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Body Service Manual August 1964
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FRONT END lC l WINDSHIELD ASSlEMBLY WINDSHIELD ASSEMBLY WINDSHIELD GARNISH MOLDINGS D ALL STYLES A A V K M T l 11 The windshield garnish moldings on closed styles B C J consist of vpper right and left end right und left F Q side moldings On 6 7 styles the windshield Lil garnish moldings consist ot an upper center upper right and left sides and lower right and left side 1 4 4 1 1 g j I I moldings All moldings nre secured by screws V I m I Wt YQ rig lC1 and rig iczi en Removal and Insmuuncn Fig lC2 l ront End Moldings 1 Place protective covering over instrument A H9 d L M LdL S NMI B Rem View Minot Support l C Upper Center Gomlsli Molding D Upper Side Meltling Tjjj E Stinsimde Support rv 1 Lp V F Lower Side Garnish wielding S Si T M WW1 L M Tum r L J 11 r 2 On closed styles remove side moldings then W V upper moldings 2 T 1 3 On 6 7 st iles remove lower sides sunshade 5 SUNSHADE L 5 supports upper sides and upper center moldings supponr l l 4 To install reverse removal procedure l ir i i REAR VIEW MIRROR SUPPORT i REAR VIEW i Removal und Inslulluliun MIRROR SUPPORT l On closed styles remove one side of upper garnish molding remove support attaching screws P slide support to one side And remove support W NDSHlELD UPPER L J 2 On 67 styles remove support attaching MOLDTNG i screws and remove support L 3 To install reverse removal procedure 15 SUNSHADE SUPPORT rA Tet 1aem v 1 nd1 s 11 a n i L i 1 Remove attaching screws and support On WINDSHIELD SIDE xTx G 7 styles raise top prior to removal of support Motomo 1 2 To install reverse removal procedure v ar H YV it in t p WINDSHIELD REVEAL MOLDINGS p 1i02 1 g The windshield reveal moldings consist of 1 one piece upper right and left sides and right and left Fig lCl Wlnclsl ileltl Gcunisli Molding lower moldings The upper nnd side moldings ure