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Body Service Manual August 1964
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FOLDING TOP 21 27 DESCRIPTION The fulliwwilig prm edure describes and illus cunditi i nS7 thei1 Almarent causes and the rem i m trates various types nf folding tup misalignment mended precedure ter their e i1 reet1 n P CONDlT APPARENT CAUSE CORRECTION A Difficult locking artiean at frunt l Luck liuuk improperly Adjust ltnek liunk Iunterrlock r f1 ai1 adjusted wise See View A in Fig 2157 2 Misaligned front l I CIl 1 LlII11 O1lt L00sen realign and retaek frrwnt weatherstrip reef rail frent weatherstrip 3 Front mmf rail misaligned Adjust front reef rail View A in 2157 I B Tmp dives net lock tight ennugh 1 Luck hu 01 imp r 0 perly Adjust luck lieok uleekwise See tu windshield header adjusted View A in Fig 2157 2 Misaligned frent reef rail front Iseeseii realign and retaek front weatherstrip reef rail front weatherstrip 3 Front reef rail misaligned Adjust lrunt roof rail C Trip travels ten far frirward 1 Frontr uf1 ailmisaligned Adjust frunt 1 001 rail rearward See View A in Fig 2157 2 Male hinge assembly Adjust male hinge assembly rear i niisaligned ward Fig 2156 D Tup driies not travel forward 1 Front reef rail misaligned Adjust front ruof rail forward far enough See View A in Fig 2157 2 Male hinge assembly Adjust male hinge assembly fur niisaligned ward Fig 2156 3 Improper spaeingbetweeu rear Install an additifwnal spaeer be trim stick and budy metal tween rear trim stick and body metal at each attaehing belt ltncatimi E Side rmi rail rear weather 1 Male hinge assembly Adjust male hinge assembly rear strip t i tight against rear of misaligned ward Fig 2156 rear quarter window j F Gap between side reef rail 1 Male hinge assembly Adjust male hinge assembly for rear weatherstrip and rear uf misaligned ward xi l i 1 shim side reef rail rear quarter window rear weatherstrip forward as re quired Fig 2156 G Side 1 001 rail rear weather I Male hinge misaligned Adjust male hinge upward Fig strip tee tight against tmp of 2156 rear quarter window H Gap between side roof rail 1 Male hinge misaligned Adjust male hinge downward rear weatherstrip and top of and 1r shim side ruuf rail rear rear quarter windew weatherstrip d nwnwa1 d as re quired Fig 2156