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Body Service Manual August 1964
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FOLDING TOP 21 25 7 I K HQOK euucumc sckzws nf x t 4 si L g w jj Tv PINCHVIELD i r musmnc mcs c ji CENTER Bow FRONT ROOF 7 4 V RAIL l j T sscnou A A ey 4 4 T wg in Y ji mom mor 3 egg N rum AF rr c VIEW A A VIEW r g rw to FRONT Bow 6 e Q M A T snwxs V f T 5 L T 1 er HINGE ADJUSTING scnsw REAR Bow tu L T Ti vnew s VIEW D 1508 Fig 2 l 55 Fo ding Top Linkage 1 To tighten or increase loekint action turn C Loosen two bolts sevuring control link ad lock hook clockwise justing plate sufficiently to permit adjustment 0f plate Sec Fig 2156 2 To reduce or decrease locking action turn lock hook ountez clockwise d Without changing fore and alt location of adjusting plate adjust side roof rail up or down allowing adjusting plate to move up or down over ADJUSTMENT OF TOP CONTROL N serrations on support as required then tighten ADJUSTING PLATE bolts 1 With top in up position if joint between 2 If top assembly does not staekproperlv when front and center side roof rail is too high or too top is in down position proceed as follows low proceed as follows a Scribe location of Control link adjusting a Remove folding top compartment side trim plate on folding top compartment brace panel b Loosen bolts securing control link adjust b Scribe location of control link adjusting ing plate sufficiently to permit adjustment of plate on folding top compartment brace plate