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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977 |
I I C CHASSIS GROUP 5 000 I CHEVROLET CHEVROLET BRAKES REAR AXLE PROPELLER SHAFT WH EELS I ALPHABETICAL INDEX I I A D I ADAPTER Tire Traction 5 885 DAMPER ASSY Propeller Shaft Damper 5 544A I ARM ASSY Rear Axle Control 444 4 4 4 5 382 DAMPER UNIT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 383 J ARM Rear Axle Control Arm 5 380 DAMPER UNIT Universal Joint 5 555 DEFLECTOR Propeller Shaft Pinion 5 545 V DISC Front and Rear Wheel Brake 5 809 DISPENSER ASSY Tire Traction 5 885 B DRUM ASSY Front and Rear Wheel Brake 5 809 BALL UNIT Universal 5 548 BEARING and CUP UNIT Universal 5 548 E BEARING ASSY Drive Pinion Rear 5 484 BEARING ASSY Drive Pinion Front 5 447 BEARING ASSY Rear Wheel 5 855 EMBLEM Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 BEARING Differential Side 5 536 EXTENSION Tire Valve 5 875 BEARING Rear Axle Shaft Bearing or Hub 5 822 BEARING Universal Joint Yoke Trunnion 5 566 BOLT Brake Shoe Anchor Pin 5 056 BOLT Differential Carrier Cap 5 506 F V BOLT Flange Plate 5 002 I BOLT Hub or Drum Front and Rear Wheel 5 8lZ BOLT Propeller Shah Damper 5 544A FLANGE Propeller Shaft Plnion 5 545 BOLT Rear Axle U Joint 5 428 BOLT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 383 BOLT Rear Axle Tie Rod 5 418 BOLT Ring Gear 5 531 G BOLT U oint Trunnion and Yoke 5 585 BRACKET Brake Flange Front 5 001 BRACKET Rear Axle Control Arm 5 380 GASKET Axle Filler and Drain 5 400 BRACKET Rear Axle Tie Rod 5 418 GASKET Axle Housing to Differential Carrier 1 BRACKET Rear Axle 5 395 paper 5 508 BUMPER Rear Axle 5 395 GASKET Axle Housing Cover Cork 5 399 BUSHING ASSY Rear Axle Control Arm 5 381 GASKET Axle Housing Flange 5 819 1 BUSHING ASSY Rear Axle 5 417 GASKET Flange Plate 5 002 BUSHING UNIT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 380 GEAR ASSEM LY Ring and Pinion not sold I separately L 5 529 i GEAR Differential Pinion 5 525 GEAR Differential Side 5 528 I C GEAR UNIT Differential Side wlth Pinion 5 527 Q GREASE CAP Wheel 5 858 i GUIDE Differential Clutch Positraction 5 511 CABLE ASSY Rear Axle Lateral Movement I Stop 5 410 I CAGE Differential Clutch Posltraction 5 51l I CAP Tire Valve 5 875 H I CASE Differential and Planet 5 510 I CLAMP Rear Axle Control Arm 5 383 CLAMP Rear Axle 5 638 HARNESS ASSY Tire Traction 5 885 I CLIP Brake Shoe Anchor Pin 5 056 HOSE Tire Traction 5 885 I CLIP Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 HOUSING Rear Axle 5 387 I CLUTCH UNIT Differential Clutch HUB CAP Wheel 5 858 1 Positractiorg 5 511 HUB Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 CONTAINER AS Y Tire Traction 5 885 COVER Axle Housing with Flller Plug 5 398 I COVER Brake Adjusting Hole 5 117 I COVER Wheel 5 858 I CUP Differential Clutch Positractlon 5 511 I CUSHION Rear Axle 5 395 I I INFLATER ASSV 5 880 I i INSERT Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 1 INSULATOR UNIT Brake Shoe 5 018 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET l1 E 5 A I moex I I I r