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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

lA 4 GENERAL INFORMATION area and scrub until the top is clean After the thoroughly Permit the ammonia water to remain entire top has been cleaned rinse the top gener on the spot about a minute so that it will have ously with clear water to remove all traces of ample time to neutralize the acid Then rinse the cleanser If desired the top can be supported from spot by rubbing with a clean cloth saturated with the underside during the scrubbing operations 00ld W i 1 After giggyljng 3 Convertible my glwgys bg Surg This treatment will suffice for both old and new the top is thoroughly dry before it is lowered stains However no type of treatment will repair Lowering the top while it is still wet or damp may damage to fibers resulting from the action of the cause mildew and unsightly wrinkles acids on the fibers particularly after the spot has dried Do not use volatile cleansers household bleaching agents or cleansers containing bleaching agents on the top material BLOOD PROCEDURE FOR CLEANING FLOOR CARPETS DO NOT use hot water or soap and water on blood stains since they will set the stain thereby making Thoroughly brush or vacuum the floor carpet its removal practically impossible In many instances the floor carpet may require no further cleaning If carpet is extremely soiled U remove carpet from car and thoroughly vacuum to cofgllzvgggi if n21 0 C i r C bn siiuggfi mah remove loose dirt then with a foaming type up C t tk 1 1 ITL I im holstery cleaner clean approximately one square ue fnus Je J FH 0 tha C edn pmtwns O C Om foot of carpet at a time After each area is cleaned are used for rubbing the Stain LSZLYXS ZTQQZE Zi FC ZZ ISE S Zi J21 lLZ I Ty ye7t jlwuki ljjgi ve all Og ge jig air hose to fluff the carpet pile then dry the 1 gels PO App y airfld fmmum O OPS QI carpet After the carpet is completely dried use mllmolua Witer to the Sum with A cloth O1 b1u h an my hose to again Huff the Carpet pug After al lapse of about one minute continue to zub the stain with a clean cloth dipped in clear water NOTE If the carpet is not extremely soiled the carpet may be cleaned in the car by applying If the stain remains after the use of water and a sparing amount of foaming type upholstery ammonia a thick paste of corn starch and cold cleaner with a brush water may be applied to the stained area Allow lf oil or grease spots are still present on the S S tghiiuiilglk uy1 hgiydgggcild lffsfkiig Carpet they may be removed by using A Volume surface to remove starch particles that remain Shangri hcwevmd the cleaner must be used very For bad stains several applications of starch paste sparingly since it may have a tendency to remove may be n c Ss m y some ofthe dye coloring INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE REMOVAL OF CANDY SPECIFIC STAINS FROM AUTOMOTIVE UPHOLSTERY CLOTH MATERIALS Candy stains other than candy containing choc Some types of stains and soilage including blood Oiatej can be BVm0ve d by iubbmg the Flftectgd uva ink chewing gum etc require speciai consider with cklth l d W1fh V Y IM water the stain ation for most satisfactory results For these and is riot completely lemoveq rub a Ba hghtly Mtg other stains specific instructions are outlined in dtymgi wth 3 cloth W t W1 th Volatile cleaner Thls succeeding paragraphs It must be expected par wm ubuauy remove the btB m ticularly where water treatment is specified that discoloration and finish disturbance may occur Candy Smms lehultmg hom cream fwd flultkfllied In some cases fabric disturbance may be con chocolates c m l 8 r9n OVEd mgm Ea lly by rubbilg sidered preferable to the stain itself By following Wm Klyne oilfg snjhfkevgjfnl biapslis 302311 the procedures outlined with normal care and Eeim i lpt m b T P1 lg IW 1 E we W1 4 wb caution reasonably satisfactory results can be m ei TUS leatmfmt ls fol Owfid with armsm y Expected rubbing the spot with a cloth dipped in cold water Stains resulting from chocolate or milk chocolate can be removed by rubbing the stain with a cloth BATTERY ACIDS wet with lukewarm water After the spot is dry Apply ordinary household ammonia water with a rub it lightly with a cloth dipped in a volatile brush or cloth to the affected area saturating it cleaner Using a clean white blotter blot area to