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Body Service Manual August 1964
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REAR QUARTER 1E 3 A rrrr ia REAR QUARTER FRONT f rrr Y TRIM SUB ASSEMBLY B SSE atv 7 I Ir TRIM A M 3 W I I L r Y COURTESY y A r I V 4 LIGHT of RETAINER K a REAR QUARTER V R II TRIM INNER PANEL TACKING ST IP rrrr rz QE TRIM ff TRIM r jr T Il L w I g Im I II I xr 1 Ii i Tv UIlit tl 2 IICV 1 II SWITCH IT IL T T 5 I 1 I I NA I I A WINDLACE I I I L rrrr r Q I j T mm T t TH SECTION AAA VIEWB r Ts Fig TE4 Re r Quarter Lower Trim Assembly P I VIEW A W panel and carefully remove assembly sufficiently to disengage wires at rear of lamp and switch 2 Remove rear quarter stationary window frlmt Fig IE5 Re r Ouurter Inner Trim P neI Assembly and lower garnish moldings 2 Remove rear quarter stationary window front 3 Remove all screws securing trim panel to rmdiowgy g 1ymShm0 dmgS rear quarter inner panel 3 Remove all screws securing trim panel to 4 With a suitable flat bladed tool carefully rear quarter inner panel disengage trim retainers from rear quarter inner panel along leading edge of rear body lock pillar 4 With a suitable flat bladed tool carefully Ion front edge of rear quarter front trim assembly disengage trim retainers from rear quarter inner see Fig 1E 5 panel along leading edge of rear body lock pillar on front edge of rear quarter front trim assembly 5 Lift assembly upward slightly to disengage from rear quarter inner panel and remove asv 15 Remove spare tire cover support sembly from body 6 Lift assembly upward slightly to disengage NOTE The rear quarter front trim assembly from rear quarter inner panel and remove as can be removed at this point as a bench opera sembly from body tion by breaking cement bond between trim and metal panel of rear quarter inner trim panel 7 T0 install reverse removal procedure assembly The rear quarter front trim is a sub esieenililyv ef the rear quarter inner trim panel SPARE TIRE COVER PANEL e ant rigi si es 35 AND 45 STYLES 6 TO memrr reverse removal procedure The spare tire cover panel is secured to a retainer at the belt line by a folding catch type handle To remove the panel disengage the catch and lift REAR QUARTER WHEELHOUSE COVER the panel upward To install reverse removal PANEL RIGHT SIDE pr ocedur e 35 AND 45 STYLES The handle can be adjusted in or out to Rerrr v I ndIns II i n increase or decrease closing effort To adjust loosen the handle attaching screws position the 1 Remove spare tire cover handle as desired and tighten the screws