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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977
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ENGINE SERIES NUMBER AND SUFFIX CHART Cont Typ Type Dmrlption Duignutlon Deseriylion Iksignnlion CHEVY II I 3 4 CYLINDER Manual Trans 4 4 I OA Pdwerglide I I I OH lt l7 Clutch I I OC l94 6 CYLINDER Manual Trans I OK Pwwerglide OR H D Clutch I OM Powargllde and A I R 4 4 ZX A l R 4 ZY Taxi with Powerglide and A l R OS IJD 6 CYLINDER Manual Trans I I PV Pdwerqlide PX A I R PC Poworglide and A l R 4 PI 2B3 B CYLINDER Manual Trans I PD Powerglide and A l R 4 PU Air Cnnd 4 PF Pcwerglide Alr Cund and A l R 44 rr PO 4 Speed Trans 4 Pl ABC 4 4 4 4 4 OA 4 Speed Trans and Air Cond PM ABC and Air Cond DB A I R r I PE ABC and A I R QC A I R and Alr Cond 4 PG 4BC Air Cond and A l R 44 QF 4 Speed Trans and A R 4 PQ ABC and Powerqllde PK 4 Speed Trans Air Cond and A I R PS 4BC Powerglids and Air Cond PP Powerglidz PN 4BC Powerglide and A l R QD Powerglide and Air Cond PP ABC Powerglide Air Cond and A I R QE 327 8 CYLINDER Manual Trans ZA Spec Hlgh Perlorinance and A I R ZG Spec Hlqh Performance ZI Spec High Porlormance Air Cond and A I R ZH Air Cond ZE Pwlerqlide ZK Spec High Perlormance and Air Cond ZJ Powerqllde and Alr Cond V ZM A I R V ZB Powerglide and A l R ZD Air Cond and A I R ZC Powsrgllde Air Cond and Air ZF 1967 CHEVROLET 250 6 CYLINDER Manual Trans FA Taxi with Powergllde FP H D Clutch FE Psmergllde and C A C FR H D Clutch ann C A C FF A R and C A C FV A R FV laxil with A I R FZ Taxi FK A I R and Pwerglide GP C A C FL A l R C A C and Pwergllde GQ Powerqlide FM Iaxll with A l R and Fowergllde GR 1I3 8 CYLINDR Manual Trans GA H D Cluhth GU 4 Speed Trans and H D Chassis GC Pwlerqlids GF A l R GK A l R and Pouergliue co GT A l R and 4 Speed Trans GS GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET l1 1 REV 10 76 as