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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

REAR END ZF 15 2 With tail gate in approximately a vertical osition to relieve tension from tort ue rod remove l I v torque rod retainer attaching screws on rear body or 1 left lock pillar Fig 2Fl9 i o I 1 M V es i t tI fi it fx 3 Loosen torque rod bearing plate attarhing screws Fig 2Fl8 Disengage torque rod from a I j y j e retainer at right side of tail gate and retainer in r ypp it iw bottom of tail gate 2Flfi J Y V ggE eso 4 Carefully work right end of torque rod up be Q tween inner and outer panels and work left end of j torque rod through hole in tail gate side facing Then remove torque rod from tail gate Remove tm torque rod rubber silencers from torque rod Peg 2e20 man om nm pmt Coma m eI me t 5 T0 install tail sate tvrque ml r ve S re moval procedure Prior to installing torque rod 4 gqmgujjy mise mu ww Wmdgw m the full lubricate frictional surfaces of torque rod and up position and remove window from tail gate b il1 lll D1M Chgck tc lllsure that mrilue YOCI nylon silencers are properly positioned on retainer 5 To install reverse removal procedure 96 Fii 2F16 Adjuslmenls TAIL GATE SUPPORTS To adjust the tail gate window forward or rear ward for proper alignment with the windowvupper Removal and ns n glass run channels on the body or to eliminate a I Qg 1 d i3 ilfu q i H 1 1 open on gate and provide support for side z n s in e oo n iss n b tx il l tz 1 Lt 3 t t I ir 1 channel attaching bolts Fig ZFIB By moving the Ulm vnu U il E uppm ls O ie lemmek attaching bolts adjust the run vhannel torward or 2 Renmvg Screws Securing Support m body Fup rearward as desired and tighten the Hll3L hll bolt Zpgg amd Support to hu site Fin 2 mj ind 1 innve su J t assembl i I I TAIL GATE w1N 0w Lower GLASS my I 5 RUN CHANNELS 3 To install reverse removal procedure Removal nd InsI II Ii n NOTE Objertionable slack in either tail gate 1 R Ul0 t3l1 f3t WlIld0V sunort can be eliminated by rotating one or ll o both support plates on body pillar 2 Remove weatherstrip snap fasteners at top of tail gate l mm calmer 3 Mark location of run channel attaching bolts owen sou C E WNGE TO on side to be removed and remove bolts See I Ml GjT Oll5 2F18 L L A j o x g g V 4 Remove run Jhannel s through top of tail gate I l J J 7 j 5 To install align run channel attaching bolts T I 3 within seribe marks and reverse removal r I a proredure 4 XI K A t yi I RUN CHANNEL TAIL GATE TORQUE ROD ASSEMBLY jj i S QR l www MU uemwqn md 1 s a n MM W NEWS 1 Remove tail gate window and lower right glass YW run channel If necessary loosen lower left glass run channel 2F2I T iI Gare Hatdwme Right Side