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Parts Catalogue 10 September 1980 |
ALPHABETICAL INDEX RELAY Rear Window Defogger 4 9 778 SHELL A C Compressor 4 9 170 REPAIR KIT Relrigerant Flow Sight 9 202 SHELL Refrlgerant Receiver 4 9 195 RESISTOR A C Electric Control 9 275 SHIELD A C Compressor Drive I 9 180 RESTRICTOR Engine Vacuum Fuel Economy 9 755 SHIELD Evaporator 9 211 RETAINER A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 SIGHT GLASS KIT Relrigerant Flow Sight 9 202 RETAINER A C Compressor Shaft 9 175 SLEEVE A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 RETAINER A C Compressor 9 242 SLEEVE Clock 9 772 RETAINER A C Condenser 9 190 SLIDE A C Control On Dash 9 273 RETAINER A C Electric Control 9 275 SOCKET Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 RETAINER Air Outlet 9 264 SOCKET Instrument CIuster 9 744 RETAINER Body to Frame Bo t J 9 011 SPACER A C Compressor Pulley 9 181 RETAINER Clgarette Lighter L z 9 709 SPACER A C Condenser 9 190 RETAINER Evaporator elrigerant 9 210 SPACER A C Refrigerant Metal and Rubber RETAINER Heater Air Distributor 9 786 Sections 9 225 RETAINER Instrument Cluster Lens 9 747 SPACER Body to Frame Bolt 9 023 RETAINER Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 SPACER Compressor Mounting 9 171 RETAINER Instrument Cluster 9 743 SPACER Heater Air Distributor 9 786 RETAINER Instrument Cluster 9 746 SPACER Instrument Cluster 9u744 RETAINER Instrument Cluster 9 748 SPACER Radio Antenna 9 647 RETAINER Outside Air 9 787 SPACER Radio Control 9 649 RETAINER Radio Antenna 9 647 SPACER Tachometer 9 750 RETAINER Radlo Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 SPACER Washer Air Distributor 9 262 RETAINER Radio Mounting 9 667 SPEAKER Radlo Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 RETAINER Radio 9 650 SPEAKER Radio 9 650 RETAINER Spoedometer to Instrument Panel 9 761 SPLITTER Radio Antenna 9 647 RETAINER Washer Alr Distributor 9 262 SPRING A C Electric Control 9 275 RETAINER Windshield Defroster 9 779 SPRING CLIP Speedometer to Instrument Panel 9 761 RING A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 SPRING Heater Air Distributor 9 786 RING A C Compressor Pulloy J 9 181 SPRING Plenum Air 9 789 RING A C Compressor Shalt 9 175 SPRING Radio Control 9 849 RING Radio Antenna 9 647 SPRING Rear Window Delogger 9 778 RING Refrigerant Receiver 9 195 SPRING Speedometer to Instrument Panel 9 761 ROD Radio Antenna 9 647 STRAP A C Compressor 9 242 ROLLER Heater Air Distributor 9 786 STRAP Radio Static Suppression 9 663 ROTOR A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 STRUT Compressor Mounting 9 171 STUD A C Compressor Support 9 173 STUD A C Compressor 9 177 e STUD A C Compressor 9 242 S STUD A C Electric Control 9 275 STUD Air Outlet 9 264 STUD Heater Air Distributor 9 786 SCREEN A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 STUD Instrument Cluster Gauge 2 9 735 SCREEN Relrigerant Receiver 9 195 STUD Instrument Cluster 9 743 SCREEN Washer Air Distributor 9 262 STUD Washer Air Distributor 9 262 SCREW A C Compressor Drive 9 180 SUPPORT Compressor Mounting 4 9 171 SCREW A C Compressor 9 177 SUPPORT Outside Alr 9 787 SCREW A C Condenser 9 190 S UPPORT Radio Mounting 9 667 SCREW Evaporator Expansion Valve 9 214 SUPPORT Radio Speaker 9 655 SCREW Evaporator 9 211 SUPPORT Rear Window Deiogger 9 778 SCREW Outside Air z 9 787 SUPPORT Stereo Tape Player r 9 670 SCREW Rear Window Deiogger z 9 778 SUPPRESSER Tachometer 9 750 SCREW Relrigerant Receiver 9 195 SUPPFIESSOR Radio Static Suppression 9 663 SCREW Speedometer to Instrument Panel 9 761 SWITCH A C Compressor Internal Pans 9 172 SCREW Stereo Tape Player I 9 670 SWITCH A C Electric Control 9 275 SCREW Washer Air Distributor 9 262 SWITCH Air Flow Control Vacuum 9 280 SEAL A C Compressor Internal Parts I s 9 172 SWITCH Engine Vacuum Fuel Economy 9 755 SEAL A C Compressor Sltalt 9 175 SWITCH Instrument Cluster Warning 9 762 SEAL A C Compressor 9 226 SWITCH Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 SEAL A C Condenser 9 190 SWITCH KIT A C Compressor lntemaI Parts 9 172 SEAL A C Electric Control 9 275 SWITCH KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 SEAL A C Evaporator Blower 1 9 216 SWITCH Luggage Compartment J 1 9 988 SEAL Air Duct I z 9 782 SWITCH Radio Control 1 a 9 649 SEAL Air Outlet 9 260 SWITCH Rear Window Delogger at 9 778 SEAL Blower Motor Coollng 9 218 SEAL Evaporator Reirigerant 9 210 V I SEAL Evaporator 9 211 1 SEAL Heater Air Distributor 9 785 T I SEAL KIT A C Compressor Shaft 9 175 V l SEAL KIT AC Compressor 9 170 SEAL Radio 9 650 TAB A C Compressor Pulley 9 181 SEAL Relrigerant Receiver 9 196 TACHOMETER Tachometer 9 750 SEAL RING KIT Reirigerant Receiver 9 196 TANK A C Vacuum Bi Temperature 9 281 SEAL Washer Air Distributor 9 262 TEE A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 SEAL Windshield Defroster 9 779 TEE A C Vacuum Bi Temperature 9 281 SEAT A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 TEE Suction Throttling P O A 9 198 SEAT Evaporator 7 L 9 211 TERMINAL Cigarette Lighten I 1 J 9 709 SEAT Plenum Air 9 789 TIMER Instrument Cluster Warning T 9 765 SENSOR A C Electric Control 1 9 275 TIMER Rear Window Defogger I I 9 778 SENSOR Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 TRANSCEIVER Radio J LL 9 650 SENSOR Speedometer to Instrument Panel 9 761 TRIM DISC Instrument Cluster Lens r9 747 SHAFT A C Compressor 1 9 170 TUBE A C Compressor Internal Perts 9 172 SHAFT Heater Air Dlstrihutor 9 786 TUBE A C Relrigerant All Metal 9 220 SHAFT Washer Air Distributor 9 262 TUBE A C Refrigerant Metal and Rubber r SHAFT Windshield Defroster 9 779 Sections 2 9 225 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CCIRPORATION CHEVROLET 10 INDEX 9 4 A