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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977
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ENGINE SERIES NUMBER AND SUFFIX CHART Cont Tm Tm Ikunptlon lkigurlon Ihsorlpllon Davignarion 327 I CYLINDER Manual Trans 44 4 HA 4 Speed Trans 4 4 4 4 KE A R II I4 4 II HB 3 Spaed Automatic Trans 4 KL Pcmerglide 4 4 HC 3 Speed Automatic Trans and A R KM AIR and Powergllde HF 396 CYLINDER Manual Trans II I I IA 3 5pe2d Automatic Trans IV A I R 4 IB A l R and Piwmrglida 4 IC Pwlorglids I II I IG A l R and 3 Speed Automatic Trans I IN 427 I CYLINDER Manual Trans I IE IH AIR I lt IX Special Hlgh Psrlormanca ID Special High Parlnrmance and AIR IK 3 Speed Automatic Trans II II IS A l R and 3 Speed Automatic Trans IF I0 CHEVELLE 230 6 CYLINDER Manual Trans I CA A l R and Air Cond I II E0 H D Clutch II I BIZ Prmerglide CC H I Clutch and Air Cond BB Pvnerglide and Alr CI d CD Air Cond i i i 4 CB Powargllde and AIR i i Bl A I R BN Powarglioe AIR and Alr cond i BM 250 6 CYLINDER Manual Trans CM Pvnerglide i4 CQ Air Cond CN Pwerglida and Alr Cond CR AIR 00 Pwergllde and AIR CS ALR and Alr Cond CP Pouergllde AIR and Alr Cond CT 2 3 8 CYLINDER Y Manual Trans DA 4 SpeuI Trans and A I R IIK 4 peeII Trans IIB H D Clutch DN A R DI Pdwergllde X DE Powergllda and ALR DJ 27 CYLINDH ABC EA Special High Parrormance and H D Clutch ES special Itlgh Ponormanoe EP H o Clutch Eq AIR EB Pnwenglldo EE Special Hlgh Perlormance and AIR ER Pvuergllde and A l R EC 396 8 CYLINDER Manual and Pvnrgllda Trans ED Pooergllde and A l R EM Hlgh Perlormancn EF High Parlormance Pwisrgllde and ALR ni Special Hlgh Performance EG 3 Spud Auivmatlc Trans EI AIR EH High Pnrlormnnce and 3 Speed Automatic Trans EU Itlgh Performance and A l R E1 3 Speed Automatic Trans and A R EV Powergllda EK Hlgh Perlormanu 3 Sn e Automatic Trans ana AIR EW High Porlormanco and Pomrgllda EL Spaclal Hlgh Perlarmanoe and AIR EX GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CI IEVROLET 11 1 i zu REV 10 78