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Parts Catalog 10 September 1978 Transmission - Brakes ->
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4 1977 CHEVROLET TRIM COMBINATIONS I A L TRIM CODES AND C LORS t l Indicates Beslc Vlnyl or Leather Finishls Antique i BASIC INTERIOR BASIC INTERIOR WITH OPTIONAL TRIM i 18 Bleck White Headlining A O2 Vl hitelDk Blue 11 WhiteIB ack 19 Black 03 White Dk Aqua 17 B ecklDk Firethorn i 44 Dk Sage Green 04 Wh teIDk Sage Green Z4 Lt Blue IDk Blue 71 Dk Firethcrn 06 WhiteIDk Saddle A 54 Lt Vel Gold IDk Yellow Gold WhiteIDk Firethorn V 52 Lt Buckskin lBIa ki V 4 G4 Lt Buckskin f Dk Saddle y I 72 Dk Firethorn Black sur oimom coneteeeue I A51 Bucket V AV7 50I5d Flon Seat non reclining A52 Regular Bench AR5 j Bucket full reclining passenger side A65 Noleh Back Bench 2 position reclining driver aide V AN7 e Swivel Bucket ATS 0150 with passenger side reclining i SEATS I V MATERIAL l i DOORS S Standard CF Coated Fahrie 4 V Vinyl D Deluxe V CI 5 Cloth ii V G Cloth M r L i eamer IT l i i A I COMBINATION NUMBER OODING he tIrsttw0 niambers indicate the basic color hel I9 Blackl The third number nr letter indicates the type and design level as fellows Cloth Vinyl BJC D E G H J All Vinyl N O R V W X Z Leather 2 3 4 Optional Trim Usage Consists of Instrument Panel Shroud Side Carpet end Rear Seat to Back Wlndew Panel G M PARTS D V Sl0I I GENERALsMOTORS CORPORAT DN CHEVROLET 10 36