTDN ASSY
Consists of shaft and up cur as raqwreoi 4 343 GEAR Speedometer Drive 73 74 H 140 8281797 1 3 07 74 H 1122 328555 1 2 95 4 345 CLIP Speedometer Drive Gear
trans 1st and 2nd shift 4 309 SHAFT ASSY Gear Shifter 13 75 H 140 330125 1 7 40 trans 3rd and 4th shift 73 H 1st design 5261857 1 5 95 trans
GEAR ASSY Steering 71 74 H w F S 78f8444 1 128 55 71 75 H 140 exc P S 7815599 1 72 50 74 H 122 w Fest Steering
steening column intermediate w pin and see 444 11 78 H 140 exc P S 7809787 1 39 95 steering gear w werrn and hall nut 74 H 1221 exc P 5 7817548 1 strg
wavey 4 421 GEAR ASSY Transmission Coumarshaft 7374 H 140 3915033 1 46 70 74 H 1221 340522 I 68 65 counter 4 422 ROLLER Transmission Countershaft Gear 73 74 H 435847 54 11 counter
Side Lower Moulding LII L 4 Engine l40 CID DHD Aluminum 2 Bb ZJI Custom Interior LI3 140 CID L 4 OHC Engine I Bhl Carb ZJ2 Custom Exterior MBI 2Speed Transmission Manual Siift
rvrrrrrv jg Q V s II E J K 1 SS 1 3 8 B I0 1 140 1971 73 VEGA GRILLE RELATED PARTS 1 1283 PANEL ASSY 71 72 9871043 1 1 266 GRILLE
trans oil level 72 74 H 6273221 I 1 82 TUBE ASSY trans oil filler 75 H 140 354702 1 TUBE ASSY trans oil filler 75 HR w Rotary A C 352218 1 TUBE ASSY
front brake pipe 4 686 CLIP Hydraulic Brake 71 74 H 140 3996329 2 28 from brake pipe 71 74 H 342653 1 17 rear brake rear pipe 75 H 34344BA R 25 front brake
TRANSMISSION ASSY Less Hand Brake 72 74 H 140 345188 I 510 80 75 H 140l 8840014 1 75 HR 8 cyl 347498 I 4 004 LEVER ASSY BRACKET ASSY Transmission Gearshift
engme end generator 74 H w F S 140 8908560 1 47 30 engine and generator 74 H exc A l P S gauges 8908328 1 40 44 engrne end generator 74 H w gauges
PANEL ASSY Hood 71 I5 HV 44 44 9599499 1 62 50 75 HR 140 4 1677640 1 75 HR 8 cyl 1866911 1 75 HR Rotary 1854499 1 8 015 HINGE STRAP ROD ASSY
VEGA ENGINE FRONT MOUNTING 140 CID 1 sms nAc zr4L n 4 seem o czs nAcm4n n 4444 4 mma 2 mu nur r zo 44 s om scnswAssv 4 4 seams