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check its com I pressed width at the widest point with the graduations on the envelope fig 122 NOTE Normally main bearing journals wear evenly and are not out of round However if a bearing ...
Checking Clearance NOTE Install a piece of plastic hose with 5 16 LD over each bolt fig 122 1 Wipe bearing insert shell and crankpin clean of oil Z Measure the crankpin
gauging plastic the full width of the bearing parallel to the crankshaft on the journal fig 122 3 Install other half of crankcase with bearings and evenly torque all crankcase bolts to specifications CAUTION ...
correlated in thousandths of an inch Yr Sr T T cy FRONT FLYWHEE END WMMM Fig 122 Measuring Gauging Plastic on Journal
FRONT PUMP PRESSITRS PSn Range Selector Position Condition R N D L At idle 16 Hg 104 122 52 64 52 64 94 105 At idle with vacuum hose disconnected