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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

REAR QUARTER 2E l5 Remwny shuuld net he any mt un1ils ur luuse pieres arf ma terial left 1 lleineve reveal mmldings 1ll 1Jlll l peiupliery at wiiidriw to he re n v1 il Installation 2 Seeure une and 0 steel musie wire t0 H Dil f P 1 Cheek all reveal molding retaining elips lf 1r V1 1 Ll that can serve as Llll1ll ll Insert f tl1 1 end upper end ml clip is bent away frein b d metal nl wire thrwugli eaulking ntaterial at C l1 llF I nf mt e than 1 1H ni an ineh either refnrm ur re windrtw and seeure that vnd tu Cl s R u1 Zl p1Pl et place elip jh 1 l all clip screws and tighten as v u l 1 Flu ZEN required Plaee protective enveritnr ever inteririwr trim belnw windnxv npening 3 With the aid ni 1 helper earefully eut pull V i1 i Tl11 JUQh J U 1 l lilitwlili Ul l Side 2 Using hlaek weatherstrip adhesive cement flat aisruss tut 1l w11 pp Sit SNP Rnd 1 J55l tt m rulwbev spacers J 4848472 ar equivalent 1 18 X 5 X Il difiivnltv is encountered at rubber spa er lnfa LO t wmdnw lmemlm pm Wtq kmgpg ut X tinns ent lhrwugh spacers using a slew sawing pe mti e nS HS Sh Wu in gjhwls A in Figure g j 3 mntinn Du not use a quick niriwtittn as wire will heat up and break Keepte11si u11 11wi1 etl 1 f L1 lll 1l NQTE Ugp Snfttnjgnt atlltysrve tm nhtaia a cutting perati1 n tu prevent KinkS in Wi1 watertight s0all 2111 atll spareiy linwever il nut allexv excessive squeeze nut Weatherstrip ad 4 R mljv Winilow h l l i dV P m if the hesive is not Cnininpatilnle with the 1 E WlilC iI1 lf l1l Simw NESS is Ul WF 1 l 5t lU9 l P1 it ull Si l adhesive material and waterleaks may develup at dtnvn nn a clean protetrtefl SU1 fHC Usina 11 5hiii ll lrieatirmg where these twrv 111atei lal are usedt1 seraper wr raznr blade remove majur traces at eld KENNY to form H S93 eaulking material frnin glass Remnve all remain ing trae1 s with a tttluene Pwr thinner dul 11p n fl THEN 3 Using blank wtg atl1t r5t lp adhesive eement re1 t ing11lar spaeers 4404195 er equivalent 30 x NOTE Dri not use an nil base srwlvent Any 4 i X Lg U wind w e D mug mbbct at nyu t l traees of nil will prevent adhesinn Of 1u 11Ull titans shtrtwn in Seetiun B B in I iu ure ZEIB ing ni 1t rial to glass 4 if the front skylight is being installed attarh Using a sharp seraper er Chisel remmve the glass handling s111 tinn cups to outer surfaeg nf inajtar ptnrtinn ttf niild Caulking material frritltl plnlih glass and pr siti1 ni glass in bnrlv opening see l ig weld flange lt is nnt neeessarv that all nf the 2El9 nriginal adliesive be reme ved lwwever there It side skylight is being installed carry glass te brldy with aid uf 1 helper as shown in Figure 2E2O Supperting glass with une hand extend ntlier arm intn burly and back through windnw opening as sh1 wn in Figure ZE21 and lfnver glass inte pnsitirui 5 Cheek relationship nf glass tn ll l ll U lCl flange areiind entire perimeter Overlap uf pintchweld Yv t J1 V flange should be equal with a minimuni everlap ef A lp 3 lt Overlap aerinss top may be varied by chang 7 1 3 rr ing lnwer glass suppert spacers Beth 30 tlnrk jZ r t 1 yl t Vai Z V 4404196 01 equivalent and 34tl1iektJ948 7133O nr ke Q j equivalent rectangular spacers are available as ll r ir 2 serviee parts r 1 t l Ll5r ir A Q aff yr iriiirrr 6 Cheek relatinnship of glass elnntuur tn blvdy l Opeiiing Gap spare liwtween glass and piiicltweld 11 flange shuuld he nw less than 1 8 nvvr nnire than a f 1 4 If dilfieulty is en1 1 unte1 ed staying between these limits e0rre4 ti i n Can liv made hy any one nf the following meth 1ds a Repnsitiraii flat spavers la Apply mere eaullting material than is specified Fig 2El7 Ad wesive Cuulked Window Removal at excessive gap areas Material can be applied