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Body Service Manual August 1964 |
ll 4 DOORS L L a Vrrrr 7 a L L 2 L TRIM EINISPIING PANEL L O L L O 5 nigfiil JL r T V r r L 1 L L n LLL E L mg L L L LLL Lg I I A L OO A O O LLLLLL 1 4 L L El xii ARROW B LL LLL VLLLLfL L L 7 LL I L L L l Ly 7 LLL L V L L LL in JL NJLL V V LL L L LLL L L xI L r LI LL u LL L LOL v Q x L L L L NL LL L M LL L rr L L TRIM EINIsI LING PANEL QL L i 4 L L ATTACHING SCREW L LLL I i L VX V L Ll L L LLL L L L i L L L I O L LL LL L s L L L LL L ll QJ LIL L L LLJ LL L L L LLL 4 LL L y L A L L I L Ye VIEWIN cII cLEA V 1 Lr I652 Fig ID6 DO L PULL PI LLeIIe ILLSLQLIGIIOLL 48000 Series 3 Remove remote control to handle attaching inner panel lD13 and remove assembly from screw and remove handle door 1 T0 install reverse removal p Ogedm 2 TG UISUIUL 1 V 1 S vl E Il1OVZ 1l procedure Make C 1 lEllll S 1 9W pl I Clll S ll I lI1ll l p lll l BFE S 1l E l B On styles not equipped with paddle hzuidles prmr to mstuuatml and tor removal of manually operated ventilators and door window inside handles proceed as follows FRONT OR REAR DOOR ARM REST SWITCH COVER ASSEMBLY 1 Depress door trim assembly sufficiently to 38439 38467 38669 48467 sTY ES 68OO0 SERIES permit insertion uf mol J 7797 between handle and R I dl H bearing plate Fig lDl2 emo an ns G G mn 2 Push twl wd UW hq H9 Y tr U 1 Remove exposed screws at front and rear of lseuw he ilk E dmmb bmmb switch cover assembly Fig 1D14 lrom spindle and remove bearing plate and handle i rLOnn door 2 Diseimnect switch terminal blocks from switch 34 TU install Engage r tniuing Spring mu handle 2LS f11 bll S 2i l Cl FOIHOV9 SWltCl CUVKJY f1 OIH 31 1 il and position handle to door at same angle as Oppo IE5 site door handle then press handle until spring 3 To install reverse removal procedure engages spindle FRONT OR REAR DOOR SWITCH FRONT AND REAR DOOR ARM RESTS MOUNTING BASE COVER ALL STYLES EXCEPT 38000 68000 SERIES 38437 39 AND 43437 3949 gryugg Izem v I cmd Ins I ion Removal ima Instulluiion l Remove screws securin 2O arm rest t0 door l Remove screws inserted through switch