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Illustration Catalog P&A 11A October 1976 |

1973 75 PASS STA WAG BODY LOAD FLOOR 9 PASS I 1 12 975 PANEL ASSY Folding 2nd 2 3 seat back 62 8 977 SCREW panel seat back to panel seat 2 11 620 LINK fldg 2nd 2 3 seat back otr back filler 3 N S STUD 2nd 2 3 otr link to floor 63 11 620 LINK fldg 3rd seat back front 4 N S NUT Znd 2 3 otr link to floor 64 N S NUT 3rd frr link to flr supt 5 11 381 CAP 2nd 2 3 seat link to floor 65 11 620 SUPPORT fldg 3rd seat cushion 6 8 900 BOLT 2nd seat belt to plate otr 66 8 977 SCREW 3rd seat cushion supt to frame 7 8 977 SCREW link to panel 2 3 seat back 67 15 034 GUIDE fldg 3rd seat cushion 8 11 620 COVER fldg 2nd 1 3 and 2 3 seat back lock 68 8 977 SCREW guide to frame 3rd seat cushion I 9 11 620 RETAINER fldg 2nd 2 3 seat back lock 69 11 620 SPRING 3rd seat bottom cushion asst 10 N S SCREW lock to panel 1 3 and 2 3 seat back 70 11 620 LINK fldg 3rd seat back 11 11 620 LOCK ASSY fldg 2nd1 3 seat back 71 6 977 SCREW link seat back to supt cushion 12 11 620 LOCK ASSY fldg 2nd 2 3 seat back 72 N S WASHER link seat back to supt cushion 13 11 620 HANDLE ASSY fldg 2nd 1 3 and 2 3 seat 73 N S BUSHING link seat back to supt cushion back lock 74 N S NUT link seat back front to supt 14 8 977 SCREW handle to seat back lock assy 75 N 5 WASHER nnk seg back fu to sum 15 11 620 LINK fldg 2nd 2 3 seat back inner 76 N S BUSHING llnk seat back frt tu supt 16 N S NUT 2nd 2 3 inner link to floor 77 11 620 LOCK fldg 3rd seat back 17 11 620 LINK fldg 2nd 1 3 seat back inner 78 11 620 SUPPORT 3rd seat hack on Igtdnl bar 18 8 977 SCREW link to panel 1 3 seat back 79 11 620 STRIKER fldg 8rd seat back lock 19 12 975 PANEL ASSY fldg 2nd 1 3 seat back 80 N S WASHER fldg 3rd seat back lock striker 20 12 976 PANEL ASS fldg 2nd 2 3 seat back filler 61 8 977 SCREW support 3rd seat back to Igtdnl bar 21 12 975 PANEL ASSY fldg Znd 1 3 seat back filler 82 11 620 RETAINER fldg 3rd seat back hinge pin 22 11 620 LINK fldg 2nd 1 3 seat front 83 8 977 SCREW retainer seat back hinge pin to supti 23 8 977 SCREW link to frame 1 3 seat cushion 84 N S BUSHING fldg 3rd seat back link 24 N S NUT 2nd 1 3 frt link to floor 85 N S RETAINER link to panel 3rd seat back 25 11 381 CAP 2nd 1 3 seat link to floor 86 N S SPACER fldg 3rd seat back hinge 26 N S NUT link 1 3 inner to 2 3 inner 87 11 620 BUSHING fldg 3rd seat back hinge pin 27 N S WASHER spring 1 3 and 2 3 inner link 86 11 620 BUMPER fldg 3rd seat bank panel frt 28 11 620 ROD 2nd 1 3 seat inner link torq 89 8 977 SCREW bumper to supt on Igtdnl bar 29 8 977 SCREW rod to link 1 3 seat inner 90 11 620 BUMPER fldg 3rd seat back filler panel 30 11 620 BUMPER fldg 2nd 1 3 seat cushion 91 8 977 SCREW bumper to panel 3rd seat back filler 31 8 977 SCREW bumper to frame 1 3 seat cushion 92 11 620 BUMPER fldg 3rd seat back filler 32 11 620 LINK 2nd 1 3 seat back otr lower 93 8 977 SCREW bumper seat filler to bumper 33 11 620 LINK fldg 2nd 1 3 neat back otr filler panel 34 N S NUT 2nd 1 3 outer link to floor 94 11 520 BUMPER bumper fldg 3rd seat back panel 35 8 977 SCREW link to panel back and frame cushion 95 11 620 LlNK f1dg 3rd seat back panel retainer 36 N S WASHER between link and panel 96 8 977 SCREW ret link to support and back panel 37 N S WASHER spring between link and panel 97 N S WASHER 3rd back panel retainer link 38 11 620 LATCH fldg 2nd 1 3 seat back 98 N S BUSHING 3rd seat back panel retainer link 39 11 620 FASTENER 2nd seat back covar to lock 99 12 977 HANDLE lug compt rear panel 40 11 620 STRIKER 2nd1 3 and 2 3 seet back lock 100 8 977 SCREW handle to lug compt panel 41 8 977 SCREW striker to Igtdnl bar 101 12 975 PANEL lug compt filler 42 11 620 COVER 2nd 1 3 and 2 3 sear back lock 102 8 977 SCREW fillar panel to srop lug compt striker 103 12 977 STOP lug compt rear panel 43 11 620 BUMPER 2nd1 3 and 2 3 seat back striker 104 12 977 SUPPORT lug compt cover panel hlnge 44 8 977 SCREW bumper to striker back lock 106 8 977 SCREW support to lug compt stop 45 11 620 BUMPER fldg 3rd seat back filler panel frt 106 12 981 REINFORCEMENT compt pan side filler 46 11 620 BUMPER fldg 2nd seat back filler panel 107 8 977 SCF1EW weinf to stop and rear cross bar 47 8 977 SCREW seat back panel to frame assv 108 8 977 SCREW stop to lgtonl bar 48 8 977 SCREW panel seat back filler to panel 109 12 975 PANEL lug compt seat back 110 8 977 SCREW panel to supt lug compt cover 49 12 981 FILLER c pan to spare tire cover panel R H 111 12 977 CLIP lug compt panel retainer 50 12 981 FILLER c pan longitudinal bar L H 112 8 977 SCREW clip to panel lug compt 61 8 977 SCREW filler to retainer and lgtdnl bar 113 12 977 BUMPER lug compt cover panel 52 11 620 STOP 2nd 1 3 and 2 3 seat back filler 114 8 977 SCREW bumper to rear cross bar 53 8 977 SCREW stop to support on floor 115 12 977 SUPPORT lug compt cover 54 12 977 COVER compt pan filler front support 116 12 975 HANDLE lug compt rear panel closing 55 11 620 RETAINER fldg 2nd 2 3 cushion frame 117 8 977 SCREW handle to panel lug compt 56 8 977 SCREW 2 3 cushion frame retainer to frame 118 12 977 CLIP lug compt cover support retainer 57 N S NUT 2 3 cushion frame retainer to frame 119 8 977 SCREW cover support to rear cross bar 58 12 975 PANEL ASSY fldg 3rd seat back 59 12 975 PANEL ASSY fldq 3rd seat back filler 60 11 620 CATCH fldg 3rd seat back filler panel 137 61 8 977 SCREW catch to apnel 3rd seat back filler GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 1 1A 11 25 11 000 GROUP