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Illustration Catalog P&A 11A October 1976
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1974 75 CAMAR0 SHEET METAL 1 12 810 PANEL ASM Ro f Including Item 2 23 12 981 FILLER F ear Compt Pan To Gtr Panel 2 12 840 PANEL ASM Frt Body Hinge Plr Upr 24 7 836 SUPPORT FIear Bumper Otr Mounting Component of Item 1 Comp of Item 21 I V 3 12 971 PANEL ASM Compartment Prt 25 12 986 FIAIL FIear End Cross Camp of Item 21 4 12 804 PANEL ASM Shr0ud Vent Center Duct 26 12 804 PANEL Shroud Vent Side Duct Frt I 5 6 760 PLATE ASM teering Column Support Anchor 27 12 840 PANEL A M Frt Body Hlnge Plr Lwr Lwr 28 12 804 PANEL ASM Shroud Vent Duct Side 6 12 804 PANEL ASM hroud Upr Instrument 29 10 230 SUPPORT ASI I Instrument Panel End 7 12 971 PANEL ASI FIear St To Bk Wlndow 30 12 804 PANEL Shr0ud Lwr Including Items 11 12 I3 31 12 934 PLATE Fl0cker Otr Pnl Baffle FIt Slde I 8 12 650 BFIACE ASM Dash To Motor Mount Rall 32 12 895 PANEL ASM Frt Dr Otr Comp of Item 33 I Comp nf Item 10 33 10 351 DOOFI ASM Frt Including Item 32 46 I 9 8 I41 SUPPORT ASM Frt Fender On Dash 34 12 942 REINFOFICEII lENT Body Lock Pillar I 10 12 804 PANEL ASM Dash Including Item 8 35 12 944 PANEL Wheelhouse Otr Comp uf 11 12 184 SUPPORT FIeer Cnmpt Lld Hinge I Item 43 Comp of Item 7 36 12 971 EXTENSION Rr St To Bk Window Pnl I 12 12 186 P N Rear Compt Lld Flinge Comp of Itnm 7 Comp of Item 43 13 12 187 STRAP FIr Compt Lid Hlnge Comp of Item 7 37 12 237 PLATE FIe r Compt Lid Lock Anchor 80dY 14 12 986 FIEINFORCEMENT ASM FIr Pan At Flr Spring Side I Frt Comp nf Item 22 38 12 249 GUAFID Compt Lid Lk Cyl 15 12 934 PANEL ASM R0cker Inner 29 12 966 PANEL ASM Rsar End 16 7 835 SUPPOFlT Compt Pan At Bpr 40 12 804 PANEL Shr ud Lwr y 17 12 181 LID ASM Compartment 41 12 996 GUT l ER FIear Cnrnpt Lid Side I 18 4 785 SUPPOFIT Perklng Brake Cable On Rail 42 12 940 F LLER Otr Gtr Pnl At T Lp Comp nf Item 22 43 12 944 PANEL ASII l WI1ee h use Including Items I 19 12 986 HOUSING ASM Hr Shock Absorber Comp 36 35 47 I of Item 22 44 12 966 E TENSION FIr End Fin Pnl I 20 12 981 SUPPORT Spare Tire Clamp Anchor Plate 45 12 966 PANEL Finlsh Ftf End 21 12 981 PAN ASIVI Re r Compt Including Items 22 4 6 12 895 EAFI Frt Dr Orr Pnl Comp of 24 25 Item 33 I H 12 986 FIAIL A M FIr Compt Pen Side 47 12 991 BRACE Qtr Upr To W House Comp Comp of Item 21 I oi ltvm 43 12 B29 I I I GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT 0N CHEVROLET 1 1A t 12 21s 12 000 GROUP