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I T20 400475 Model Turbo Hydra Matic Transmission l The production code number contains the model year vehicle application build date and transmission model The transmission modal number and sequence number is stamped below the build date code on the identification plate EXAMPLE 79 M 363 MODEL YEAR VEHICLE APPLICATION CODE BUILD DATE 1979 See chart below The build date starts with the date on I which production started July 24 205th calendar day and continues with the Julian date until the end of production i Made and sequence I V number example I I CM A 4 A MODEL YEAR SEQUENCE NUMBER 7 i l979 VEHICLE APPLICATION 4 TRANS CODE VEHICLE CODE ENGINE SERIES I CF K30 292 L 6 400 CG K20 30 400 4 BBL 400 CH K20 30 350 4 BBL 400 I i CM C G P30 292 305 350 400 CJ C P30 454 4 BBL 400 CP Sub C10 20 454 4 BBL 400 I CL P 30 350 4 BBL 475 CL P 30 M Home 454 4 BBL 475 CT C 30 Rent Unit 350 4 BBL 400 CZ C 10 250 L 6 400 y CK Q10 350 V 8 Diesel 400 j CD C 30 454 V B 6 400 5 CW C I0 305 350 V 8 400 l EXAMPLE The transmission installed in the 25th 1979 truck produced at Flint will be stamped C9F100025 ENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS LT TRUCK 52A 41