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Body Service Manual August 1964
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21 16 FOLDING TOP 31 Lock tmp to windshield header Check ap pearance ni trip trim as well wperatiun and lurk ing aetirwn ef trap lf additional tensiim is desired i11 tmp trim unlock tmp from header and roprisitiiin Q r t 1 trim br nullinu trim further f 1 wai i 1 stay tack Fr and recheck top appearance F R rr 6 B Cumrlt i r 7 J Q sq rrrr ta p e egtarking di tmp ti im tri trunt moi if i rail and trim 0fi excess material f rj Permanently tack top material tu rear runi 7 r bmw Apply bead nf iienpivziie type weatherstrip adhesive around each tack head and into twn holes ij pierced inte tap material fur wire on binding clip g 1 es utche 1ns x l NOTE Any tack hules made in tap material as a result oi stay taeking material t0 rear rmif tr bow sh1 1uld alsr be sealed using ne i prene type ii iii weatherstrip adhesive ISH 34 When coiiipleted folding trip shnuld be free front wrinkles and draws lnstall all previously removed trim and hardware and Clean any seilage pig g 36 t 1 i g TOP Murergug A1 prom RUG Run frtiim trip material back eurtain nr pads ftirward te desired tension While maintaining ten BACK CURTAIN TRIM ASSEMBLY COMPLETE sien en tup trim place a pencil mark nn outer sur 67 STYLES face nf trim material along ferward edge ef front rdrjit rail Fig 2136 i Removal 29 Unlock tiiip from windshield header and apply nitrile cement dr nenprene tyrpe weatherstrip ad 1 Place preteetive covers on all exposed panels hesive tu tacking area di front moi rail and m n i e which may be cmitacted during prr re lu1 e spending surface riif tap material Pull tnp trim material slightly forward so that pencil marks are 2 Remove fellewing trim and hardware items en underside nf front edge uf rent rnnf rail Fasten tap trim to eeniented area and stay tack trim tri a Rear seat L lShlt ll i and bank rail Fie 2137 b Folding trip etmipartnient side trim panel 30 Apply nitrile eement nr neoprene type assemblies weathcrstrip adhesive t0 irdnt flaps and to curre spnnding areas 0n side raef frunt rails Fasten c Side root rail rear weatherstrip then flaps tn side rimf fi nt rails see 2126 l0t sen folding top quarter laps from rails eiaaeieee T A c x s L iWA 7 e 1 iT f1 5 iiii i t ee Fri e i T sf r 4 1 x tw p t 4 f rJ i Lili lj rrrir V thi 1 l V w11 g w T rrr AX 7 t xg 11 V gee gy i if 1 E is ze 4 V s F i l si 1 FY V r O ma sncx Awuc 11 u mir 1719 Fig 2 1 37 Instaiiutimn of Top l A 1eri I To Front ROOF Ruit Fig Z I 3S Tiim Stick Attachment