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rear door 4060912 95 2 1935 Ser 1000 front door 4059816 95 2 1936 Ser 1200 exc CBL 4060809 95 A 11 1936 Ser 1000 4065635 95 A R 1937 38 Ser 371000 1200 ...
1200 4082069 95 A R 1939 40 CLOSED 4102311 95 A R 1942 Ser 1200 4131424 1 00 A R 1942 Ser 1000 4132260 1 00 A R 1929 38 CLOSED RETAINER handle upringr sztnael ...
CLOSED 1946 Ser 1000 4147120 B 1 1 11 1946 Ser 1200 4146766 95 A R 10 8105 PLATE Doom Window Regulator Handle Escutchaeeon 1929 33 CLOSED 1935 Ser 1000 front door only
1200 4 4 A 4060808 95 2 1937 38 CLOSED 4 A 4 4076980 95 2 1939 40 CLOSED 4102300 95 2 1941 42 Ser 1000 4116130 95 2 NOTE When using 4116130 die cast ...
replace plastic handle it is also necessary to use 4116183 ESCUTCHEON GROUP 10 665 1941 412 Ser 1200 1 4116141 95 2 NOTE When using 4116141 on 1942 Ser 1200 it is also necessary ...
CUTCHEON GROUP 10 665 1946 Ser 1000 4147119 2 1946 Ser 1200 4146765 2 1937 38 CLOSED SPRING tension handle 4 O D x UQ long 6 coils 4073893 10 513 2 1939 CLOSED SPRING
CLOSED snap on type high 3658565 02 R 40 10 255 PLATE Instrument Pumel Piiller 1940 Ser 1200 ash tray openiugr 3654188 30 1 1941 Ser 1200 ash tray opening ...
1200 ash tray opeiiingr 3664661 50 1 1946 Ser 1200 ash tray opening 3681201 50 1 1940 CLOSED compartment door end filler used w 1 wide mldg 3655383 25 1 10 256 PLATE RETAIN1ER ...
PLATE 8 x 10 3654037 1 75 1 1940 Sex 1200 PLATE 8 x 10 beige 3654419 80 1 1941 Ser 1000 PLATE
1200 4 4081942 1 95 1 1939 Ser 1000 4 4 4089943 2 75 1 1939 Ser 1200 4089942 2 50 1 1940 Ser 1000 1500 less moulding ...
with moulding 4106651 4 00 1 1940 Ser 1200 4106652 3 00 1 1941 Ser 1000 exc Job 1069 with moulding walnut and beige 4114862 5 00 1 1941 Jobs 1011 19 27 69 with ...
moulding walnut 4128723 5 00 1 1941 Ser 1200 4114864 2 75 1 1942 Jobs 1007 69 with moulding 4131726 5 00 1 1942 Jobs 1011 19 27 27B 67 with moulding
cushion and backs comb No 126 4128376 yd 12 0 A R 1941 Ser 1200 cushion and backs comb No 115 4118526 yd 10 00 A R 1941 CLOSED side walls and back ol 1ront ...
cushion and backs o1 n1b No 131 4132810 yd 10 00 A R 1942 46 Ser 1200 cushion and backs om1b No 129 4132805 yd 10 00 1 1 1 1 1942 46 lobs ...
comb No 132 4132814 yd 12 00 A R 1942 46 1obs 1011 19 27 27B Ser 1200 sidewalls and buck ol rc nt seat back comb
long 4099317 15 1 1941 42 Ser 1000 13 gg long 4110789 10 1 1942 46 Ser 1200 i 4131049 10 1 10 268 S l R1KER CATCH Inmtrument Panel Compartment Loclm 1934 ALL MASTER ...
PLATE Clock Hole Cowie 1938 CLOSED ivory 4081949 30 1 1939 CLOSED 4089947 30 1 1940 Sex 1200 1500 chrome letters 4101949 75 1 1 940 Ser 1200 1500 pointed letters ...
1200 chrome 51 Q 1i 11 nete1 3659292 75 1 1942 46 Ser 421000 1200 461200 chrome 511 2 c11 stcmijygaed STYLE MAS TER 3676575 75 1 10 274 SCREW Instrument Pccrnel
switch is 011 lock pillar 4090211 1 25 1 1933 39 CLOSED 1940 Iobs 1017 27 Ser 1200 1500 with switch 4090212 1 75 1 1940 1obs ...
