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Selector Gauge 11 J 8365 Manual Valve Lever Gauge 12 J 7896 Transmission Holding Fixture 13 J 1264 0 200 Ft 1 6s Torque Wrench 14 J 6585 3 Front Pump Slide Hammer Adapters
Manuo Trar 1 J 8361 Clutch Gear Pull r 2 J 932 Synchronizer Retainer Pliers 3 J 1264 Torque Wrench under Clutch Linkage Adjustment in this section 20 Refill axle and transmission with lubricant specified
Lobe 20 J 8001 Indicator Set Universal 21 J 8087 Indicator Set C linder Bore 22 J 1264 Torque Wrench 0 200 Ft Lb J 8058 Torque Wrench 0 50 Ft Lb J 5853 Torque