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Body Service Manual August 1964
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ll 30 FOLDING TOP HYDRO LECTRIC SYSTEM ALL SERIES The high pressure hydro lectric unit used in the I gg convertible bodies consists of a 12 volt reversible l type motor a rotor type pump two hydraulic lift cylinders and an upper and lower hydraulic hose 5ij i E j i t E l assembly The unit is installed in the body beneath rr VV im 7 e rrr r V the rear seat back panel Fig 1160 tlrr A lll rrrr I ji Z r lf ri E rrrr r rirei E il s Y sw 1 l Figure 1161 illustrates and identifies the indi gpa va V vidual parts of the motor and pump assembly ip r fiZ t V er r r r NOTE When servicing the motor assembly or V Vn l E E E 3 r r yr pump end plate assembly it is extremely im rrr eg e ROMMET 7 ir i rr i i r portant that the small motor Shaft O ring seal r Vr E l1 is properly installed over the motor armature rrrrrr r Q shaft and into the pump end plate assembly prior Vrrr ry i y to installing the pump rotors or the motor shaft i i my drive ball Fig l I 60 Hyc lro Lectrlc Motor ono Pump Assembly MOTOR AND PUMP ASSEMBLY All B AND C CONVERTIBLE STYLES 5 Remove clips securing hydraulic hose to rear Removal seat back panel 1 Operate folding tcp to full up position 6 At rear of seat back panel disconnect wiring harness and remove ground wire attaching screw 2 Disconnect positive battery cable Fig 1160 I I I ir To facilitate removal apply a rubber lubri 3 Rgmmle Year Seat cushwn me back cant to pump attaching grommets then carefully disengage grommets from compartment pan brace 4 Working inside body detach front edge of folding top compartment bag from rear seat back 8 PING 3b 01 lJ t Tags below host mml ctlons panel and end of reservoir A s C D E F G H I 1 K L M N X I r A o o p 44 Q S G W l S 1 111 19 jj E o cbt zi po Q r rv i R Ae 1 1723 Fig l l 6l Hyclro Leciric Motor and Pump Disussernbled A Motor Assembly F Fluid Control Valve Balls K Reservoir Filler Plug B Moror Slwoti O Ring Seo G Pump Cover Plore Assembly L Reservoir End Plore Anoolning Bolr C Reservoir Seol H Pump Cover Attaching Serews O Ring Seal D Ouler Pump Rotor l Reservoir Tube ond Bracket Assembly M Reservoir End Plore Alroeliing Bolr Woslrer E Inner Pump Rotor J Reservoir Filler Plug O Ring Seal N Reservoir End Plate Aitochin Bolt 9