1200 4116139 1 50 1 1935 Ser 1000 SCREW clome lamp lo grouiid No 6432 x 7 1 binding head 4070895 10 724 1 11 9281 RIM LENS Dome Lurnp 1929 33 CLOSED STANDARD ...
lens 4043690 70 1 1934 Ser 6 00 1935 36 10bs 1017 57 Ser 1200 1937 38 lobs 1017 87 Ser 1200 1939 40 Iobs 1017 27 Ser 1200 1500 RIM wtlleris
CLOSED front and rear 1 1c ors 4065621 20 A R 1937 Ser 1200 front and rear doors 4073892 20 A R 1935 lobs 1009 19 Ser 1200 front and rem doors ...
front and rear doors 4090145 20 A R 1939 Ser 1200 front and rear dcwrs 4090146 20 A R 1940 Ser 1000 1500 front and rear doors 4102302 10 665 A R 1940 Ser 1200
panel 4106672 it is necessary to use medallion 4105844 and retainer 4107703 group 10 252 1940 Ser 1200 4104427 8 50 1 1941 Ser 1000 walnut 4128730 9 50 1 1941 Ser 1200 walnut ...
1200 4133564 10 00 1 1942 lobs 1011 19 27 27B 4133563 10 00 1 1942 lobs 1007 69 4133574 10 00 1 1942 CBL 4133565 10 00 1 1946 Ser 1200
MASTER 17 x 32 375279 1 75 1 1935 Ser 1200 167451 32 379081 1 60 1 12 557 FLOOR BOARD Luggage Compartment 1937 39 SDL front 4078343 5 75 1 12 559 ATTACHING PARTS ...
MASTER reinforcement 375289 35 1 1934 ALL MASTER front floor board 375277 30 1 1935 Ser 1200 wrth insulator 379359 1 45 1 1935 36 Ser 1000 toe and floor board ...
floor board for use w transmission having WM serial numbers 476039 2 50 1 1936 Ser 1200 and floor board with insulator 475441 1 45 1 1937 38 CLOSED tlrtor and toe board
right or left less sockets 4072186 2 15 1 1936 Ser 1200 right or left less sockets 4065462 2 15 1 1937 CLOSED exc CBL SDL right or left ...
lobs 1011 19 27 27B left comb N0 1 30 4133192 2 75 1 1942 46 Ser 1200 exc SDL right unit W 1 t1EGC1 11I1Q screws 985875 3 10 1 1942 46 Ser 1200
front and rear doors 4 V 4116127 20 B A R 1941 Ser 1200 front and rear doors 4116143 15 B A R 1942 CLOSED 4 front and rear doors ...
left front 4071075 1 75 1 1935 Ser 1200 right or left front 4059522 1 75 2 1935 Ser 1000 right front used with 4061443 inside handle 4059812 1 75 1 1935 Ser 1000 right ...
CLOSED right front and left rear 4035368 1 35 2 1934 CLOSED 1935 Ser 1200 left and right front or left rear 4044840 1 35 A R 1935 Ser 1000 left front used when inside
long with lip 4043394 3 00 1 1934 3 5 CLOSED exc CBL 1936 Ser 1200 exc CBL 1937 39 SDL iyg x 1 lg x 103 long with ...
CLOSED moulded in one piece ider1t No H33459 4089916 3 00 1 1940 Ser 1200 1500 moulded in one piece ident No 1 171704 4099966 3 50 1 1940 Ser 1000 moulded in one piece ...
ident No H70994 4099932 3 50 1 1941 46 Ser 1200 moulded in one piece ident No H76304 4116260 3 50 1 1941 46 Ser 1000 exc Iobs 1007 moulded in one piece ident
Jobs 1201 11 17 19 comb No 50 4067825 2 30 2 1936 37 Ser 361000 1200 371000 exc CBL SDL comb Nos 55 52 4075592 2 30 2 1936 38 Ser 361000 1200 ...
comb No 136 4141882 3 75 2 1942 46 Ser 1200 ARM REST unit 985798 2 75 1 1936 40 CLOSED SCREW trim flop to cum rest 4090730 10 724 10 14 688 MOULDING Door
right front 1933 36 4 DOOR CLOSED right rear czomposite l 0r 1936 Ser 1200 exc lob 1267 right front composite door 1936 Ser 1000 ond Iob 1267 left front ...
left front 1933 36 4 DOOR CLOSED left reor 1936 Ser 1200 exc lob 1267 left front composite d t r 1936 Ser 1000 ond Iob 1267 right front ...
