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Body Service Manual August 1964
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ELECTRICAL 2L 5 3 With a test light check for current at the the power source and the other end to one ofthe corresponding terminal at the inline motor con terminals on the door window motor or the inline nector It tester does not light there is an open connector for the quarter window motor or short circuit between control switch and motor connector 4 If the motor fails to operate with a jumper wire the motor is defective and should be repaired 4 Check other terminal or replaced as required Check the other motor lead in the same manner G Checking Window Motor H Typical Failures of Power Windows 1 Check window regulator and channels for pos sible meqh ini 331l iri OfwindOw The following typical failures and corrections have been listed as an aid for eliminatin r electrical e 2 Check attachnient of window motor to insure failures in the power window electrical circuit lt an effective ground should be noted that multiple failures in the circuit may lead to a combination of conditions each of 3 Connect one end of a 12 gauge jumper wire to which must be checked separately s e r mom nook wmnow comnoi swircu siocx i x I Z REAR noon wmuow comkoi swircu mock r iff rr x Q r i r W e o V x at Mw 5 4 F r im J e i 7 oeiiiiii if Wi of eeee T j HV J I 2 W on oiii F W J i ill 7 l o r y ee i i mi y 7 gw ri J tw i i Ai R i ii z iii it i er i L a i g yi V i i sr jr J ii Fl i J iQ r it Q it V fw i r he i i i J N ii 7 kl Ji s i W REAR noon wmnow Moron ee i M S t i mom nook WINDOVQI I B I rz i i i G o4 L I 4 i i f l o keen poo wyoow umzurss qormscron r e i t rt V Jr T T l i1 fee h li L Q J A g h s L Q A q Z TJI Y 7 i i Z5 Fj F iiFi 2 ii r ir l i ri V i r X ll Z rri fof rrrr X r or o LN K v 1474 Fig 2L5 Right Side Power Window Wiring Four Door Styles