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Body Service Manual August 1964
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FOLDING TOP 21 23 PINCHWELD FINISHING LACE isl The upper rear pinchweld flange on the front roof PMHWELD rail assembly is covered by a one piece snap on l MCF pinchweld finishing lace Fig 2153 Qc rr c izemown and Instullulion 1 III l Unlock top from windshield header then raise l top assembly to half open position ness l rn0NrK Q 2 To remove lace carefully pull lace assembly Rgjf l e i loose from pinchweld flange 3 To install press lace assembly over pinch 3 weld flange Be sure each end of lace is concealed W M by upper inboard flange of side roof front rail assembly Fig 2 I 53 Pinehweld Finishing Luce