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Body Service Manual August 1964 |
SEATS 2ll 5 pesitinn Detach horizontal drive cable frem ad juster which has reached full forward pesitien Operate seat forward until ether adjuster reaches VERTICAL GEAR full forward position then connect herizental NUT EIORIZOEJTVM drive cable and check horizontal travel ef seat 4 Q ACTUATOE SEREWS f li Vertical Travel Operate seat lllL1 U1 switch ESQ until enc adjuster reaches fully raised position E2 E ri S Disccwnnect vertical drive cable frem adjuster 1 K T which has reached fully raised pesitien Operate 4 seat upward until other adjuster has reached V l fully raised position then connect vertical drive cable and check vertical travel of scat SHOULDER SLREW T HORIZONTAL ACTLIATOR FRONT SEAT ADJUSTER ASSEMBLY Q FOUR WAY TILT Fig 2H7 Fr nl Sear Adjuster Feel Way Til Removal and Installation 5 lf right adjuster gearnut is being rcplaced at 1 Op mt scat assembly O muy mpged and rent ef jackscrew reineve double nut that acts as midway p gj 5ljm a jackscrew lO ll step 2 Remove front seat assembly from bedy with U Usinc H pU1 TilI91 W l Sw ll F to Pncrsize the attached adjusters motor and transniissien and U T t ll Zwtuatc vertical sxearnut until aearnut is place upside dewn en a clean pretected surface lT5 Yl2 1 dE1 1TllH kS 1 P Fig ZH6 NOTE It 1nay be nccessary to manually raise Detach the twe pewer drive cables from ad UT T Z WP1 UPDQT 1 PHF lit 1 U 1l ef IlU5l Ul will juster te be remeved clearance fer removal of eearnut 4 Remeve adjuster te seat bottom frame frent 7 DiS 0 1lk T T1 iV HbI YYU111 w H1 kl and rear attaching belts and remove adjuster frem seat assembly Figj 2H6 B To install reverse removal procedure 5 Te install seat adjuster assembly reverse NOTE Cheek Operation ef seat adjusters and removal precedure Black cable attaches te heri make sure adjusters are in phase See step Zlmtdl iq uJt y Fjpy gH 3 5 under Frent Seat Assembly Remevul and Installation NOTE Check eperatien ef seat adjusters and make sure adjusters are in phase See step FRONT SEAT ADJUSTER HORIZONTAL 5 under Front Seat Assembly Remeval and ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY lnstallatinn FOUR WAY TILT Removal and Inslullutian FRONT SEAT ADJUSTER VERTICAL GEARNUT FOUR WAY TILT 1 Renieve adjuster vertical eearnut as pre Removal and Installation VTOUSIY dE T l ibE l 1 Operate scat assembly to fully raised and 2 Discnnnect drive cable from horizontal midway pt sitien actuater 2 Remeve front seat assembly from bedy as 3 Remove screws securinu horizontal actuator previeusly described and place upside dawn en a assembly te adjuster lewer track then remove clean protected surface actuater from adjuster assenibly lFie ZHT 3 Remove vertical gearnut drive cable frem 4 To install reverse rtnmoval precedure gearnut eppesite to gearnut which is beinq replaced NOTE When installing h riz ntal actuator ad 4 Using a clutch type screwdriver er ether suit just actuator se that drive ccar is fully eneagcd able toel renieve sheulder screws securing linkage with teeth on lower channel ll ben lierizental te vertical eearnut bein replaced Fig ZH7 actuater attaching screws are tialitcncll there