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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

1198 HEAR QUARTER 2 Mark location of leaktsl caulking material and over adjacent painted surface see Operation B in 1E 131 NOTE If leak is between adhesive caulking material and body or between material and glass 6 Apply adhesive caulking material as shown in carefully push outward on glass in area of leak to Operation C in Figure 1E 13 at leak point and determine extent of leak This operation should three to four inches on both sides of leak point or be performed while water is being applied to beyond limits of leak area leak area Mark extent of leak area 7 Immediately after performing step number 6 3 From outside of body clean any dirt or use a flat stick or other suitable ilat bladed tool foreign material from leak area with water and to work adhesive caulking material well into leak then dr I 1t aIn tl area with an air hose point and into joint of original material and body to effect a watertight seal along entire length of 4 Using zi sharp knife trim off uneven edge of material application Isee Operation D in Fig adhesive caulking material see Operation A in 1E l3 Fig ll Z l3 at ln al point and three to 1 our inclies on both sides of leak point or beyond limits of leak 8 Spray watertest to assure that leak has been area corrected DO NOT run a heavy stream of water directly on freshly applied adhesive caulking 5 Using a small brush apply adhesive caulking m i gyj i material primer over trimmed edge of adhesive REAR QUARTER INNER 3 PANEL WATER DEFLECTOR 1T I l l 37 57 STYLES ADHESIVE C JTLEI A waterproof paper deilector is used to seal the rr rr R rear quarter inner panel and prevent entry of water I into body The polyethylene shiny or black side l Q I of the deflector is placed against inner panel The I Zi 7 deflector fits into a retaining slot at bottom of I inner panel and is further secured by a string l loaded sealing material along both front and rear edges and by the application of sealing tape at l Mei PRIME front and rear lower corners When work is per I qi formed where the paper water deflector has been R disturbed the deflector must be properly sealed l fj Z A and taped to the inner panel to prevent waterleaks I A If additional sealing material is required body l OPERATION A OPERATION B caulking compound is recommended for service I sealing I When access to the rear quarter inner panel is APPLY w I r FLAT STICK required the deflector may be completely or par tially detached from inner panel It existing water tf l I deflector is damaged so that it will not properly l y s m gK seal the rear quarter replacement ofthe deflector l Jgmyg is required OPERATION C OPERATION D 294 Removal Fig lEl3 Con eetion ot Adhesive Cculked G ss InsI ll rion W ter e l s 1 Remove rear quarter trim assembly A Tiini cit gdlneaiye eaulking material 2 Remove strips of waterproof body tape secure along edge of glass ing lower corners of water deflector B Piime oreos indicnred using smull brush C Apply izdhesiye mulldng material use 3 With a putty knife or other suitable flat l i 4226000 or equiyalventi bladed tool carefully break cement bond securing D Using flat stick work udhesive cczulking upper corners of water deflector to rear quarter n i reIi well into ioinls of original inner panel Make sure string located within mgreiiul painted body flange and glass sealer is against water deflector and carefully