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Body Service Manual August 1964
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2H 26 SEATS 2 Lift up rover to expose bolt seruring sent belt retrgretor Ser Fig 2H42 3 Remove bolt and reniore retrnetor See Fig 2H42 I SLOT Installation I l ith retr x tor cover disengaged insert bnlt I through retractor and onto top of rocker inner panel I and sergure if ROCKER INNER 2 Gently pull sides of retrztetor t r ver n1tw xi I 4 PANEL and position cover on retr irtor snapping slots in i r3 vt r over metal taps on l t1 Ll t ll BOLT NOTE Sent belt retrdetor and sent bolt is serv 4 1 iced only as an assembly I I B Inbourd Seut Belt Bucket Secfs I Y ki Removal and ns II i n I 5 0 1 Remove bolt securing seat belt anchor plate METAL TABS 1863 from side of floor pan tunnel see Fig 2H3G 2 To install reverse removal procedure INBOARD SEAT BELT FULL WIDTH SEAT Fig 2H 12 Rem IaI af Seat Beh Rerracrar 1 Remove bolt securing seat belt anchor plate All exept I5000 I OO0 Serie from side of floor pan tunnel see 2H3B cover outward sufficiently to disengnge Cover from 2 From front of seat pull sent belt thru pro metgal tubs on sides ol retrnetor base See Fig tector and from between front sent cushion and back 2ll41 see Fig ZH37