steel 4082691 55 A R 1936 38 lobs 361201 09 11 19 Ser 371000 1200 381000 120O left front ond reor cilocrrs steel 4073885 55 A R 1939 lobs 1001 11 1201 11 right front
rear 18 long 4034248 10 1 1934 ALL formed in one piece lip type developed 1935 Ser 1200 x1ength 42 4060748 25 1 1935 36 Ser 351000 361000 1200 formed in one piece ...
long 4027764 15 1 1934 35 Ser 1200 1 LD x 1 long 4058819 15 1 1937 39 CLOSED 1 1 D x 10 developed length mo1ded 4089930 20 1 1940 46 CLOSED
lanq 4089918 1 00 1 1940 Ser 1000 145 Q long 4101928 1 00 1 1940 Ser 1200 1500 14141 ng 4101929 75 1 1941 46 Ser 1000 exc labs 1007 less wecttherstrip 15 long ...
labs 1007 less weatherst 1 13 long 4125921 1 00 1 1941 46 Ser 1200 less weatherstriyp 1511 lung 4114980 75 1 10 052 REINFORCEMENT Wiznmishitelld Opening Strainer ...
MOULDING Windlshiekszi Division Inner 1935 36 Ser 1000 361000 1200 T GXL 1011 3ii 1Z 6U Q tan 11 x 1 0ng 4065158 50 1 1937 CLOSED exc CBL walnut 4073734 50 1 1938 CLOSED
aannlzn No Material Modelhi No Material 1VIOde1s 115 Tan Pile Fabric 1200 exc 1227B 27P 71 129 Greyish Tan Pile Fabric 1200 116 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 10 00 130 Grey Striped Pile Fabric
comb No 61 4074207 yd 9 20 A R 1937 Ser 1200 comb No 63 4074092 yd 8 60 A R 1938 39 CLOSED comb ...
1200 comb Nos 69 79 4089859 yd 8 60 A R 1939 40 Ser 1000 comb Nos 81 88 4102816 yd 8 75 A R 1940 41 Ser 401000 Jobs 411227 B 27P comb
CLOSED exc SDL 594350 2 20 1 1 939 Ser 1000 350627 2 20 1 1939 Ser 1200 350703 1 50 1 1940 41 CLOSED 3658461 2 20 1 1942 46 CLOSED ...
FASTENER Dash Panel Mat 1934 46 Ser 1200 7 6 x Ugg heud x 1 long 376710 01 A R 1940 46 Ser 1000 9 1 hecnd diumetev x 1 1 3 long
comb Nos 86 B7 1E E 4103834 1 25 1 1940 Ser 1200 1500 exc SDL comb Nos 86 97 4103836 1 25 1 1941 Iob 1019 comb ...
comb No 130 4133113 1 50 1 1941 Iob 1069 comb No 126 1942 46 Ser 1200 exc SDL comb No 129 4133114 1 50 1 14 823 MOULDING Front Sewut Bock Pune Finishing
comb No 1215 4128769 75 1 1 941 Ser 1200 zright comb No 115 4118212 75 1 1941 Ser 1200 1eft comb No 1115 4118213 75 1 1 942 Soy 1000 zrigbt comb
Jobs 1007 4131027 4 25 1 1942 Jobs 1011 19 27 27B ser 1200 exc SDL 4130992 4 25 1 1942 Job 1069 4131008 4 25 1 1946 Jobs 1019 27 27B ser 1200
right 4092068 35 1 1937 39 CLOSED exc CBL lett 4092069 35 1 1940 Ser 1200 1500 right 4106668 40 1 1940 Ser 1200 1500 left 4106669 40 1 1940 Ser 1000 exc CBL right
CLOSED exc CBL SDL left stamped A49674 4034242 1 25 1 1934 CLOSED exc CBL 1935 Ser 1200 right stamped A60572 4044827 1 25 1 1934 CLOSED exc CBL 1935 Ser 1200 left stamped A60571
RETAINER 4137573 20 2 1 0 163 CONTROL PARTS Wimhhield Wiper 1 1935 36 Ser 351000 361000 1200 CONTROL ASSY wii 11 octagon knob 4058849 75 1 1937 38 CLOSED CONTROL ASSY wiilzh knurlnd knob ...
