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Body Service Manual August 1964
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3 Detach folding top compartment bag from rear rrr seat back panel thus exposing rear quarter and rear trim stick attaching bolts Fig 2138 Forward end of top Compartment bag may be tied or wired e Q to center roof bow to provide ready access to at taching bolts ff 4 4 Remove attaching bolts securing rear quarter trim sticks to rear quarter inner panel Fig 2138 gy 5 Reniove rcar trim stick attaching bolts then lift trim assembly with attached quarter and rear Le r V il c MA Rs 0N viwvtiov trim sticks on top of 1eai compaitment fi ont jj MAyER i iripiciwg uml Y END or www sncR l im 6 To establish relationship of right and left inner vertical edge of old top material to back cur Fig 2 i 40 M i I ing Folding Top Material tain assembly at rear trim stick location mark back curtain vinyl at both locations with a grease 9 D t I f M t t f pencil Fig 2139 Reference marks should be V ive K O 1 jp U u prim 1 l k I U W transferred to new back curtain when step 3 of Am wm um nm lem qual E1 Um H b installation procedure is performed 10 Carefully slide top trim forward exposing NOTE R f 1 m 11 kS 1 5i U mllfl UGIOW tacked edge of back curtain at rear roof bow upper edge nf rear trim stick 7 Using a pencil mark both ends of i g ii gm IL D h UYQFU W bbme i d1j kt l11 ti1 1 ifiriill 1 GRF q 1H1 t I trim sticks on vinyl surface of tgp Fix IEO lmyfi 1 Cm lm QLSEEYFS mat rm1 Fig 2140 v i 1 a ac iec rim s ic s ant op compai men mg from body and ilace on a clean imtected surtacc l i l 8 Remove screw securing escutcheon clip at each end of wire on binding on rear bow Remove 12 Using chalk or other suitable material mark wire on binding from rear bow ends of rear and rear quarter trim sticks on vinyl surface of back curtain material Fig 2141 Refer ence marks for trim sticks should be transferred to new back curtain material when step 3 of in stallation procedure is performed J 13 Remove right and left uvlon webbing from rear trim stick Fig ZI41 I l 14 Remove back curtain assembly from rear 1 and rear quarter trim sticks i H H il i U V T V r r i i jii jiiii iaiggg I E ji ww ich UPPER EDGE OF pi j l REAR TRIM snci i m kx V GREASE PENCIL i r r r V V r MARK CURTAIN r ii r y V V r 7 BELOW UPPER r lim 7 F r r EDGE or REAR 1f i3i Y C iwiom e r TRIM SUCK wsnniir mizxs ON vimi MArsmAi iNmcAnNG UDA mn or will sim Fig 2 I 39 Loe iing Edge of lop Material Fig 2 I 41 M i i i g Buck Corwin I ieii i