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REAR AXLE PRODUCTION CODE 1 zs mw TRUCK CORPORATION REAR AXLE CODE IDENTIFICATION P All Corporation bullt rear axles are stamped with a prefix code designating the axle retio and vehicle Identification axle source build date and shift code exAiviPi e T suc e om 1 Q Axle Vehlcle T T T I Code Source Dude Day Code Shift Code Refer to specific C Buffalo Jan 1 001 model year chart G Gear Bi Axle K GM of Canada V W Warren REAR AXLE PRODUCTION CODE LOCATION V l 10 Series V The code is stamped on the front of the right axle tube 3 to 5 outboard ofthe carrier 20 30 Series The code is stamped on the top of the right axle tube 6 to 8 outboard of the carrier TRUCK DANA REAR AXLE CODE IDENTIFICATION Dana rear axles used in Iight duty trucks will be stamped with the Dana part number and production code indicating the month day year shift and production Ilne on which the axles were assembled EXAMPLE 603560 1 KMN 9 Z9 5 B 4 mw Axle I T T T T Vehicle Model Shift Production Dane P N Code Month Code Day Code Veer Code Line Code NIA Refer to 9 29th Day 1975 apecihc September l made year chen T The Dana part number and build date are stamped on the rear surface of the right hand axle tube In edditlon the three digit axle code appears on a strip of tape attached to tha outboard end of the axle tube i T V I EuEnAi umons sem ICE PARTS 0PERATIONS LT TRUCK 52 5 1