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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977
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ENGINE SERIES NUMBER AND SUFFIX CHART Cont ZI17 8 CYLINDH Typn Iypa Dzscripiion Iksignullcn Iluuiption Il slgnulicn Manual Trans HA Pwierglide 4 4 HC A R 4 HB A l R with Powerglide r HF 39 8 CYLINDER I Manual Trans 4 4 IA 3 Speed Aulomaiic Trans 4 4 IV A l R 4 4 4 IB A I R with Pwierqlide IC Powerglide 4 IG A I R and 3 Spesd Aulomaiit Trans IN 427 B CYLINDER Manual Trans 4 4 4 IH A R 4 4 4 Il Special High Porlorinance 4l ID High Performance wiih A I R and 3 Speed Aulomallc Trans ll 3 Speed Aummaiic Trans 44 10 CHEVELLE I94 6 CYLINDER Manual Trans AA Air Cond and A R 4 AT H D C u ch 4 4 4 AC Powergllde 444 AL H D Clulch and Alr Cond 4 AH Poworglide and Air Cond AR Air Cond AG Pcwzrglide and A I R AX A R AS Powerglldo Alr Cond and A I R AY 230 6 CYLINDER Manual Trans CA Pwlerglide CC Air Cond CB Pcmerglide and Alr Cond Z CD A I R BN Powerqllde and A l R BL Alr Cond and A l R B0 Powerglids Air Cond and A l R BM 2 3 8 CYLINDER Manual Trans DA Pmwlerqlide and A R V DJ 4 Speed Trans DB 4 Speed Trans and A R DK IBC DG ABC and A I R DL ABC and Pwlsrglldo DH ABC Powerqlide and A l R DM A I R DI Powerglids DF 327 I CYLINDER Manual Trans EA Powerqllde EE A R EB Powerglide and A I R EC 396 l CYLINDER Manual Trans ED Pvwerglida EK High Perlormance EF High Psrlormanca and Pnwcrgllds EL Special High Performance EG Powergllde and A l R EM A I R EH High Perlormancz Powerqiide and A I R EN High Perlurmancs and A I R E1 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS COITPORATlON CHEVROLET 11 32 REV 10 76