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Super Sport Equipment List November 1970 |
E 7 V VV OIL PUMP Pumps usually are sold with the oil pick up welded 1 th ody i This technique is considered necessary to mat oil pick up r with the sump of the oil pan Becausel ious epi i 1 rounding oil pressures and oil st on the up I k sump can be modified to suit ind idual t and g y di i S J i ay When reworking a pump pick up asso he n oul be welded to the pump body to avoid a 4 the j int Lo the lower end of pick up tube a X e k 0 similar to standard production should be used to ke rom suck ing in air along with oil In some situations the pick up should be to the right side of the pan and in others it should 3 be to the rear of the pan Position and location depend on the 4 specific use the engine will see Oil pump pressures should be greater than 50 PSI at speed to be sufficient for heavy duty use In any case pressure should not i be greater than 80 PSI Some pumps develop the necessary pressure even with a remote oil filter and cooler some might not T0 alleviate the problem it i is common practice to insert shims between the oil pressure regu r g 4 lator spring and valve both being located in the pump cover J The shims help stiffen the spring and this causes the oil pres sure to be increased r 011 pm AY An upper oil pan baffle attached to the blo k bearing cap studs should be used i As mentioned in the Oil Pump write up above oil pansican be mod i fied at will With this in mind some small block V 8 pa 4 iw quire an additional horizontal baffle attached to t he owe step to retard oil sloshing on brake stops Obhe1 oil p s such to as utilized on ecial High Pe f ettes are ipped 4 with trap door b ffl used on large block QKM engin E Also for the g z2ge r 8 the Z 28 302 il y has exc ent Y baffling and T I with a one quart o l fill ers WF 70 A proven satisf o l aix Y x 26 l 1 1 16 70 l eT i o i ri ie