Windshield Wiper Control 1933 34 CLOSED M6 diameter x 1 long N10 6 40 tapped 1935 Ser 1200 ho1e chrome l te 1 371046 25 1 1942 46 CLOSED
OPEN 367898 6 00 1 1933 CLOSED exc SDL 364787 4 25 1 1934 CLOSED 1935 Ser 1200 4044699 4 75 1 1935 Ser 1000 1936 CLOSED 4065673 3 75 1 1937 38 CLOSED ...
CLOSED EXTENSION suction pipe 5 in required 364934 8 964 1 1936 37 Ser 1200 NIPPLE connector one end for 1 gg 1 D hose 1938 CLOSED other end L taper pipe
1200 ...
Removed 604252 6 0 1 2 75 604090 7006 1200
cast handle to replace plastic handle it is also necessary to use 4116183 ESCUTCHEON 1946 Ser 1200 4146766 10 797 2 1939 Jobs 1009 19 27 KNOB 4091366 15 2 1940 Jobs
lobs 1201 11 4090161 10 665 2 1940 Ser 1000 1500 4102302 10 665 2 1940 Ser 1200
Jobs 1027B with carpet insert 4133495 5 50 1 1941 46 Ser 1200 exc SDL 4133494 5 00 1 1942 46 SDL 4133500 5 00 1 15 290 MAT Door Opening Step rubber
Jobs 1011 19 27 27B 69 identification No H77124 4115113 2 25 1 1941 46 Ser 1200 exc SDL identification N0 H76283 4114979 2 25 1 1942 46 Ser 1000 exc Jobs
list price is 1 35 10 551 SPRING PIN Door Outside Look Handle 1934 CLOSED 1935 Ser 1200 SPRING sleeve I QQ O D x 4 coi1s torsional 4042576 10 1 1934 46 CLOSED
LEVER Dame Lump Switch 1933 39 CLOSED 1940 Iobs 1017 27 Ser 1200 1500 for lump with built in switch 4090214 10 R 1 11 996 SMOKING CASE ASSEMBLY 1942 CBL ou quarter trim
tlhiclx 185380 3 654 A R 1940 41 Ser 401000 41 1200 WASHER outer moulding to panel bolt 41 10517 03 2 1941 lobs 1019 1219 69 WASHER center pillar lower belt moulding
left stamped I 149668 4034240 1 25 1 1 934 CLOSED exc CBL 1935 Ser 1200 right and left stamped i1E38476 4064398 1 35 2 NOTE When necessary reverse hinge pin so it will
1200 1500 4 v 4 less instrument panel 4103068 52 00 1 1941 CLOSED exc CBL less instrument panel t 4 4117580 52 00 1 1942 46 CLOSED exc 1007 67 less instrument panel
Folding Top 1942 CBL 4133598 1 50 1 14 600 TRIM ASSEMBLY Windshield Header 1936 Ser 1000 1200 comb Nos 50 53 55 4067625 1 00 1 1934 35 CLOSED GROMMET windshield header
Removed 3799 18 7412 1200 460002 17 525 05 463146 16 405 55 463887 17 200 30 gygosy 2 1 45 Removed
CLOSED exc CBL 1935 Ser 1200 1211 x 4217 Q 4045691 11 75 1 1935 Ser 1000 1936 CLOSED
Removed 3854431 7005 1200 3653800 18 545 10 1 3854012 7 7916 25 3654175 16 T 2ZZ5Zl
retainers 601261 20 B A R 10 554 SHAFT Door Locking ltlmndle Lock 1935 Ser 1200 left or right door EEIWKQ l r q r 601572 20 1 1935 Ser 1000 left door 3 long
comb No 132 4132823 yd 20 A R 1942 46 Iobs 1011 19 27 27B Ser 1200 comb Nos 129 130 4132824 yd 20 A R 1942 Iobs 1011 19 27 27B comb
CLOSED right composite doers gray 4065546 2 25 1 1936 Ser 1200 left composite doors gray 4065547 2 25 1 1937 38 CBL right 4075354 5 00 1 1937 38 CBI left
bottom w crorners ident No 1 21472 4143077 2 10 694 RETAINER Weutherstrip Door Opening 1936 Ser 1200 4075416 15 2 1942 46 CBL lock pillar weatherazrtrip
d001 1935 hubs 1 201 UTA 09A 71 1 front zioox 1936 Ser 1200 exc 1 i 105 1217 67 from docr 1937 39 i DOO CLOSED SDL from