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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

GENERAL INFORMATION 4A 3 wl o g M I 7 if l Y B7Y F l l X i j jj A el V 3 T l o n L g IIIO L o W l jx V D r mms of rxrr o or or no o o o W srs leaf l H A L A I L IOI I o L l JV rr x o I o rrr r rrr aq J r oornrrg wl i Xx Q R so s W Il ali l it b t d g J l l L l ll a i m r QL W L r el l 1840 Fig 4A2 Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions Front End Skirt Assembly to bolt or bolt hole locations are measured to the dead center of the thread diameter of the bolt or Ref Dimension Location bolt hole I C 46 3 16 15 B2 gage hole at front of skirt Figure 4A2 specifies dimension reference loca side rail to forward gage hole in tions required for alignment of front end skirt as dash front brace on opposite side sembly and for alignment of front end skirt of body assembly to body assembly Figure 4A5 specifies dimension reference locations required for align D 25 29 32 Skirt panel inner surfaee adja inent of under body assembly Figure 4A8 specifies cent to front suspension upper cowl and dash reference locations required to check control arm attaching points See the skirt assembly attaching hole locations Figure 4A4 HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS E 20 7 B Front suspension lower control FRONT END SKIRT ASSEMBLY Y arm adnisting cam guide outer edge of inner flange See Figure Ref Dimension Location 4A3 A 30 5 32 1z32 l l HgE hole at fmm Of Skirt F 90 19 32 Front suspension lower control sl E hu S arm adjusting cam guide outer B 35 I5 S2 gage hole at front of skirt edge of inner flange See Figure side rail to forward gage hole in 4A3 to gage hole in lower flange dash front brace on same side of of rear spring front support on body opposite side of body