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Body Service Manual August 1964
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SEATS 2H lT 3 Tn rein vi linkage froni folding third seat pwsitirm Remove both right and left rear nsmnpart cushion panel reiimve linkage attaching screw ment side ctiver p inel See Fig 2Hl8 11 1 ZH23 and reindve linkngxe from seat back panel 2 Remove three screws frmn both sides of soat securing third seat back linkage t0 b dy Fie 2H24I 4 Tu install reverse renievnl pr0 s dure then reinove seat buck panel assembly and linkage frmn body FOLDING THIRD SEAT BACK PANEL ASSEMBLY AND LINKAGE 3 Tn reinove linkzuxe from fnldinu third seat l3645 STYLE back panel remove twu screws securing linkage ti seat hack panel Fig ZH24 and remove linkaie Rcmcvul und lnsmllunun 1 Raise fdldinq third sent back tu n rn1a1 sitting 4 Tw instnll reverse remnval procedure