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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

FOLDING TOP 11 1 FOLDING TOP TRIM ASSEMBLY COMPLETE ALL SERIES All convertible top trim cover assemblies in corporate a top material hold down cable along the right and left side roof rails The cables are installed through a retaining pocket in the top FFRR NJT RV AFT T R P material and are fastened at the front and rear side i rails by attaching screws The cables are designed a to hold the top material tight against the side roof Z j iTi T 1 A rail stay pads thus minimizing air leakage between M the top material and the stay pads i Q i ii ygsf Kt 7 T O P All back curtain assemblies incorporate as an Qs X ATER AL integral part of the back cL1rtain upper valance a i 1 U t l5 piece of elastic webbing The elastic webbing y V j gg Q I is located in the upper corners 01 the back curtain gif l g i jj g L1 I y The elastic webbing reduces tension on the zipper e a Qjk assembly at the radius providing improved zipper TOP vrvretiwni r i MATERIAL FLAP All back curtain assemblies incorporate a hard curved back window The back window is dielec 5 trically bonded to the vinyl back curtain material Fig I I I F m Roof Rail Assembly REMOVAL OF FOLDING TOP AND BACK CURTAIN TRIM ASSEMBLY 10 Detach top material flaps from side roof frynt rail Fig 111 l Place protective covers on all exposed panels whlch may be Cmlmcted e 1 1 11 Raise top and lock to windshield header 2 Remeve rear SEM Cushion me back 12 At right and left side roof front and rear i rails remove hold down cable front and rear EAUTION Disconnect rear seat speaker wire mC g SC 9wS SEE Vwws JAM and B if present Fig H2 2 tfi mmlre mgm and IBN mldmg mp Compartment 13 Pull both hold down cables iorward until I Um pdue cables are completely removed from top material ta k t 4 Remove right and left side roof rail rear le umugpm E S Y j i f a P S wS 14 at uudeieiae of n m naw i e m vt aewwa W3 wh Ups 10m hu S securing listing pocket retainer to bow Fig 113 tim 1fOlding mp qlmrtsr flaps frcm Side 15 Push top material upward sufficiently until 100 lem IM S retainer is disengaged from bow then remove t f l rt i k t Fi Lower top to stacked position IE mm rom 15 mg pm E R D h 1 lit f 1 t 16 Detach folding top compartment bag from Y fm 1 SKF QOO liu 10 rear seat back panel thus exposing rear quarter Weil IHF 1 ac SLl wS Km I amine and rear trim stick attaching bolts Forward end V E ith 1SUmS fl Om 1 u1S of top compartment bag may be tied or wired to 8 R f t f 1 f t 1 d eq center root bow to provide ready access to attach emove ron roo rai ron ill r ir V I 1t F 114 weatherstrips Fig 111 mg J S IL 17 At each rear quarter area remove attaching 9 Detach top material from front roof rail bolts securing rear quarter trim stick assembly Fig 111 to rear quarter inner panel Fig 115