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Body Service Manual August 1964
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FOLDING TOP ll 33 or short circuit between power source and switch SURPLUS FLUID 2 Checking the Folding Top Control Switch DUE TO PISTON ROD DISPLACEMENT ENTERS RESERVOIR lf there is current at the feed wire terminal of THROL ALVE the terminal block operation of switch can be cl eck dz f01l0 P RESERVOIR SIDE I E ih xw ywfg a Place a 12 jumper wire on switch terminal if block between center terminal feed and one motor wire ter minal If motor operates with jumper wire but did not operate with switch x switch is defective PUMP SIDE g J b Connect jumper wire between center terminal 3 i and other motor wire terminal on switch terminal 4PRESSUR ZED FLUID SEATS BALL block Lf motor operates with jumper wire abut PREVENTING FLUID FROM did not operate with switch switch rs defective ENTERING RESERVOIR 3 Checking Switch to Motor Lead Wires 1731 If switch is found to be operating properly the switch to motor lead wires can be checked as follows See Fig 1168 Fig 67 F id CCUHOI Valve a Disconnect green switch to motor wire from l l up and down cycle without any evidence of a binding mmm HC m IGM ccmpartmem MFIOIL If A bmdmg actwn ls noted Wheni the mp ls b Connect a light tester to green switch to being locked at the header check the alignment of motor wire tE mm 1 the door windows ventilators and rear quarter windows with relation to the side roof rail weather Strips Make an necessary adjustments for correct c Ground light tester ground lead to body metal top a 1gnmE t See Foldmg Top Adlustments cl Actuate switch to down position If tester If a failure continues to exist after a check for 1 Ot H ht there is Im men Or Shcrt circuit mechanical failure has been completed the hydror Wei g L 1 lectric system should then be checked for electrical m mx S or hydraulic failures e Disconnect red switch toemotor wire from ELECTRICAL cnecxmc Pnoceoune md lf a failure in the hydr0 lectric system continues W 1 to exist after the mechanical operation has been l I checked the electrical system should then be J QRES V A 6 heck d A fa l tl l t l t z st h 1 c Ie 1 ure in re eec rica sys em may K h W M be caused by a low battery breaks in wiring aj faulty connections mechanical failure of an elec W AR g D trical component or wires or components snorting 3 to one another or to body metal Before beginning V is checking procedures check battery according to Q MOHDR LEADS recommended procedure V LIGHT TESTER GROUND 1 Checking for Current at Folding Top Control V Switch V w LIGHT TESTER a Disengage terminal block from rear of switch b Connect light tester to central feed terminal of switch terminal block c Ground light tester ground lead to body metal WH d If light tester does not light there is an open Fig I I 68 Checking Motor Wiring