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Parts Catalog 10 September 1978 Transmission - Brakes ->
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i Specially Designed lor General Motors Dealers W U 2 i 7 45 Y e a fw Q E ls t inn A g Y Y Yt N f ig wing t gt 6 i i Juv V 2 w f i Moores 2i misn se T cen jx t 6M uAuryf ti Angle H t Vl F PAra rsi 5 l Wing f nrm i we 4 J t i v vrvtsten E P l lslon F2 V gf J Unit B i Counter Top V X I 9 Holder Exigqsiun 4 Sheetholders easily removable tor quick rm sneer changing Open swivel locks locate I I8I 0 S EIIICIEM l l Il ll8lll llll llItEI l3I SBIVI lI K change Iilt olf top sheets with top plate all sheets kept in alignment by banning posts ZIIII Ilallllllllg Gll t0lIlBI IIll IlIlIll in both plates make change replace Keep catalogs specilicatlon sheets and other relerence material 1 handy and wall organized in one compact set up with special E Buchan Catalog Flacks y Basic units wlll accomodate upto 2D or S6 of catalogs and capacity I Q may be increased by simply attaching B Expansion Units chcoseyouLind8XrS 18rpreprint8d II W Small capacity units are made with 8 rack and pair of angle wings em pans miss or 4 blank tabs to tin ln 8 as P m5 K Y s I F Fluorescent nncuwttrtttansiueentptasticwinucw gives betterillumi J nation and prevents unauthorized reference to material Flourea T i7 m cant tum not euppiaeui UOM Bl Mor Camo U 1 In d I 7 r r E dd I index sheets wlth large double laced rust proof lnsertable metal m t t nat i t t a K 0 mit 8 M L a g t s G recommend time oattisg Units in preterence to similar equipment nrservlce which fw ma be available lromr other sources GM cf course has no interest In or connection J with me manufacture or distribution ol inns equipment amt am not endorse or Bam and h s Wmshvd blvewlih GM l l e B S assume any responsibility with respect to thls or any other equipment olthls type Order for use in PARTS SERVICE and other departments B TERMS Net 30 days F O B lactory freight prepaid MINIMUM ORDER 20 00 Price subject to change wlthout notice CLIFTON HEIGHTS PA 19013 D E15 622 35DD ouni I ORDER DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER A T F13 B2o92GM Flack Basic Unit holds upto 20 ol catalogs includes nlne 2 and two 1 capacity sheet holders and pair ot angle wings ea 43 85 F13 B08D4GM Expansion Rack Holds upt to B ol catalogs includes lour 2 sheetholders and 2 attaching clips no wings ORDER 2 ONE FOR EACH SIDE F BASIC UNIT ea 18 95 j T F13y02DGM Rack Basic Unit holds up to 20 of catalogs wings Included Order sheetholders separately ea 19 50 T F13 OSBGM Rack Elasic Unit holds up to 36 of catalogs wings included Order sheetholders separately ea 37 55 F21 04BGM Hood Easily attaches to 2o or S6 racks Fluorescent tubes not included ea 68 90 F14 013GM Sheetholder 1 capacity 3 posts on 8 t outside centers lor above racks ea 2 05 F14 023GM Sheetholder 2 capacity G poets on 8Vz outside centers for above racks ea 2 25 F24 TEW LFlGM Angle wings Lelt and right to support catalogs at proper angle pr 5 80 t GS4 07GM Index sheets Metal tab on Duratone mylar ralnioroed along binding edge set of 4 1 28 G37 1318GM Index set GM parts titles on plastic coated tab mylar reinforced along blndlng edge set of 18 1 BD minimum order 20 00 Conn and Fa residents add Sales Tax cemamty toni dEi 1 l T